December patchnotes + Bug report

Posts: 640 | Subs: 1
- My US AA HT, while stationary and in parking brake mode, tracked but did not shoot at, Ostheer recon planes. 4v4 on Lanzerath. Happened at least a few times. To the best of my knowledge, it was the regular recon plane, not the high altitude one.
- Some map, I believe it was the same game (Lanzerath 4v4), its name in the loading screen was a series of digits where the map name would normally be.
- In a separate game, my ally on teamspeak reported that queuing up multiple AT nades on multiple conscript squads results in all nades after the 1st to not be thrown without refunding the ammo cost.

Posts: 5441 | Subs: 36
Is this the place to report bugs? Cause I encountered the following:
- My US AA HT, while stationary and in parking brake mode, tracked but did not shoot at, Ostheer recon planes. 4v4 on Lanzerath. Happened at least a few times. To the best of my knowledge, it was the regular recon plane, not the high altitude one.
- Some map, I believe it was the same game (Lanzerath 4v4), its name in the loading screen was a series of digits where the map name would normally be.
- In a separate game, my ally on teamspeak reported that queuing up multiple AT nades on multiple conscript squads results in all nades after the 1st to not be thrown without refunding the ammo cost.
yes it is and thx.
and yes the map is lanzerath ambush

Posts: 5441 | Subs: 36
Commando Regiment:
-Ability description is sometimes off, for example, Assault (says Infantry sections move more quickly but affects all units now..)
-Commandos dont receive smoke nade at vet 0 its still light smoke nade and unlocked at vet 1
kk thx

Posts: 323 | Subs: 1

Posts: 320
thx and hm ok. which mortar? wehrmacht, usa?
I was playing USF when it occured. It seemed to maybe have something to do with me rapidly changing directions or being at the tip of the mortars range? Example:
I move to set up, but while setting up I say to barrage out of its normal range elsewhere then it dances around? Not sure it happened really fast so I barely saw it.

