
russian armor

Game Mode - VP with territory point attributes

13 Nov 2017, 22:15 PM
avatar of mongalong247

Posts: 42

I'm working on a new game mode for Wikinger mod, it's basically a mashup between VP and Annihilation modes.

I've created a new entity that replaces all territory and VP points with an "objective point" the more territories ahead of your opponent you have = the number of tickets dropping per sec. Objective points follow the same rules as territory points, they must be in supply or you don't cost your opponent tickets.

We will be testing it and continuing to develop it within the Wikinger community, however if this is something that the vanilla community deems interesting enough we would be more than happy to release a standalone version for the wider community.

The issue I have is that fuel and munitions caches cannot be built on these Objective points, nor can SWS trucks set up in the territories.

The points were created by cloning a VP and giving it the same attributes as a territory point, if cloning a territory point and giving it VP attributes is the way to go then I'll do that instead, or is something I need to set on the fuel/muni cache & SWS truck ebps file?

Objective Point Entity code below

<instance description="" template="ebps">
<list name="extensions">
<template_reference name="exts" value="ebpextensions\entity_blueprint_ext">
<string name="alternate_sua" value="" />
<bool name="always_revealed_in_fow" value="False" />
<file name="animator" value="gameplay\bonus_points\victorypoint\victorypoint" />
<bool name="is_visible_in_game" value="True" />
<float name="precise_size" value="-1" />
<template_reference name="exts" value="ebpextensions\sim_entity_ext">
<bool name="is_in_spatial_bucket" value="True" />
<float name="rotate_snap" value="360" />
<float name="transferable" value="1" />
<bool name="kill_paradrop" value="False" />
<template_reference name="exts" value="ebpextensions\line_of_sight_ext">
<group name="blocking_box">
<float name="x" value="0.01" />
<float name="y" value="0.01" />
<float name="z" value="0.01" />
<bool name="is_shot_blocking" value="False" />
<bool name="use_blocking_box" value="False" />
<enum name="does_block_line_of_sight" value="Never" />
<template_reference name="exts" value="ebpextensions\resource_ext">
<enum name="default_choice" value="manpower" />
<group name="fuel_choice_ui_info">
<locstring name="extra_text" value="0" />
<locstring name="help_text" value="0" />
<string name="hotkey_name" value="" />
<icon name="icon_name" value="Icons_resources_flag_victory" />
<string name="overlay_name" value="" />
<bool name="reveal_for_decryption" value="False" />
<locstring name="screen_name" value="0" />
<group name="manpower_choice_ui_info">
<locstring name="extra_text" value="0" />
<locstring name="help_text" value="0" />
<string name="hotkey_name" value="" />
<icon name="icon_name" value="Icons_resources_flag_victory" />
<string name="overlay_name" value="" />
<bool name="reveal_for_decryption" value="False" />
<locstring name="screen_name" value="0" />
<group name="munition_choice_ui_info">
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<locstring name="help_text" value="0" />
<string name="hotkey_name" value="" />
<icon name="icon_name" value="Icons_resources_flag_victory" />
<string name="overlay_name" value="" />
<bool name="reveal_for_decryption" value="False" />
<locstring name="screen_name" value="0" />
<group name="resource_choice_per_second">
<float name="action" value="0" />
<float name="command" value="0" />
<float name="fuel" value="0.05" />
<float name="manpower" value="0.08333334" />
<float name="munition" value="0.08333334" />
<float name="popcap" value="0" />
<group name="total_amount_of_resources">
<float name="action" value="999999" />
<float name="command" value="0" />
<float name="fuel" value="999999" />
<float name="manpower" value="999999" />
<float name="munition" value="999999" />
<float name="popcap" value="0" />
<bool name="resources_divided_by_team_size" value="False" />
<bool name="enable_sector_linked_resourcing" value="True" />
<template_reference name="exts" value="ebpextensions\sight_ext">
<group name="detect_camouflage">
<float name="tp_global" value="-1" />
<float name="tp_mine" value="-1" />
<bool name="extended_sight" value="False" />
<float name="extended_sight_radius" value="70" />
<float name="reveal_area_on_death_time" value="1.5" />
<group name="sight_package">
<float name="inner_height" value="0" />
<float name="inner_radius" value="5" />
<float name="outer_height" value="0" />
<float name="outer_radius" value="5" />
<float name="cone_angle" value="360" />
<float name="cone_start_radius" value="0" />
<group name="extended_sight_target_info">
<template_reference name="extended_sight_target_info" value="type_ability_target_type\all">
