
russian armor

So What Exactly Does UKF Do Now?

27 May 2018, 16:53 PM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

Are there any viable 1v1 strategies left for UKF? To me it seems like UKF was relying on a few excessively powerful units and now that SBP's brought them in line with everything else it's seems to struggle everywhere I see it. It's got no snares, no practical indirect fire and it hasn't really got any shock units any more now either. Without its crutch units it's fallen flat on its face.

Are there any new strategies that work for UKF or is this faction dead outside of teamgames for the time being?
28 May 2018, 05:12 AM
avatar of HoverBacon

Posts: 220

Sounds about right, I still play them and enjoy them but only in team games. So I don't really know about 1v1. It still relies on crutch units, they haven't gone, they're just different.

Things I can suggest for 1v1s though? Royal engineers is probably the best regiment, the new sapper flame throwers are great and give you much needed building clearance, and the 10 inch incendiary is very effective, quite cheap indirect fire and the avre is great now that it has a hold fire mode and crew repairs are just nice. 90 muni to put 2 brens on infantry is ridiculously good too.

Mobile assault is apparently really good too though.

I agree, commandos are pretty useless. Or rather, not that they're useless, I just think they are eclipsed by sappers which have far more versatility and are basically disposable because of how cheap they are, they kill stuff very quickly and it just doesn't matter if you lose men because you will always trade out better. People still use commandos as a vehicle for gammon bombs but I don't know why personally, default british grenades are so good, cheaper and have no minimum range. Centaur got nerfed but it's still good, issue is just the cromwell got a price decrease sooo...

This is more relevant for team games but could transfer over I guess...
CHURCHILLS ARE THE GREATEST BATTLE IMPLEMENT EVER DEVISED! Slaughters infantry, can toe to toe panthers, especially since panthers got an armour nerf and have good vet so scale well. The gun is good despite what people say, it clubs the living daylights out of mediums and will pen panthers fine, if not, get a 6pdr as backup and it's gg, if it gets into trouble it can reverse through it's own smoke at max speed now too so it just doesn't die.

Brits definitely need a snare, they didn't used to need one because they had by far the best AT in the game. The comet was just a better panther, fireflies had a burst damage of like 500HP and could temp snare, the AEC was a puma, the 6pdr was and still is disgusting, emplacements couldn't be countered and piats could kill a KT in like 5 direct hits.

All of that is gone now so now you have a faction with average/mediocre AT but without snares. You really need to use mines at the moment, people have been avoiding the mortar pit right now but use it to place smoke so you can mine the smoke.

Imo, they should either make gammon bombs sticky like satchels and snare, or give sappers No. 74 sticky grenades that snare.
28 May 2018, 16:45 PM
avatar of nhiscool

Posts: 117

3 infantry section, bren carrier, mg start
Try to pin or hold a fuel point.

Sniper play seems extremely important now, to start the manpower bleed pre bren guns. This way you can get the AT guns without feeling bad.

If you don't like this strat, you're stuck with tank hunter infantry and AEC. Which is nice for the smoke.

14 Jun 2018, 14:53 PM
avatar of roll0

Posts: 64

Permanently Banned
wait till next patch in the vain hope comet/brens/mortar/Universal carrier gets some sort of buff to help UKF. Trying to deal with MG42's placed right is cancer, people say WASP early but that dies from magic bullets or 222 in seconds

They are very weak now

15 Jun 2018, 02:36 AM
avatar of HoverBacon

Posts: 220

Bren is ok, especially as it only costs 45 muni, and I still use the UC every game anyway and the mortar pit I would say needs a revamp instead. It's OP unless they counter it in which case it's unusable.

Comet definitely need a buff, it either needs to go back to being a rival to the panther, or at least needs a lot more penetration. Not being able to pen panthers frontally makes it just a very expensive cromwell with worse anti infantry cos everything can go through the back of a panther anyway. I'd rather the comet become a british version of the Jackson personally though, as anything else it just becomes a worse firefly. It doesn't really need anti infantry, if I want that I'll go churchills. Although churchills already pen KTs through the front just as often as they pen it right now which is really funny.

I also think Infantry sections should be reverted to what they were before because despite the moving and out of cover buff, they still lose to everything else when out of cover and now without the buff they lose to everything in cover as well unless they have brens or you have multiple squads. As without OP Brens, their firing from cover accuracy shouldn't be an issue anymore.
15 Jun 2018, 05:11 AM
avatar of SturmTigerVorgo

Posts: 307

As an avid brit player myself i just quit brits for now..it's impossible to win. I play WM because they are OP.
15 Jun 2018, 11:02 AM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

Sounds about right, I still play them and enjoy them but only in team games. So I don't really know about 1v1. It still relies on crutch units, they haven't gone, they're just different.

Things I can suggest for 1v1s though? Royal engineers is probably the best regiment, the new sapper flame throwers are great and give you much needed building clearance, and the 10 inch incendiary is very effective, quite cheap indirect fire and the avre is great now that it has a hold fire mode and crew repairs are just nice. 90 muni to put 2 brens on infantry is ridiculously good too.