Posts: 985 | Subs: 2

Posts: 3260
You found more? pls post it here. thx
I'll restrict this to the commanders changed by the patch. There are a lot of issues with the other commanders (spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, inconsistent and inaccurate descriptions, strange phrasing) that need fixing but it'd take hours to go through and fix them all. I'm happy to do that job but only if I'm asked to: I'm not prepared to do all that work if it's going to go to waste.
Here are the abilities that contain spelling and grammar errors. This includes internally inconsistent unit names like MG-34 instead of MG34 and Panzer Grenadier instead of Panzergrenadier.
I've also included full rewrites of the descriptions for each ability. These rewrites are intended to more closely match the style of Relic's ability descriptions and provide the player with more information about how the ability works.
Current Text
A recon plane will be sent ahead before being followed up by attack planes. Heavy bombers will then deliver their payload over the target area
Spelling and Grammar Check
A recon plane will be sent ahead before being followed up by attack planes. Heavy bombers will then deliver their payload over the target area.
A recon plane will fly over the target area. Two Hawker Typhoons will strafe the area with autocannons, then three heavy bombers will attack the target.
- STAND FAST (Royal Engineer)
Current Text
Selected British Emplacement will be repaired automatically when not Braced.
Spelling and Grammar Check
Selected British emplacement will be repaired automatically while not braced.
When isn't technically wrong but while is more appropriate.
Order an emplacement to be automatically repaired for X seconds. Repairs proceed more quickly out of combat and will stop if the structure is braced.
(Substitute X for the duration of Stand Fast. I tried to look it up but couldn't find it.)
- TRENCH (Osttruppen)
Current Text
Allows German infantry build sandbags, wire and dig defensive trenches.
Spelling and Grammar Check
Allows German infantry to build sandbags, lay barbed wire and dig defensive trenches.
Infantry squads can build sandbags for cover, lay barbed wire and can dig trenches in friendly territory.
Mainly stylistic consistency. German is at best redundant (all your infantry squads can use this) and at worst misleading as the Osttruppen squads aren't of German nationality.
I'd also consider renaming the ability now that it's more than building trenches: Entrenchment Tactics would do.
- M83 CLUSTER MINES (Recon Support)
This ability should probably be called M83 Cluster Bombs. The ability does not behave like a mine, it is referred to as a cluster bomb throughout the description and the historical munitions the ability is based on are called M83 Cluster Bombs.
Current Text
M83 cluster bombs are scattered over the target area. Each cluster bomb is equipped with an anti-handling device and will detonate on impact"
Spelling and Grammar Check
M83 cluster bombs are scattered over the target area. Each cluster bomb is equipped with an anti-handling device and will detonate on impact."
Slow falling cluster bombs are airdropped over the target area. These bombs kill infantry and slow vehicles.
- SUPPLY DROP (Osttruppen)
Current Text
A cargo plane will fly over the designated area and deliver a small amount of fuel and munitions. The crates also contain an MG-34 and a Pak 40 that can be manned by infantry.
Spelling and Grammar Check
A cargo plane will fly over the designated area and deliver a small amount of fuel and munitions. The crates also contain an MG34 and a Pak 40 that can be manned by infantry.
A cargo plane will drop supply crates at the target location. The crates contain a Pak 40 anti-tank gun, an MG34 Heavy Machine Gun and a small amount of resources.
Current Text
Grenadiers, Panzer Grenadiers, and Stormtroopers can be upgraded with this package which adds two G43 rifles and includes training in interrogation.
Spelling and Grammar Check
Grenadiers, Panzergrenadiers and Stormtroopers can be upgraded with this package which adds two G43 rifles and includes training in interrogation.
Technically you could keep the Oxford Comma but it isn't really serving a purpose here.
Grenadiers, Panzergrenadiers and Stormtroopers can be upgraded with G43 rifles. This upgrade package includes training in interrogation.
It's not actually accurate to say two G43 rifles now that Panzergrenadiers get three.
- AMBUSH TRAINING (Jaeger Infantry)
Current Text
Infantry units are now capable of sprinting for a short period of time. Grenadiers, Panzer Grenadiers or HMGs can be upgraded with better camouflage, concealing them in cover or deep snow.
Spelling and Grammar Check
Infantry units are now capable of sprinting for a short period of time. Grenadiers, Panzergrenadiers and HMGs can be upgraded with better camouflage, concealing them in cover and deep snow.
The main issue is the incorrect (or at least internally inconsistent) spelling of Panzergrenadiers. I changed the "or"s because the current phrasing implies mutual exclusivity.
Infantry gain the ability to sprint. Grenadiers, Panzergrenadiers and MG42 teams can be upgraded with ambush camouflage to conceal them in cover or deep snow.
Current Text
Deploy a M3 Half-track with an Assault Engineer crew to the battlefield. The Engineers can clear obstacles while the Half-track provides support.
Spelling and Grammar Check
Deploy an M3 Half-track with an Assault Engineer crew to the battlefield. The Engineers can clear obstacles while the Half-track provides support.
An M3 Half-track with an Assault Engineer crew can be deployed to the battlefield. The M3 Half-track can deploy medical crates, reinforce infantry squads and provide fire support with its powerful .50 cal machine gun.
The intent of the rewrite is to convey to the player what the new M3 is for. It also matches the phrasing of the commander's other call-in abilities.
- FALLSCHIRMJAGER (Luftwaffe Ground Forces)
This unit has the wrong yellow tooltip. It says "Paratroopers" in it.
These abilities don't have any spelling or grammar mistakes in them but after DBP's changes they no longer fully describe what the ability does.
- VEHICLE CREW REPAIRS (Royal Engineers)
