Hello everyone, and welcome to Task Force Bravo
TFB is one of the largest currently active Company of heroes 2 Clans within the community.
While our focus over the last few years has primarily been casual and enjoyable play, we've recently begun a big drive into the competitive scene working alongside Relic to host tournaments and creating a competitive subgroup within the community.
In short we're looking for (and happy to accommodate!) players with a wide variety of experience and skill, whether that be brand new and looking to learn, or seasoned professional and looking to find a group to climb the ladders with!
Clan rules will be available at the bottom of the post.
If no one comes to immediately, poke a member of the COH2 community and explain you're new, they'll sort you out with a game!
IF NO ONE'S PRESENT, then feel free to add me on steam and I'll sort everyone out with a rank and get you in some games! STEAM PROFILE: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042156042/
Rules: *expanded in teamspeak*
The following rules apply to all users of TBF services including but not limited to the teamspeak server, steam group and discord.
1) No bigotry of any kind We will not tolerate displays racism, sexism, homophobia or other displays of intolerance. Tongue in cheek jokes and being a bit naughty in jest is one thing but we won't accept any elements of hate here. If you want to get up on your soap box and preach why you hate one group or another then seriously, get lost we don't need nor want you here.
2) No Doxxing Do not post any real life information pertaining to any other user of the TFB service. You are also advised to be careful when sharing your own personal details.
3) No Trolling Actions such as playing music down the MIC, hot MIC'ing with an obnoxious background, spamming messages or pokes. Basically anything that is overtly annoying for no purpose other than being annoying isn't something we'll put up with.
4) Commander Lights If you see someone in a teamspeak channel with a yellow/orange light (AKA Commander Light) Then do not join the channel. If you wish to join, poke or message the commander once and request permission.
TFB members of any rank will also be held to the following rules.
A) Age Requirements: You must be 16 to join TFB as an enlisted member and can rank up until a maximum of Sergeant Major. Commissioned members must be 18+ to reach the rank of Second Lieutenant or greater. Side note; if you are a current member or officer and accidently slipped through this net don't panic. It is unlikely we will be removing any exising personel who are underage but we will be more precise in future vetting of members and officers
B) STEAM Group. TFB Members are expected to join the steam group. Guests & Civillians are also welcome to join the group.
C) No Moonlighting As a TFB member you are expected to represent TFB's interests in games. Playing with other groups or communities within games TFB supports isn't something we'll accept from members. If you wish to play with multiple communities then you are welcome to do so as a civilian on TFB services and not as part of our enlisted personnel.
D) Be active We expect our members to play the games we support, real life must always come first but we have no need of people who do not show up for days and weeks on end.
E) Use Teamspeak TFB members are expected to be active and present on teamspeak when playing games we support.