When I see the changes in the new patch (mostly the Katjusha change) I am wondering more than ever why Relic isn't able to do a balancing without creating more problems than before.
I see it all the time:
Unit X is some kind of underpowered for, let's say, three months and almost no one builds it because it is not viable.
Sure it's a good thought then to buff the thing to make it more appealing to use.
Usually it would be like this.
(Before the flaming starts: I know that 100 DPS is not low

Before: Unit X has 100 Damage per Second (very low, no one plays it)
After: Unit X has 115 Damage per Second
IF unit X will be played more often after the patch then everything is fine.
If not it's time to think about buffing Unit X for about 10 DPS more (125) or maybe lowering it's costs a LITTLE BIT (maybe from 100 Fuel to 90).
Repeat these tasks every two or three weeks until the unit is balanced.
IF unit X becomes SLIGHTLY overperforming after a patch then the next patch has to fix that again. (For example from 150 DPS to 130)
So can someone tell me why Relic does not do these small changes in their act of balancing?
All I see is balancing patches every two months with major changes most of the time.
Best example the katjusha.
Why not slowly increasing it's performance until it is played by a decent amount of players?
Why do they DOUBLE it's damage in ONE SINGLE PATCH making it a unit that every Axis player will be facing EVERY GAME?
I suppose with the next big patch, Katjusha and Stuka zu Fuß will be nerfed to death again.
Back then with ISU it took for about three months.
Let's see how long we have to wait for now.