Langreskaya, after the competitive tourney maps, I think it is probably one of the most balanced, so I think tweaking some things would make it better. Here are some examples.
Some people uploaded replays of how easily is to get the northern base pinned down because you can get units behind the stone walls that provide heavy cover, the bunkers dont fill a gap between the middle of them and also the red cover road makes it more difficult to get out of the base. I think making the bush walls longer and adding new ones where its marked with green, removing the stone walls, making the gap on the left base exit wider and moving the bunkers to fill all the gaps should fix this.

Removing the red cover roads outside the base exits should help to improve gameplay for northern player when its cornered into the base

Quoting @Whiteflash, I couldnt say it better.
"After much testing in the COH2 maps, I have reached the conclusion that there is no benefit to adding any elevation changes in any map created in COH2. Reason being is that the disruption of expected and reasonable gameplay under conditions where one unit fires up at another unit does not work. Rounds rarely connect and it is only a frustrating experience. COH1 did a fair job at allowing rounds to connect up hills and units to engage each other at different elevations (at times looking funky). Unless all competitive maps are going to be made perfectly flat this element of gameplay will need to be considered to flesh out the possibilities of combat and map design in COH3."
I recommend to flat these elevations to improve gameplay and avoid shots colliding with the terrain.
Northern cutoff is easier to capture than the southern one, and its always a pain for the northern player to get it back, I think moving the point a little bit to the north and removing the green cover marked with red, will help to fix this.

Same as the previous one, fix elevation to improve gameplay

Sometimes when the northern player gets to this point and makes use of these 2 heavy cover entities there, its really difficult for the southern player to make plays around that zone, plus there is a red cover between the base and the green cover so its even more difficult to get there, so making some gaps in the bush walls will create new flanking paths and will help to break the northern defense.

Removing the red cover from this area outside the base will improve gameplay for the southern player, also it will prevent chasing vehicles from getting squad wipes because they were on the red cover road.

Since there are no heavy cover sources on the other fuel point, I would like to this one to be removed, since it makes more difficult for the northern player to recover the fuel

Adding paths here will create more flanking routes, I think that will help to break that stalemate that langres always had.

So, I think all of those were the most easy ways to improve the game, I will add some others that Im not really sure how to fix/improve them or dont know at all and I will like to hear ideas
This one, I think its the most difficult one, because its really unfair for the southern player having to cross a red cover road to get to the middle vp but not for the northern player. However, the south side is the dominant one in this map most of the times.

That point almost never gets contested because its too far for the southern player and really close to the enemy base. I dont really know how to fix this but here are some proposals: move the point more to the south, move the bush walls closer to the base and move the wooden planks to the left to improve pathing.

These points get contested more often, but I feel like they could be closer to the battlefield, the area marked with green never gets to see action, I dont know how to change that but something could be done.

Happens the same with the area marked in black, that point could be moved a little bit to the left so maybe it gets to see more action

I dont know why but that area feels really messy when you start capping it at the start of the game

Well, I think thats all with Langreskaya, I will add more if I think of something else