Mobile assault is apparently really good too though.

I agree, commandos are pretty useless. Or rather, not that they're useless, I just think they are eclipsed by sappers which have far more versatility and are basically disposable because of how cheap they are, they kill stuff very quickly and it just doesn't matter if you lose men because you will always trade out better. People still use commandos as a vehicle for gammon bombs but I don't know why personally, default british grenades are so good, cheaper and have no minimum range. Centaur got nerfed but it's still good, issue is just the cromwell got a price decrease sooo...

This is more relevant for team games but could transfer over I guess...
CHURCHILLS ARE THE GREATEST BATTLE IMPLEMENT EVER DEVISED! Slaughters infantry, can toe to toe panthers, especially since panthers got an armour nerf and have good vet so scale well. The gun is good despite what people say, it clubs the living daylights out of mediums and will pen panthers fine, if not, get a 6pdr as backup and it's gg, if it gets into trouble it can reverse through it's own smoke at max speed now too so it just doesn't die.

Brits definitely need a snare, they didn't used to need one because they had by far the best AT in the game. The comet was just a better panther, fireflies had a burst damage of like 500HP and could temp snare, the AEC was a puma, the 6pdr was and still is disgusting, emplacements couldn't be countered and piats could kill a KT in like 5 direct hits.

All of that is gone now so now you have a faction with average/mediocre AT but without snares. You really need to use mines at the moment, people have been avoiding the mortar pit right now but use it to place smoke so you can mine the smoke.

Imo, they should either make gammon bombs sticky like satchels and snare, or give sappers No. 74 sticky grenades that snare.

I don´t get the commando and sapper comparison. One is elite infantry, the other is basically a poor mans Sturmpio. They don´t share the same roles at all.

Churchills are good but not the OP monsters you claim them to be. They are just balanced IMO. The reason they shine is probably because neither Comet, nor Firefly or Cromwell are very convincing.

90 muni for double brens isn´t insanely good either because the brens recieved nerfs in the last patch. So yeah their value/money is the same while infantry sections now can´t scale as well as before.

Agree about the AT issues.
15 Jun 2018, 11:08 AM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

Although churchills already pen KTs through the front just as often as they pen it right now which is really funny.

Are we playing the same game?

Churchill penetration stats are: 105-120-135

KT has frontal armor of 375. So the chances to pen that are between 28-36%.

Meanwhile Comet has 210-190-170 pen. Which means it pens a KT frontally between 45-56%.
15 Jun 2018, 11:20 AM
avatar of mondeogaming1

Posts: 464

Are we playing the same game?

Churchill penetration stats are: 105-120-135

KT has frontal armor of 375. So the chances to pen that are between 28-36%.

Meanwhile Comet has 210-190-170 pen. Which means it pens a KT frontally between 45-56%.
btw E8 pen is 200/165/155 chances vs panther? short/ mid /long?
15 Jun 2018, 11:30 AM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

76,9% near

63,4% mid

59.6% long

To calculate this just Armor divided by penetration.

If penetration value is above armor value it always pens.

16 Jun 2018, 10:42 AM
avatar of TheGentlemenTroll

Posts: 1044 | Subs: 1

Churchills are ridiculously strong but are more practical in team games. You can get double bren pretty quick now which is still pretty solid.

A vetted vickers is pretty hit or miss. Sometimes it feels really good and other times it feels mediocre.
19 Jun 2018, 04:51 AM
avatar of HoverBacon

Posts: 220

Are we playing the same game?

Churchill penetration stats are: 105-120-135

KT has frontal armor of 375. So the chances to pen that are between 28-36%.

Meanwhile Comet has 210-190-170 pen. Which means it pens a KT frontally between 45-56%.

*Shrugs* 28%-36% is pretty damn good considering how many shots you fire during that duel, With a bit of support, the churchill does really well against the King Tiger right now.

Also Ignore what I said about commandos, I've been using commando reg recently and given good ambush timing etc you can really bleed people hard, that plus demo charges hidden behind corners and the bombing run win button you can really deal with, especially turtley, axis players well. Sneaking commandos with a single piat in to kill rocket artillery and demo charge LefHs works really well too. Commando regiment with a full amount of munitions caches and you can absolutely flatten people.
19 Jun 2018, 08:25 AM
avatar of CombatWombat

Posts: 98

I've stopped playing as UKF, as sad as that may be. Instead moved on to playing soviet due to their more diverse unit roster and better options for countering the axis meta.
10 Aug 2018, 12:55 PM
avatar of Kanjejou

Posts: 54

Universale carrier are very good as flammer and quite meh with viker.

I think UC +1 tommie+ 1 royal maybe a aniper or viker depending on the map +antoher tommie/6pdr.