<template_reference name="exts" value="ebpextensions\site_ext">
<float name="extra_build_test_footprint" value="0" />
<bool name="require_all_cells_clear" value="True" />
<bool name="snap_to_terrain" value="False" />
<bool name="ignore_impass" value="False" />
<bool name="lock_to_impass" value="True" />
<template_reference name="exts" value="ebpextensions\territory_ext">
<bool name="command_provider" value="False" />
<bool name="default_on" value="True" />
<bool name="secures_territory_sector" value="False" />
<enum name="sector_entity_type" value="sector_creator" />
<template_reference name="exts" value="ebpextensions\type_ext">
<group name="unit_type_list">
<enum name="unit_type00" value="strategic_node" />
<enum name="unit_type01" value="resource_node" />
<enum name="unit_type02" value="supply_target" />
<enum name="unit_type03" value="general_resource_point" />
<enum name="unit_type04" value="" />
<enum name="unit_type05" value="" />
<enum name="unit_type06" value="" />
<enum name="unit_type07" value="" />
<enum name="unit_type08" value="" />
<enum name="unit_type09" value="" />
<enum name="unit_type10" value="" />
<enum name="unit_type11" value="" />
<enum name="unit_type12" value="" />
<enum name="unit_type13" value="" />
<enum name="unit_type14" value="" />
<enum name="unit_type15" value="" />
<enum name="weapon_targeting" value="no_targeting" />
<template_reference name="exts" value="ebpextensions\ui_ext">
<bool name="ap_killed_kicker" value="True" />
<bool name="ap_loss_kicker" value="True" />
<bool name="cullsphere_selectable" value="False" />
<float name="decorator_offset" value="0" />
<string name="extra_text_deprecated" value="" />
<bool name="ghost_enable" value="True" />
<bool name="has_speech_code" value="True" />
<locstring name="help_text" value="12939" mod="1264682de12e41ac83a6207c8bda5bc7" />
<string name="hotkey_name" value="" />
<icon name="icon_name" value="Icons_resources_flag_companyrank" />
<enum name="kill_type" value="" />
<float name="minimap_color_a" value="255" />
<float name="minimap_color_b" value="227" />
<float name="minimap_color_g" value="227" />
<float name="minimap_color_r" value="227" />
<bool name="minimap_enable" value="True" />
<bool name="minimap_team_only" value="False" />
<bool name="minimap_teamcolor" value="False" />
<bool name="obb_selectable" value="True" />
<string name="overlay_name" value="" />
<bool name="reveal_for_decryption" value="False" />
<locstring name="screen_name" value="12940" mod="1264682de12e41ac83a6207c8bda5bc7" />
<enum name="selection_name" value="building" />
<float name="selection_scale" value="0.9" />
<enum name="selection_type" value="single_entity_select" />
<bool name="sloppy_selectable" value="False" />
<group name="speaker">
<string name="code_1" value="" />
<string name="code_2" value="" />
<string name="code_3" value="" />
<group name="speech_code_2">
<string name="code_1" value="vp" />
<string name="code_2" value="" />
<string name="code_3" value="" />
<group name="speech_code_3">
<string name="code_1" value="vic" />
<string name="code_2" value="" />
<string name="code_3" value="" />
<group name="speech_code_cover">
<string name="code_1" value="" />
<string name="code_2" value="" />
<string name="code_3" value="" />
<bool name="tacmap_team_only" value="False" />
<locstring name="tooltip_txt" value="12941" mod="1264682de12e41ac83a6207c8bda5bc7" />
<int name="ui_priority" value="0" />
<icon name="minimap_icon" value="ModIcons_1264682de12e41ac83a6207c8bda5bc7_ui_docicons_icons_resources_minimap_icon_op_mode" />
<icon name="portrait_icon_winter" value="Icons_portraits_building_common_victory_point_w_portrait" />
<group name="speaker_alt">
<string name="code_1" value="" />
<string name="code_2" value="" />
<string name="code_3" value="" />
<float name="minimap_icon_scale" value="0.75" />
<icon name="portrait_icon_summer" value="Icons_portraits_building_common_victory_point_s_portrait" />
<locstring name="brief_text" value="0" />
<locstring name="extra_text" value="0" />
<locstring name="screen_name_short" value="0" />
<bool name="show_in_build_log" value="True" />
<bool name="show_entity_appearance" value="True" />
<locstring name="screen_name_world" value="0" />
<locstring name="help_text_world" value="0" />
<locstring name="extra_text_world" value="0" />
<enum name="map_rotation_type_override" value="no_override" />
<icon name="symbol_icon_name" value="ModIcons_1264682de12e41ac83a6207c8bda5bc7_ui_docicons_icons_resources_minimap_icon_op_mode" />
<enum name="occlusion_state" value="can_be_occluded" />
<enum name="decorator_visibility" value="default" />
<string name="decorator_marker_name" value="Marker_FX_UI" />
<bool name="skin_pack_override" value="False" />
<string name="skin_summer" value="" />
<string name="skin_winter" value="" />
<template_reference name="exts" value="ebpextensions\ability_ext">
