(4) Nobel Dynamite Works
- Fictional scenario set in April 1945 around the Alfred Nobel Dynamite Factories in Krümmel/Geesthacht, Germany -
"Day 506. Night shift with Oleg and Yaroslav. Oleg thought he saw something like a parachute floating down from the sky. He probably just needs more sleep. Some Wehrmacht soldiers began guarding one of the factory buildings today. People say it might be some super-weapon, others even say it's Hitler in person. Other than that, no special events. -Maxim."
Writing letters or even diaries was strictly forbidden by the factory manager. Still Maxim Orlov, a prisoner of war from Russia, found a way to dedicate himself to his daily routine of clearing his mind. Orlov was one of around 13,000 forced workers at the munition factories in Krümmel and Düneberg near Geesthacht at the Elbe river. Likewise, he was one of 82 who fell victim to a massive air raid carried out on the factories on 07 April 1945. When the barracks around the Nobel Dynamite Works were taken down in 1946, this was his last letter to be found in the ruins.
Writing letters or even diaries was strictly forbidden by the factory manager. Still Maxim Orlov, a prisoner of war from Russia, found a way to dedicate himself to his daily routine of clearing his mind. Orlov was one of around 13,000 forced workers at the munition factories in Krümmel and Düneberg near Geesthacht at the Elbe river. Likewise, he was one of 82 who fell victim to a massive air raid carried out on the factories on 07 April 1945. When the barracks around the Nobel Dynamite Works were taken down in 1946, this was his last letter to be found in the ruins.

Please make sure to check out my other maps and those of my friend MonolithicBacon in the Steam Workshop!
Have fun,
Max, EF Lead Level Designer