As I have mentioned in here before I am a casual middle-of-the-road player who usually manage to fit in a few matches every week between a busy workday, a two-year old son and a a wife who also occationally needs some attention

In the last year and a half I’ve have started to focus a lot on 1v1s and quite quickly moved from rank 7-8 to rank 12-13 where I seemed to find a pretty good balance with other players.
However, In the last month or so my ranks have been plummeting, mainly due to being matched with opponent who are ridiculously higher rank than me. We are talking nothing below rank 16 at least for the last ten matches (as checked on the recent matches screen) and I believe it has been happening for probably another ten matches before that. Once I was matched with Ace as whermacht where he is currently #6 in the world.
I figured that it might be due to a diminishing player base, but I have a friend who is still messing around rank 7-8 and he does not have this problem at all. The threshold seems to be somewhere around lvl 11-12 and when I drop lower than that which is starting to happen, then I start meeting more balanced matches again (around rank 12, which is balanced for my skill, but technically higher than the rank I’ve been dumped down to).
Does anybody have an idea if this is just bad luck, confirmation bias on my behalf or some hidden thresholds in the game that makes some pretty punishing leaps as soon as I hit a certain rank?