The description was not been changed to reflect that it now targets only one vehicle. The rewrite below fixes that and also changes the phrasing so it doesn't imply UKF have self-repairing robot tanks. Soviet self-repair is described as being fixed by the crew so I used the same rationalization for the same mechanic.
Current Text
Damaged vehicles will stop and repair themselves rapidly. While repairing, these vehicles will be covered by a smoke barrage.
Target damaged vehicle will stop and be rapidly repaired by its crew. The vehicle will be covered by a smoke barrage while repairing.
There's nothing inaccurate in this ability's current description but it doesn't fully describe its full functionality after the changes. This rewrite emulates the phrasing of the mechanically similar HQ glider and informs players of the glider's reinforcement functionality.
Current Text
Deploy a Glider filled with Commandos to the target location.
Deploy a Glider with a Commando squad to the target location. The Glider can reinforce nearby infantry squads.
- RESERVE ARMOR (Mechanized)
There's no mention of a 75mm Sherman in the game itself. It's just called the M4A3 Sherman Medium Tank.
Current Text
M4A3 Sherman 76mm tanks can be deployed from the Battalion Command Post while 75mm tanks can be upgraded with dozer blades.
M4A3 Sherman Medium Tanks can be equipped with bulldozers. The powerful M4A3(76) Sherman tank can be requisitioned from the Battalion Command Post.
- WC51 MILITARY TRUCK (Mechanized)
Current Text
A WC51 can be deployed to the battlefield. This unit is excellent at scouting and providing combat support to other units in the field.
A WC51 military truck can be deployed to the battlefield. This unit can mark enemy vehicles and call in 155mm artillery strikes.
The current description doesn't describe the unit's new role. Given the commander description refers to artillery strikes it's important that the player can see where they get that artillery from.
Current Text
Paratroopers can be paradropped into the battlefield along with an AT gun.
A Paratrooper Support Squad and an M1 57mm Anti-Tank gun can be paradropped into the battlefield. These specialized Paratroopers can specialize in long range firepower or anti-tank tactics through their weapon upgrades.
This ability no longer drops Paratroopers, it drops Paratrooper Support Squads. The rewrite is based off the Paratrooper ability description.
Current Text
An Artillery Field Officer specialized in supporting troops is allocated to your command.
An Artillery Field Officer can be deployed to the battlefield. The officer can call in heavy mortar support and his retinue are armed with MP40 submachine guns for short-range combat.
Description updated to reflect that this is now a close combat unit.
- M8 GREYHOUND (Recon)
Current Text
An M8 Greyhound can be deployed to the battlefield. This fast, lightly armored vehicle is effective against infantry.
An M8 Greyhound can be deployed to the battlefield. This fast light vehicle is highly effective against infantry.
Description updated to reflect that the new Greyhound is the old Greyhound on steroids: it deals more damage and comes with armor skirts by default.
- FALLSCHIRMJAGER (Luftwaffe Ground Forces)
Current Text
Fallschirmjager can be deployed to the battlefield. These elite infantry units are excellent against infantry at all ranges.
A Fallschirmjager squad can be paradropped into the battlefield. These elite infantry units are effective against infantry at all ranges.
Changed the description to reflect the new deployment method and swapped "excellent" for "effective."
These ability descriptions have no errors and communicate to the player at least most of what the ability does. Nevertheless I figured I'd finish the job and rewrite them to conform to the style of the other abilities.
- ASSAULT PACKAGE (Feuersturm)
"Volkgrenadiers can be equipped with high-explosive and smoke grenades for assaulting positions and MP40 submachine guns to specialize in short-range combat. Sturmpioneer squads can be upgraded with Flammenwerfer 35 flamethrowers to clear out entrenched infantry."
This is two abilities so I've split it into two sentences. This description also tells the player what the new grenades are and what the MP40 upgrade does.
Current Text
An Opel Blitz is dispatched to the target area. This lightly protected truck is capable of supplying troops with munitions while carrying and reinforcing infantry on the field.
An Opel Blitz Support Truck can be deployed to the battlefield. This lightly armored truck can carry and reinforce troops and increases the ability recharge speed of nearby infantry.
In the context of the game "supply with munitions" implies it gives out the munitions resource. Changing the description to the actual function of the Opel Blitz's aura makes it clearer what the truck does and clears up that ambiguity.
Current Text
Le.IG 18s are given incendiary rounds to saturate target zones with fire.
Le.IG Infantry Support Guns can fire incendiary barrages, burning infantry and denying access.
Stylistic consistency and clarity: the current description could imply the Le.IG passively gains incendiary rounds. The exact phrasing I've used for the barrage comes from the Soviet Incendiary Barrage.
Current Text
Allows light vehicles to capture territory at an accelerated rate. Infantry have improved sight range during this ability.
Light vehicles can rapidly capture territory. Infantry can see further into the fog of war.
Stylistic consistency.
Current Text
Deploy weak but numerous Osttruppen infantry to the battlefield.
Weak but numerous Osttruppen infantry can be deployed to the battlefield. Osttruppen squads fight more effectively in cover.
Stylistic consistency again and a slightly more informative description.
Current Text
Special Command Troops can be deployed to the battlefield equipped with PTRS anti-tank rifles.
Versatile elite infantry squad equipped with two PTRS anti-tank rifles. Guards Rifle Infantry specialize in long-range combat and are effective against both infantry and light vehicles.
The other elite infantry call-in abilities have a description of the squad's capabilities and preferred ranges. I've rewritten the description for Guards and Shocks to match.
Current Text
Special Command Troops can be deployed to the battlefield. Click and select the location to deploy.
Elite anti-infantry squad equipped with PPSh-41 submachine guns and body armor. Shock Troops specialize in short-range combat and assaulting enemy positions.

