I agree, I did not stated my argument properly and explicitely so you are right. I should have said that I have never seen a full health spaced squad/squad in green cover in the frontline that retreats after first salvo to die to a land mattress or katty.
Law is on your side, because even if you do not have in manual that you shouldnt put child in a microwave and you do it and it "accidentaly dies" you can blame the company. Even though anyone with a of brain would not dry his child in a microwave.
The same applies that anyone with a bit of brain would not leave his squads clumped, injured near a frontline FRP when a katty and recon is nearby. But you know, I did not state that I only though about spaced full health squad that retreat after first salvo so you are technically correct. Good job 
Lets say that we both agree on your statement that Katty is OP. What shall we do next ? Revert Stuka HP nerf and keep Katty in its OP state or nerf both of them ? 

Of course, now it has become the
1) full health
2) full spaced
3) instaretreat
Panic reatreating is a luxury, you want to avoid any arty like you can avoid easily stuka barrage. It's the rng that makes it good, so "it has no scatter" is not an advantage at all unless you are perfectly sure theguy is afk and/or will be predictable and always dodgein one way like a dumbass.
It isn't op, it fires at longer range but is fragile, stuka isn't and shouldn't because it needs to close in.
The health nerf is stupid as hell.
I posted my feedback several times.
This is not blaming anything, this is expressing my opinion.
Nobody asked them to get on the throne and balance, if they think it is putting too much pressure on them they can drop the ball whenever they want, but they shouldn't open "DECEMBER BALANCE PATCH FEEDBACK" thread if they don't want to hear people opinion to not be "disturbed"...
At the same time they shouldn't expect an 80% positive feedback if they keep trolling/ignoring/insulting whoever is providing it, so I really hope they didn't change the 80% positive feedback requirement.