I'm curious how squad groups work. I'm creating defense game mode, with different difficulty configurations. It is coming along pretty well. One of the parameters I'm trying to play around with for the harder difficulties is the enemy units' received suppression.
To do this, I planned on using something like:
Modify_ReceivedSuppression( Player_GetSquads(aiPlayer), suppression_scale )
Is a squad group just a table of squads? Does the squad group created by Player_GetSquads() create a "snap-shot" of that player's squads at the moment it is called, or does it dynamically update as new units are created by that player?
If it is the former, I imagine I would need to create a rule function that continuously calls the the above code to ensure all new units created are applied the same modifier.
This also leads to another question: are Modify_X functions by default exclusive? If I apply Modify_ReceivedSuppression across a table of a player's squads more than once, will it compound and multiply with the previous application (eventually trending towards 0), or does it "set" the scale with future function calls.
Thanks for all the help.