(6) Oka River Frontline (v1)
This map favors the north a little. The main problem is the river. Most of the fighting takes place on the west side of the map in a 2v2 format. North has to cross the river to get to the west. South does not. There is no cover on the river and late game it can become impassable. There were also a couple garrisons that over looked the river so south could put MGs and North is pinned in their base.
1. Moved the south munition to the east side of the map. Now there are equal resources on each side of the river. Two VPs remain on the west.

2. Moved the right VP garrisons so that building A contest building 1. Building B contests building 2. The sheds have one door (BLUE line) and sight blockers so North/South attacks are negated (not possible).

3. The middle VP is closer to the south. It was moved as much as possible to get it balanced with the terrain. The South also had better access to the area from the road. The road was also a dead zone of red cover. Going on the road was treacherous at best. It was also annoying trying to move back and forth from the west to middle VP. So a hole(BLUE) was added to the cemetary at the middle building. This allows the the road to be used more for flanking and to quickly gain access to the new shed position. Sight blocker hide the shed from the west buildings.

4. Building 1 was moved away from the left VP so that it mirrored building 2 better for coverage. Several new opening were made so you can play the game and not try to solve a maze puzzle

The minimap in the unpacked files was bizarre so that was punched up as well.