I think Fortifications doctrine on OKW does not fit their theme. OKM seems to be aggresive and good at spec ops and breakthroughs. The elite of german forces yet not the most conventional.

I know many OKW will not like to hear this, but fortifications its kind of OP in some aspects. Battlegroup Headquarters and LeFH18 synegise too well and becomes really annoying. In many 4v4 games that guy who plays fortifications just sit there and just waits to win, in 1v1 is a risky choice but its an option. IMO that fact breaks both, the faction design and balance since any buff to tanks/troops will make things easier to defend that setup. Maybe someone will argue that fortifications doctrine "its mostly to counter" other arty heavy commanders. If that is the case I consider there are better options with more fidelity to the faction aggresive design.
Other strange thing with fortifications is the field defense ability, I know, its useful as it is. But its a copy/paste of OST bunkers and mines, Its like making OKW half like OST. Again it breaks the faction design, the balance (since bunkers are great to hold ground for 0 Pcap). Need a reinforce point? you already got one. Need a blob control?, Mg34.
Maybe changing the aspect of "fortification" to an "ambush" or a "coordinated assault" design might be the first step. For example:
LeIG new abilities, ie LeIG now can camoflage to make them elusive as raketen.
A new mine type could be coded into the game, ie "Glasmine 43" this mines cant be detected with minesweepers, they are small so only affect infantry, additionaly they could cause some dot (as a bleeding effect) on the soldiers affected.
Maybe give sturmpios the ability to cloak on cover with an camoflage upgrade, an "ambush package" upgrade.
Or else take some other commander abilities like "For the Fatherland", "Signal Relay" or "Artillery Flares" to enhance the defensive or map awareness aspect.
Maybe a drastical one would be remove MG 34 as a non-doc from T1 unit and give it only to this doctrine only, but flack HT would need a suppression bonus after that.
Yet I just dont have the best answer of this one.
What I expect achieving here is:
*Keep factions design original and balanced.
*Help further balance changes removing possible exploits or strange synergies out of the game.
*A possible revamp to this doctrine and maybe OKW after that (?
*Tradeoff a defensive commander for better offensive strategies for OKW.
*Get feedback on this doctrine, whats good/strong/bad of it.
*Backtrack the tendency of mirroring factions because of lack of good ideas.
PS: I noticed I messed up the title of the thread "docrtine" haha my bad