Can you believe it? It has been four years since Company of Heroes 2 came out! Do you still remember this beautiful piece of RTS?
Of course you do! You will probably play it on a daily basis and have watched tournaments like OCF and GCS! This game is out for four years now and nowhere near dying! That’s worth a party, isn’t it? And that’s why Relic is celebrating with the 4 vs 4 For 4 Years Tournament!
The tournament is an international tournament for Company of Heroes 2 fans all over the world and will be played on Saturday the 24th of June. It starts at 4:00 PM CEST! Are you not sure at which time it starts in your timezone? Then use this site to convert your timezones.
Teams: 4 vs 4 - Axis vs Allies
Win Condition: Victory Point
Faction Selection: Winner of Coin Toss gets first pick of faction (for best of 3, see below)
Map Selection: Map will be selected using the veto system (see Rules below)
Mod: No Mods
Starting Location: Random
Arranged Teams: Allowed
Opening rounds: Single elimination
Quarters: Single elimination
Finals (Semi & Grand): Best out of 3
None, all commanders and bulletins are permitted
All 4 vs 4 auto match maps are allowed.
First Veto: Loser of the coin toss gets first map veto
Game 1: Team captains will take turns vetoing maps from the map pool until only one map remains
Game 2 (If applicable): The second game in a series will be played on the same map as game 1
Game 3: (If applicable): The third game of a series will follow the same veto process for game 1. NOTE: The map from Game 1 is automatically vetoed.
Axis VS Allies only
Game 1: Winning team captain of the Coin Toss gets first pick of faction
Game 2 (if applicable): Teams swap sides (Axis to Allies & vice versa)
Game 3 (if applicable): Team with the higher winning VP count gets first pick of faction
Teams must check-in before the start of the tournament in order to participate
Check-in will open 15 minutes before tournament start time
Only checked-in players will be seeded into the tournament bracket
Once paired with an opponent, both teams are required to check-in for their match on Battlefy. Once one team checks in, their opponent will have 15 minutes to also check-in or they will automatically forfeit the match. Once both teams have checked in, they are required to use the PRIVATE CHAT feed located on their Match page to communicate with their opponent and set up the match.
Once the match is ready to start, one or both players MUST report in the PRIVATE CHAT feed that their match has begun.
Once seeding for a round is complete, players will have 15 minutes to coordinate and start their match. If neither player checks in or both players check-in and the match has not started within 15 minutes of the check-in, the lower seeded player will automatically forfeit the match and be dropped from the tournament.
After each match, Team Captains are required to report their team's score on their match page. Any disputes will be handled by a Tournament Moderator who may require a replay of the match for review. The Tournament Moderator has final say regarding all match disputes.
Relic & the administrators of this tournament reserve the right to change or add any rule at any time during this tournament at our discretion.
Captains can report their team's score.
Special Prizes
Special Prizes
And the party is even bigger this time, because Relic is also celebrating with some special prizes! The first prize winners will get a 50k Supply Bonus each and a Copy of Dawn of War III! You thought that was it? Hell no! Relic has decided to give every team member of the winning team a Limited Edition Company of Heroes 2 T-Shirt!
Sign Ups & Broadcasting
Sign Ups & Broadcasting
Are you interested in playing, then sign up over here! For more information about the tournament you should contact Dukejason.
The tournament will be broadcasted on various channels this time. The games will be casted in English on the official channel of the tournament by Dukejason. The Germans however are having their own caster FaHu cast the games of the tournament in German, just like the Russians will have the one and only Maza to cast the games in Russian! If you are not playing make sure to tune in on twitch to see the 4-year celebration of Company of Heroes 2 in any of these channels!
If you are interested in a fun tournament with prizes, then sign up! Otherwise grab yourself a beer and a pizza and make yourself ready for a good night of Company of Heroes 2 games! Good luck have fun and happy birthday Company of Heroes 2!