<list name="abilities">
<template_reference name="exts" value="ebpextensions\modifier_ext">
<template_reference name="exts" value="ebpextensions\strategic_point_ext">
<float name="capture_time" value="20" />
<bool name="is_victory_point" value="True" />
<float name="revert_time" value="13" />
<float name="secure_radius" value="0" />
<bool name="use_decorator" value="True" />
<list name="captured_actions">
<template_reference name="action" value="action\requirement_action">
<bool name="check_self" value="False" />
<bool name="global_fire_and_forget_on_success" value="False" />
<bool name="instant_requirement_check" value="False" />
<bool name="kill_action_on_failed_requirements" value="False" />
<bool name="no_retrigger" value="False" />
<bool name="validate_all_sub_actions" value="True" />
<list name="requirement_table">
<template_reference name="required" value="requirements\required_player_upgrade">
<enum name="reason" value="usage" />
<locstring name="ui_name" value="0" />
<bool name="is_present" value="True" />
<float name="max_completed" value="100" />
<float name="min_completed" value="1" />
<instance_reference name="upgrade_name" value="upgrade\west_german\commander\passive\warning_flares" />
<template_reference name="required" value="requirements\required_resource">
<enum name="reason" value="usage" />
<locstring name="ui_name" value="0" />
<template_reference name="resource" value="tables\resource_table">
<float name="action" value="0" />
<float name="command" value="1" />
<float name="fuel" value="0" />
<float name="manpower" value="0" />
<float name="munition" value="0" />
<float name="soviet_progression" value="0" />
<float name="soviet_227" value="0" />
<float name="popcap" value="0" />
<list name="action_table">
<template_reference name="action" value="action\change_target_action">
<list name="actions">
<template_reference name="action" value="action\spawn_entity">
<float name="duration" value="0" />
<instance_reference name="entity_blueprint" value="ebps\props\flare_booby_trap" />
<bool name="permanent" value="True" />
<bool name="player_owned" value="True" />
<group name="target_info">
<template_reference name="target_info" value="type_ability_target_type\has_all_in_list">
<list name="target_infos">
<template_reference name="info" value="type_ability_target_type\has_unit_type">
<enum name="unit_type" value="strategic_node" />
<template_reference name="info" value="type_ability_target_type\not">
<group name="target_info">
<template_reference name="target_info" value="type_ability_target_type\has_unit_type">
<enum name="unit_type" value="building" />
<uniqueid name="id" value="1073776096" />
<template_reference name="spawn_attached_option" value="options\none">
<list name="spawned_entity_actions">
<group name="offset">
<float name="x" value="0" />
<float name="y" value="0" />
<float name="z" value="0" />
<enum name="change_target_type" value="self" />
<uniqueid name="id" value="1073776097" />
<uniqueid name="id" value="1073776098" />
<bool name="fire_and_forget_non_global" value="False" />
<template_reference name="ui_help_text" value="tables\help_text_phrase">
<int name="phrase_order" value="0" />
<locstring name="phrase" value="0" />
<list name="captured_actions_in_territory">
<list name="secured_actions">
<list name="secured_actions_in_territory">
<list name="lost_territory_player_action">
<list name="decapture_territory_player_action">
<instance_reference name="entity_for_annihilation" value="ebps\gameplay\territory_point_mp" />
<list name="unsecure_time_by_race">
<bool name="auto_revert" value="False" />
<template_reference name="exts" value="ebpextensions\upgrade_ext">
<bool name="must_be_in_supply" value="False" />
<float name="number_of_standard_slots" value="1" />
<list name="standard_upgrades">
<template_reference name="exts" value="ebpextensions\impass_ext">
<bool name="cant_build" value="True" />
<bool name="heavy_crush" value="True" />
<bool name="land" value="True" />
<bool name="light_crush" value="True" />
<bool name="medium_crush" value="True" />
<template_reference name="exts" value="ebpextensions\hit_object_ext">
<instance_reference name="hit_material" value="hit_material\stone" />
<bool name="hit_non_neutral" value="False" />
<float name="hit_percentage" value="1" />
<bool name="pass_through" value="False" />
<group name="projectile_pass_through">
<bool name="tp_artillery" value="True" />
<bool name="tp_artillery_inf" value="True" />
<bool name="tp_artillery_overwatch" value="True" />
<bool name="tp_homing" value="True" />
<bool name="tp_homing_inf" value="True" />
<bool name="tp_sticky" value="True" />
<bool name="tp_throw" value="True" />
<template_reference name="exts" value="ebpextensions\action_apply_ext">
<list name="actions">
<uniqueid name="pbgid" value="1073742931" />