Except if RNG fuck with you your boys should win thx to sand bags.
the hard part will be the mid game because german will probably use indirect fire to counter the sanbags + a 222 which isnt too much of a threat for brits thanks to having cover everywhere, but can still bleed you becasue you lack snare.

Well brits seem to suffer from teching even slower than German and having less interesting unit choices early but have better infantery all around and once upgraded melt stuff and an excellent ATG with sprint.

Still think they need something to see the light of day out of team matches,where they can concentrate their infantery to gain early game dominance and thus suffer less.
26 Aug 2018, 09:55 AM
avatar of Euan

Posts: 177

Sorry for the necro, but any new ideas on this perplexing question?

I haven't played Brits much in this patch but resolved to give them another try. Result is I lost every single game I played (until automatch itself felt sorry for me and matched me against a rank 900 player).

How to 1v1?

The good
Bren carrier and AEC
Sniper against OKW (but 40/60 dice roll to immediately win/lose the game against Wehr)
Commandos are great if well-microed
Centaur still good, but only if you have 2 AT guns and somehow didn't lose them to indirect
Mid / late-game doctrinal artys are good

The bad
Mortar pit is a 350 MP suicide unit in 1v1, so no smoke or indirect 4u
Tommies are now Grens (but without mortar, flamer, mg42 support)
AT guns can't hit anything anymore
PIAT can't pen anymore
Sniper can't snare anymore
Firefly is most expensive and worst TD
Comet/Churchill pointless

The ugly
"Valentine" late-game AEC, Suxton extra useless base howitzer, Crocodile suicide tank, 8-man single use 420MP recovery engineers, 3-man infiltration suicide commandos, weapon unlock HT that doesn't unlock weapons... :banana:

Is there something I'm missing? Especially, how to counter anyone who builds a mortar or LeIG? Or more generally, any semi-competent Wehr defense, without waiting for Party Cover (by which time you're already trying to beat a Tiger I or II with a bunch of Cromwells and some mines)?
26 Aug 2018, 19:22 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

Commandos are honestly the best thing hands down that brits have going for them. They aren’t ordinary infantry and can’t be used as such because they have relatively large RA compared to other elite infantry and are expensive, but if you make good use of the camouflage bonuses you can easily beat or wipe squads without even losing men and then fade back into the fog of war. They’re the only reason I still play brits at all and they’re a ton of fun if used right.

The t0 units also work very well together and can do a lot of damage without actually taking much if used correctly and carefully (which makes it easier to make more commandos later).

One of the biggest problems I see is that brits can’t counter indirect effectively in 1v1s and kind of just have to cry and get shelled the entire time.
26 Aug 2018, 20:17 PM
avatar of Jae For Jett
Senior Strategist Badge

Posts: 1002 | Subs: 2

Commandos are honestly the best thing hands down that brits have going for them. They aren’t ordinary infantry and can’t be used as such because they have relatively large RA compared to other elite infantry and are expensive, but if you make good use of the camouflage bonuses you can easily beat or wipe squads without even losing men and then fade back into the fog of war. They’re the only reason I still play brits at all and they’re a ton of fun if used right.

Commandos actually have EXTREMELY good RA. I'm pretty sure the only infantry that has a better base RA than them is obers, and theyre 4 men. Commandos do have really bad RA bonuses with vet, but with how good their base RA is, they still hold up pretty well compared to other max vet infantry.
27 Aug 2018, 05:37 AM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

Commandos actually have EXTREMELY good RA. I'm pretty sure the only infantry that has a better base RA than them is obers, and theyre 4 men. Commandos do have really bad RA bonuses with vet, but with how good their base RA is, they still hold up pretty well compared to other max vet infantry.

Right, I meant their bonuses. Don’t they have like a .8 something base RA? Then they only get like 10% less with vet or something like that but that’s still not bad as long as you use camo and everything. My point was (or was and should have been more clearly articulated) that they can be kind of manpower draining if you use them like standard cqc units since they’re fairly expensive and don’t get the greatest max level RA (not that you were arguing otherwise though).

It’s a waste not to be taking advantage of that great ambush bonus they get too XD Favorite infantry unit hands down.
27 Aug 2018, 08:31 AM
avatar of Jae For Jett
Senior Strategist Badge

Posts: 1002 | Subs: 2

Right, I meant their bonuses. Don’t they have like a .8 something base RA?

.72 RA. Kind of an odd number, but not unwarranted either. Shocks get armor, and rangers/paras get insane DPS, so commandos get good base RA and camo.

If you don't mind, I'm curious about what you specifically like about them or what you like about their style. Is it the camo (sniper camo as opposed to falls/gren-upgrade stationary camo)? Gammon from camo? Ambush from camo (they don't get ambush bonuses until vet 2 IIRC)? Do you think them being 5 man now really helped in their role? What is it that you find satisfying about them, and whats the main thing that makes you want to use them.
27 Aug 2018, 08:38 AM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

Weren't they always 5-man apart from the Infiltration Commandos?
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