Several mounth ago i created thread about situation with bulletins. And one of highlighted issues was inconsistency of used symbol and even units on icons.
Issue number one - visual language
As you know, enery bulletin has one or several symbols for fast recognise the affect. I believe it was ok in the beginning, but then a lot of disparities appeared. I will not list them all, just give some of them.
Example 1 - dispatch
Both bulletins reduce the time between dispatch. Earlier bulletins using right symbol, later bulletins using left symbol. Also, left symbol used for ability recharge bulleting, and reload bulletins.
Example 2 - reload
for some reason, you can face three different symbols for reload bulletins. Lightning symbol also used for reduced cooldown. Second one also used for increased rotation rate. Third one was mentioned in example number one.
It can be fixed, just need to make some symbols system to avoid overlapping between different effects.
The other issue - incorrect unit on the bulletin's icon. Some people can be confused by large number of M-42 bulletins, and 0 bulletins (according to image on icon) for ZiS-3.
Also, there is no order by affected units, so you need to lurk bulletins for one unit in the chaos. It can be fixed with some manipulations with bulletins name. i've made it in russian numerical veterancy mod, and it looks really good!
I was thinking to adjust these icons, but faced a reality, that to much work should be done. And here is my question - is it interesting to the community to adjust icons for bulletins and bring them to some common standart?
Or maybe you have some ideas about that, except major bulletins revamp of course, it is prerogative of Relic and balance team, not me

Example what i am talking about
Current Partisans bulletin icons
How they can be