
russian armor

What is the advantage of wermacht faction?

27 May 2018, 08:49 AM
avatar of Blue Magic

Posts: 8

Hi, new player here.
While playing with various factions i noticed that
- the us has everything built already PLUS while teching up you get more infantry.
- the OKW has those awesome trucks that you can call in whenever you want while the sturmpioneers do whatever they want
- and finally the brits, i dont really play them so i dont know how they tech up and the russians that, yes, have to tech up gradually using an engineer but still are less tedious as a factions since you dont have to remember to upgrade your battle fase

I really like the default wermacht faction and i play them all the time for that, for the weapons, the units, the mines they can deploy but that teching, man is so hard. I really need my pioneers on the battlefield to fight, to lay mines, to put barbed wire and then i see t70s or t34s or shermans and i'm like: oh yeah i still have to upgrade to battlefase 1 or 2 -.- or maybe i want to build the tank factory but guess what i still am at battle fase 1.
It is objectively time consuming to tech up as this faction. What is the advantage then, that i do not see?
27 May 2018, 09:22 AM
avatar of mondeogaming1

Posts: 464

Hey there so about that pioneer that you want him in the front line and doesnt have the time to build is very strange maybe when you fall back with that you unit to heal or to reinforce then build something and yes you need to upgrade phase quicker use your fuel and their advantage is 222 vs british especialy and paks for evey faction .They are mostly defensive faction like you know from telers bunkers and S anti infantry mines pretty much like USF
.Sturms pios from OKW on some maps might not be good and they will bleed you due to the high cost to reinforce .
27 May 2018, 09:48 AM
avatar of RollingStone

Posts: 173

You see, comrade, you dont just fight with pios all the time. Actually , my preffered setup for early game is: 2 pios, 2 mgs. When i got all i needed for slow but steady research, i just call back one of my pios and after that going or for greens, or for pzgreens, depending on map.
Also both OKW and Wermacht have possibility of early tech - 222 on 3-4 minute, or Luchs on 5-7 minutes. For comparresment, T-70 for soviets or AEC for brits will came out only up to 8 minute.
So let these mg be with u, comrade.
28 May 2018, 06:30 AM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

Hi, new player here.

It is objectively time consuming to tech up as this faction. What is the advantage then, that i do not see?

1- Free upgrades with teching, you don't pay for lmg, panzerfaust and grenades.
2- Specialized units accessible to cover any particular situation. You have an easy access to Anti Infantry, Anti tank, light artillery, rocket artillery, medium tanks and medium tank destroyer, medium+ tanks (panther and Brumbar).

The only gap in Ostheer roster is a lack of light tank but since a year ago and allied light vehicule nerf, it is not anymore an issue.

Ostheer Commanders are more about how you want to complete your army than what gap do I want to fill and what gap I will not.

About Battle phases, with experience you'll remember costs and know when you can upgrade them. If you are new it is normal to have some issue with at the beginning.
28 May 2018, 06:57 AM
avatar of The amazing Chandler

Posts: 1355

Their teching is the most time consuming of all, you just need a little training there but they have imo the best support weapons. MG42s, mortars and PAKs ( and probably the best sniper in he game)are very good and also their tanks from T3 are great (very cost-effective). Also some commanders are great. And they are he only faction with a super anti tank mine.
28 May 2018, 11:06 AM
avatar of Blue Magic

Posts: 8

jump backJump back to quoted post28 May 2018, 06:30 AMEsxile

1- Free upgrades with teching, you don't pay for lmg, panzerfaust and grenades.
2- Specialized units accessible to cover any particular situation. You have an easy access to Anti Infantry, Anti tank, light artillery, rocket artillery, medium tanks and medium tank destroyer, medium+ tanks (panther and Brumbar).

The only gap in Ostheer roster is a lack of light tank but since a year ago and allied light vehicule nerf, it is not anymore an issue.

Ostheer Commanders are more about how you want to complete your army than what gap do I want to fill and what gap I will not.

About Battle phases, with experience you'll remember costs and know when you can upgrade them. If you are new it is normal to have some issue with at the beginning.

Right. I did not think about that. They also have those awesome bunkers. I have seen recently top tier players using mobile defence doctrine and spamming recon cars such as 222 and puma. Maybe i should try puma command tank and pak 40? Anyways thanks
28 Jun 2018, 05:34 AM
avatar of CODGUY

Posts: 888

Ostheer has survived the nerf hammer better than any other faction.
29 Jun 2018, 12:47 PM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

You can reinforce your squads at the edge of your base sector if you put a building there, making your squads get back on the field slightly faster. That's it.

The reason SOV and OST have to build their base structures is simply because they're older: Relic realized the base building element didn't really add anything and streamlined it for the newer factions.

OST's teching is split in two (Battle Phase Unlock then Base Building) to give OST the option of skipping the base building. For example, if you skip Light Mechanized Company you can't build Panzergrenadiers, 222s, 251s or PAK guns, but you save 200 manpower and 20 fuel.