Thanks in advance :)
14 Nov 2017, 07:42 AM
avatar of SneakEye
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 817 | Subs: 5

This is a very cool idea!

The Fuel/Munition caches and SWS Truck have each the requirement to be in a standard supply territory. To avoid these requirements, you have to let the new point act as a default territory. I think you have to replace the 'territory_ext' or 'type_ext' of the new point with the default territory types.

Good luck and I'm looking forward to see the result!
14 Nov 2017, 09:07 AM
avatar of mongalong247

Posts: 42

This is a very cool idea!

The Fuel/Munition caches and SWS Truck have each the requirement to be in a standard supply territory. To avoid these requirements, you have to let the new point act as a default territory. I think you have to replace the 'territory_ext' or 'type_ext' of the new point with the default territory types.

Good luck and I'm looking forward to see the result!

Thanks, once I've got it developed for Wikinger I'll look to port it across to the vanilla community if there is enough interest!

I've checked these both and they're identical to the territory point values. I'll see if I can twist knobs and push buttons and see if I can make it work, otherwise I may clone a territory point and give it the Strategic Point = True and see if that works

14 Nov 2017, 21:53 PM
avatar of Mistah_S

Posts: 851 | Subs: 1

This is a very cool idea!

Very yes

Thanks, once I've got it developed for Wikinger I'll look to port it across to the vanilla community if there is enough interest!

I am VERY interested in playing a mod such as this.
Regarding VP's, Relic should've gone down this path originally IMO.
15 Nov 2017, 09:08 AM
avatar of mongalong247

Posts: 42

Quick update!

I did some testing, this time cloning the standard territory point (the Wikinger one) and cloning across all the UI and text, however the only change I made to it was to change strategic point from false to true.

This allowed me to construct both fuel and munition points on it, however I was still unable to set up a SWS truck on it.

I had a quick look at the SWS requirements and I couldn't see anything that stated where it could be set up, if anyone could point me in the right direction as to where to find those requirements I will investigate.

At least we're part of the way there.

I've opened a github repository for conquest mode, once I've sorted this for Wikinger I'll look to start on one for the vanilla game and make the source code available.


Found it, it's in SBPS - I'm wondering if I can make an exception to the requires not when the entity of the Objective Point is on the map it will override the requires_not?

Any suggestions on how to do that would be amazing!
15 Nov 2017, 09:13 AM
avatar of mongalong247

Posts: 42

<list name="requirements_target">
<template_reference name="required" value="requirements\required_in_territory">
<enum name="reason" value="usage" />
<locstring name="ui_name" value="0" />
<bool name="in_supply" value="True" />
<bool name="is_secured" value="False" />
<bool name="is_secured_by_checkpoint" value="False" />
<bool name="not_in_transition" value="True" />
<template_reference name="required" value="requirements\required_not">
<enum name="reason" value="usage" />
<locstring name="ui_name" value="11071374" />
<list name="requirement_table">
<template_reference name="required" value="requirements\required_sector_type">
<enum name="reason" value="usage" />
<enum name="sector_type" value="sector_type_victory" />
23 Nov 2017, 23:07 PM
avatar of mongalong247

Posts: 42

I've done some more work, it's completed for Wikinger and I've almost completed my port across for the base game, did some tests, cloned the ability for setting up the sws trucks, removed the requires_not - sector type - victory. I cloned the trucks and added them to it as well, however when I tried to set them up I still got the unable to set up in VP dialogue.

