Not sure why we mess around with maps in the middle of the qualifaction series. Lots of them seem counter intuitive aswell.
This approach of running to fix maps before a tournament is a less than ideal approach. Your rolling the dice when you rush map development like this before a major tournament. I've warned people about this and I've dealt with this type of situation during the SNF COH1 days.
Reasons this might not be ok:
1. Not enough time to properly test maps
2. Not enough forum debate among experts to hammer out details
3. Not enough time for mappers to filter bias from debate and hone in on features that really need changing
4. A major tournament is about to happen so people will need to adjust on the fly to changes
5. Some of these changes are
not minor.
6. Is this ok w the tournament organizer? or are we stepping hard on toes?
Reasons this might be ok:
1. Most, but not all, changes are smallish.
2. Depending on which mappers made the changes I'm confident they understood the implications of each change.
3. Tournament players are likely to adjust to the changes as needed, although not guaranteed and
there is no way to measure this.
There is a reason Crossroads is statistically the most balanced 1v1 map.
There is a reason Alliance of Defiance was the most popular map of the new 2v2 maps.
The reason is thoroughness and you cant be thorough when your rushing changes and assuming they are ok after a handful of people test them. And which mapper made the changes?? I have confidence that the people who did test are competent. The only one i know of is hoolagin but I'm sure there are more. If they are all as competent as Hoolagin we are likely ok.
I dont agree with this approach taken, where are the threads for the new development on each map (could be wrong? show me?)? Which head mapper was running the show to ensure quality control? Which mappers made the changes in the first place? Were any of these changes debated so a spectrum of experts could weigh in and debate among themselves while the map author examined them (this is critical)? Did the mapper get to watch replays or spectate the experts games to analyze the game as it happens? (this is one of the best way to gather map data).
I know I wasn't told what the experts thought of the Crossroads changes
after they were made. I have almost no data to go on. I talked to some people (thanks all who gave me data beforehand) before I made changes based on what I thought would benefit the map most and based on my experience. I assumed there would be threads made for all the maps being changed or people would tell me what they thought of the changes, didn't hear a thing. Is this the thread? All the maps together thread? How much time do we have if some giant bug pops up in a map?
Also, because this is in the GCS2 discussion thread I assume A_E is okay with all of this? I certainly hope so because organizing and running tournaments is as hard if not harder than anything else done as far as COH content goes and if we are stepping on his toes and not helping him something needs to change.
Did Relic ask to change all these maps before the tournament?
Bottom line if the mappers were on their game the maps should be more or less ok.
I don't mean to bother anyone here but there is a process to making and maintaining great ladder maps, and this isn't it.
I love you all

but that had to be said, and sorry if i sound like prick just trying to help and get the best possible result.