They also used to gate upgrades: the 251 Flamer upgrade used to be locked behind Battle Phase 2.
29 Jun 2018, 16:01 PM
avatar of Skaldy

Posts: 7

-Diverse unit roster: you have every hard and soft counter against any faction
-Greater team support weapons: All team weapon are great at their jobs supporting infantry, assaulting and defending.
-Good armor: Like every WW2 game they have the best tanks for a price 10-20 higher than allied counter-parts
-Extremely good commander roster: Literally lots of commanders to use and each commander can support different build order.
-Last but not least: Best noob training faction imo. If you can master Ostheer you will counter them better as allies and get greater understanding about the game mechanics.

now to the cons:
-You just need to be really good at micro other wise one mg facing the wrong direction or infantry with lame spread around the field will cost you the match.
29 Jun 2018, 17:27 PM
avatar of SkysTheLimit

Posts: 3423 | Subs: 1

but still are less tedious as a factions since you dont have to remember to upgrade your battle fase

Well your mainlines don't need side-techs for grenades/snares/weapon upgrades. It's a give and take.

US teching for example might be more streamlined. But you often have to choose between MGs and AT guns so "having everything built already" is not some magical advantage.
30 Jun 2018, 22:13 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

Well if we're just talking about base economy USF and Brits have to get side techs for grenades and weapon pickups (brens/piats or bars/bazookas). USF also has to get an ambulance and as skysthelimit said, you don't have access to your full roster as USF unless you slow down your teching or backtech.

The micro that it takes to tech isn't really something people discuss when talking about faction balance or advantages. It just takes time getting used to remembering to tech at the proper times. In a month you won't have any issue with this most likely.
8 Jul 2018, 21:29 PM
avatar of CODGUY

Posts: 888

This is probably the most babied faction in the game with more get out of jail free cards than you can shake a stick at. Are your 4 man sqauds inferior on paper to Allied infantry? Doesn't matter you get free access to OP grenades to force a retreat. Are you worried about field presence? Doesn't matter 1 MG42 sqaud instapins multiple infantry sqauds while we nerfed Allied MGs just for you because apparently only Wehrmacht should be able to pin with their MGs. Oh lets put not one but two schreks on your shock infantry for only 100 munitions instead of 120 because the faction with the best and most AT apparrently doesn't have enough AT. Lets nerf the scatter on the easy 8 but make the Panzer 4 cheaper and no nerfs for it. Why? Because only Wehrmacht I guess should have a good all rounder for a tank.
8 Jul 2018, 22:14 PM
avatar of zerocoh

Posts: 930

I hate the whole battle phase too, But WM is the most complete faction on the game, Commanders are only there for the flavor since you have everything from the faction itself. (support weapons, heavy infantry, rocket arty, 3 mediums, one heavy tank, especialized mines)

Also, all units are very cost efficient when used right. The only drawback on WM is that if you lose too much vetted units late game you are screwed.

only other faction that comes close is brits, but brits have no snare LUL
13 Jul 2018, 03:24 AM
avatar of CODGUY

Posts: 888

I hate the whole battle phase too, But WM is the most complete faction on the game, Commanders are only there for the flavor since you have everything from the faction itself. (support weapons, heavy infantry, rocket arty, 3 mediums, one heavy tank, especialized mines)

Also, all units are very cost efficient when used right. The only drawback on WM is that if you lose too much vetted units late game you are screwed.

only other faction that comes close is brits, but brits have no snare LUL

Maybe 2 patches ago Brits were decent not anymore, especially this last spring patch beat them to death with the nerf hammer. Naw, only Soviets are a match for Wehrmacht now.
14 Jul 2018, 03:50 AM
avatar of Farlon

Posts: 184

jump backJump back to quoted post13 Jul 2018, 03:24 AMCODGUY

Naw, only Soviets are a match for Wehrmacht now.

USF exists.
28 Jul 2018, 22:28 PM
avatar of Kanjejou

Posts: 54

Ost have the worse moving dps on infantery and tanks(because of inferior accuracy on the move). meaning your easy prey to mortar sniper and grenades. they also lose they dps much faster than other infantery.

They have excellent mg even if quite easy to crawl to(uraaa+molotov work every time even frontaly.

A good but brittle sniper

Their mortar are fast but dont deal much damages, you can usually tank 3-4mortar hit before retreating, and they are very easy to kill since usualy ost doesnt have much map coverage and the mortar die if they only have one guy left.

if we go phase 1

222 is nice but easy to punish throught concentrated small arms or machine guns

pak is nice but costly easy to kill since it get no bonus to its defence vs vehicules. and the accuracy it debatable before he get some vet.

all med tank except the ostwin are good.

panther werfer and brumbar are costly but all fill their job.

well you do have the slowest reinforce time of every army thus usualy losing a few model in a squad mean losing more groudnt han with other army
12 Sep 2018, 03:30 AM
avatar of CODGUY

Posts: 888

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Jul 2018, 03:50 AMFarlon

USF exists.

As a hamstrung meme yeah. No flamethrower, no genades unless you want your Sherman to roll out around the same time a Panther does. Nerfed MGs, a joke of a tech tree.
12 Sep 2018, 07:41 AM
avatar of LeOverlord

Posts: 310

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Jul 2018, 03:50 AMFarlon

USF exists.

And MGs/Bunkers/Mortar spam strategy laughed. Because MGs/Bunkers/Mortar spam strategy knows
13 Sep 2018, 03:06 AM
avatar of TheGentlemenTroll

Posts: 1044 | Subs: 1

IMO the greatest part of OST as a faction is that the commanders arent filling holes in the faction but rather supplementing the nondoc units. Things like g43s, pumas, command p4, tiger, etc aren't require to succeed as the faction but are really helpful in giving your baseline units additional support/power. OST can reliably counter any given allied strat using its baseline units which shows had well made the faction is imo.
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