Any other ideas as to where to find another requirement for the setup?
26 Nov 2017, 20:08 PM
avatar of Dreadbot
Donator 11

Posts: 94

It's in the construct_ abilities on the sWS squad. Each one has under requirements_target two requirements: required_in_territory (which you probably want to keep) and required_not / required_sector_type / sector_type_victory (which you presumably will want to remove). I removed the latter for my mod and it works to allow sWS trucks to set up on victory points (in some maps I found that restriction to be problematic).
26 Nov 2017, 20:53 PM
avatar of mongalong247

Posts: 42

Thanks Dreadbot (and SneakEye on steam) for me to include this in the game mode it looks I will need to clone the majority of the OKW faction starting settings to allow me to remove the SWS trucks requires_not - victory points.

I'm also unsure if this will further conflict with other mods if it is used in conjunction with a tuning pack.

I think initially it may be best to leave this requirement on as they can still be set on fuel and munitions caches, and also it should leave it much more tuning pack friendly.

If anyone wants to playtest it, drop me a PM and I can link you to the file.
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Soheil: Coh2 still broken server ?
Yesterday, 18:27 PM
Rosbone: Congrats to Relic. Looks like Coh3 has finally usurped Coh2 s the popular Coh. You smell terrific. :snfQuinn:.
Last Monday, 02:46 AM
Nickbn: and again someone else replies. I mean come on guys. Give @adamírcz a chance
Last Saturday, 14:00 PM
Willy Pete: @Nickbn you didn't ask a question, and this is a chat box...
Last Thursday, 13:11 PM
Nickbn: @Rosbone it's incredibly rude to speak on someone elses behalf, especially when a question is directly adressed to them. I understand your passion for the subject at hand but I want to hear from him.
Last Thursday, 10:16 AM
Rosbone: @Nickbn No, I am just saying people should not be using any Relic owned forum since they have proven they ban anyone who says true things about Coh3.
18 Mar 2025, 19:01 PM
Nickbn: @Rosbone do you speak on his behalf? I didn't know. In that case keep us updated please.
18 Mar 2025, 16:47 PM
Rosbone: #RelicModdedEchoChamber
16 Mar 2025, 17:54 PM
Rosbone: @Nickbn True except, the only people on the Relic Discord/Reddit/Steam are brain washed monkey zealots. They wont even understand what @adamírcz is talking about. Anyone else is banned.
16 Mar 2025, 17:54 PM
Nickbn: @adamírcz might be a better idea to voice this to relic directly than to voice it here, in a shoutbox of a nearly deade fansite #justsaying...
16 Mar 2025, 16:36 PM
webdesign-muenchen-w: @Rosbone it is sick
14 Mar 2025, 22:09 PM
aerafield: @adamírcz aren't the first two disconnects free every day?
14 Mar 2025, 19:26 PM
Rosbone: It is so unlike Relic to punish its fans and community.
14 Mar 2025, 12:07 PM
adamírcz: So, I just got a leaver penalty without even getting onto the loading screen because of the game disconnecting, bravo Relic
14 Mar 2025, 10:45 AM
Rosbone: It is an indicator of the very short sighted capitalist view that plagues any company where leadership does not understand the product.
13 Mar 2025, 20:00 PM
Rosbone: They dont care about Coh3 or Coh in general. They are just trying to grab cash by ripping off the small user base they have.
13 Mar 2025, 19:58 PM
Rosbone: Just making mistake after mistake after mistake.
13 Mar 2025, 19:57 PM
Rosbone: It is clear they crapped out an unfinished game. And are now barely supporting it as they make new smaller games. Coh3 is stillborn. It will be meh for at least another 2-4 years. Meaning they killed the whole franchise instead of growing it.
13 Mar 2025, 19:56 PM
Rosbone: For a thing they could fix in minutes. Literally minutes.
13 Mar 2025, 19:53 PM
Rosbone: If I did play coh3 and was mainly a skirmish player, I would be pissed and probably stop playing. And it has been like this since release. Why? I would not tell my friends to buy a game I am not even playing. Lost sales and angered users.
13 Mar 2025, 19:53 PM

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