Posts: 5441 | Subs: 36
kk thx
Holy shit

Well done

Posts: 3260
- The Recon Company cluster bomb off-map uses a green targeting icon like a friendly ability rather than a red one.
- The WC51 Mark Target is using the Prioritise Vehicles icon (crosshair over a Tiger) rather than the Mark Target icon (crosshair over a StuG).

Posts: 70

Posts: 149

Posts: 3260

Posts: 100
I think there is a buy with the new faceplates.
Before the patch I owned all five "Support-your-Faction"-Faceplates and had them in my Inventory.
Now - after the patch - I still have them for Axis but for Allies I now have the "King-of-the-Hill"-Faceplates in my inventory instead and the "Support-your-Faction"-Faceplates vanished.
In the store all five "King-of-the-Hill"-Faceplates are buyable. (Maybe I would get the "Support-your-faction-Faceplates" if I buy them^^) So it seems to be a bug that they changed.
Can anybody confirm/reproduce?

Posts: 810 | Subs: 2
Hello guys,
I think there is a buy with the new faceplates.
Before the patch I owned all five "Support-your-Faction"-Faceplates and had them in my Inventory.
Now - after the patch - I still have them for Axis but for Allies I now have the "King-of-the-Hill"-Faceplates in my inventory instead and the "Support-your-Faction"-Faceplates vanished.
In the store all five "King-of-the-Hill"-Faceplates are buyable. (Maybe I would get the "Support-your-faction-Faceplates" if I buy them^^) So it seems to be a bug that they changed.
Can anybody confirm/reproduce?
Thanks for the report!
Yea, it's a known bug, we are aware of it, should be fixed until the end of the week :-)

Posts: 960
A couple of other visual bugs:
- The Recon Company cluster bomb off-map uses a green targeting icon like a friendly ability rather than a red one.
For some reason this is actually intentional.
M83 Cluster Mines (Replaces Recon Sweep)
A collection of cluster bombs will drop over an area detonating on impact.
The bombs will severely damage infantry and may also stun vehicles
The paradrop uses Green smoke to confuse the enemy
From the test version of the commander revamp change log. It Should be red though, since 'confusing' off-map abilities aren't a thing in the game. All damage-dealing ones are red, non-damage are green, without exception (unless I've completely forgotten some commander).

Posts: 366
I went to check using cheat mod and the Pershing has the medium Armour voice lines while any other heavy uses a different voice line.
Can this be fixed because I very much prefer the heavy voice line for the pershing.
EDIT: this is only present with the soviet heavies.

Posts: 911

Posts: 3260
For some reason this is actually intentional.
From the test version of the commander revamp change log. It Should be red though, since 'confusing' off-map abilities aren't a thing in the game. All damage-dealing ones are red, non-damage are green, without exception (unless I've completely forgotten some commander).
That's from an early version of the patch. It was changed to red smoke after it was realized that that defeated the entire point of having two colours of smoke in the first place.
The little square crosshair you use to target the ability is still green though which is the visual bug I was reporting.

Posts: 31
2 glitches on poltawa.
1. South cutoff dose not work!
2. Some times when I crushed some bushes or other obstacles with medium to heavy armour the radio chat indicated that I had killed a squad. Although I could not replicate this issue in my 3rd game on the map.
During the contest, I received some feedback telling me to change the extreme cutoff by opening it for one more sector touching the base. This was intentional and may be reversed if the majority agrees.
If you have a look at the northern sector mirroring the southern part; it's the same way there.
The second bug was reported already, I'll have a look at it and see if I can fix it.
Might be the German dead bodies all over the place, if this is an issue that really bothers you, I can remove them.

Posts: 11
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