I have yet to finish it on hard, just finished the main story on hard saving everyone.
What path did you go, Faith or Order?
At least on the main story Houses Of Healing and Infirmaries were enough and I'm gonna try the same style with the Refugees mission. Extra Rations for the Ill is so damn helpful in sorting through masses of sick. The few hours it takes off from treatment times starts to add up especially if you have supplies to spam it daily.
As a sidenote I feel Order could use some extra stuff/abilities/buffs to incentivize picking it. Faith seems to have a lot more utility and can help you in so many different aspects from work efficiency to Heating.
After about a dozen attempts I was able to finish it. This scenario made the Arks Hard mode look like trivially easy tutorial. Your trial and error tips helped a lot so cheers! I also had to resort to the food production exploit in the beginning (Also let's just say I am not surprised that there isn't an achievement about getting all the people to survive )
One thing I'm not certain is the effect of RNG in the scenarios. I saw one youtuber get absolutely hammered on Arks in hard mode by constant temperature drops in the late game. In my run I had nothing alike and saved a lot of coal while being able to keep the generator heat levels very low. Also I had a lot more freedom in teching priorities compared to the youtuber who had to constantly research better heating. In my trial and error attempts on the Refugees I saw no significant differences in the early game but since all the previous runs were doomed well before mid/late stages of the scenario I cannot compare them.
My only gripe with the game so far has been the tendency to crash on autosave. Apparently the game really dislikes me for pausing from max speed if it happens just around the autosave time period
Otherwise I've been having a blast and the harder difficulties really strain your micro and resource management and put your planning skills to a good test which is very refreshing change of pace from other building games like Tropico.
I can see a lot of potential for future scenarios which I hope are coming in a bit. There are so many limitations you can put on a scenario (or perhaps an over-abundance) which could force you to use unusual teching paths and city layouts. Naturally plain new stuff like extra tech or buildings is always cool as well. The achievements also encourage for fun playstyles like Charcoal Kilns only run which was a very relaxing time on Easy mode. The difficulty really drops in that so I had plenty of time to appreciate the cool atmosphere and not stress out about every single little thing
Frozen city-building game Frostpunk, the newest by This War of Mine developer 11 bit Studios, has raced out of the gates, shifting a quarter of a million copies in 66 hours.
What this all means, besides being a lovely success for a lovely game (my review should be appearing very soon), is absolute concrete confirmation of ongoing support for the game from 11 bit. "Yes, we had plans for expansions," CEO Grzegorz Miechowski said in a statement, "and now we're 100 per cent sure we are doing that, including many free updates of course!"
Presumably those plans cover new scenarios for the game. Currently there's a main campaign, which lasts around a dozen hours (providing you don't die all the time), and two additional scenarios, which are smaller in scale but harder to overcome. They're more focused, you see, and limit you in pivotal areas, meaning you will really struggle if you put a foot wrong.
The scenarios also introduce their own themes and unique buildings. In the Ark scenario you protect the last seeds on Earth from the extreme - and worsening - cold. If you let the arks, which are unique to the scenario, get too cold, you fail.
Likewise, in the Refugee scenario, you can build a unique Guarded Outpost to guard your borders, and forcefully select who enters and who does not. This becomes essential when you are overrun with people wanting refuge in your severely stretched settlement, particularly when it comes to turning away the oppressive rich lords you ran from.
It'll be interesting to see what new scenarios 11 bit Studios can dream up. There are certainly many other interesting situations Frostpunk could put you in. And I wonder, if 11 bit Studios takes things a step further - and I sincerely hope it does - whether we could see new law paths to follow and perhaps deeper civilisation mechanics bedded in. It's exciting!
Frostpunk added a Endless Mode along with the largest dlc to date, adding
3 new maps
2 new game modes
Randomized Frost lands
New Archive Mechanic
New City Decorations
all of which is free.
They also made a bunch of bug and QoL fixes for the game. They also said that while they tested as much as possible to prevent bugs there are some chances to get bugs in the late game since it is endless.
Im definitely gonna try out the game again, the sandbox mode sounds very fun.
Exactly a year ago, on 24th April 2018, Frostpunk has landed on PCs all around the world. By now the game has sold over 1.4 million copies. We - all 11 bit team members - are taking our hats off to you for supporting us, for establishing this great community and for giving us feedback and ideas that helped to create what Frostpunk has become now.
In celebration of this momentous anniversary, we wanted to share some of the numbers behind the in-game economy and show how the game is performing overall. Let's take a look at the stylish infographics:
Frostpunk is making its way to Xbox One and PlayStation 4!
Our community asked and we have listened. We are very excited to confirm that Frostpunk, the first of its kind in strategic gaming is officially coming to consoles. A gritty simulation of society survival in a frozen post-apocalypse, the Bafta-nominated Frostpunk was a bestseller of 2018 and multiple award winner in its genre. Frostpunk: Console Edition is a finely tuned adaptation of the PC hit that will be making its way to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 later this year.
Focusing on a smooth transition to consoles, great efforts are being taken to re-design the game and adjust its mechanics for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, especially when it comes to controls. 11 bit studios still have some work to do but are close to the finish line, creating an intuitive interface allowing gameplay to feel natural even when playing with a controller. “We don’t want to reveal the exact release date yet, but I can say that the game should be out in the summer,” says lead designer Kuba Stokalski.