Demos from SU is one of them and since the launch of the game there are players that wont them to get nurfed or removed from the game.
Here is what i was wondering about.
Why do people only talk about Demos and not Teller mines? They both kill full health units in the game.
Demos kill 99% only infantry (from the cheapest to the most expensive ones) and Tellers do destroy Light vehicles (from the cheapest to the most expensive ones)
So its not OK that 90 Munitions can wipe, lets say a 340 Manpower unit and it is OK that 50 Munitions can destroy, lets say a 260 Manpower and 60 Fuel unit.
What is justifying this? I can't think of a solid argument.
Just to be clear, i also would like to see demos get nerfed (maybe build them only on structures or something else)
but i also would like to see Teller get nerfed too (maybe make them more expensive or reduce the damage so that it wont one shot all the light vehicles, 320 damage mayby? So it would take a eller and a faust to destroy a light veicle).
Lets discuss this in a mature manner please, Fanboys are not welcome here

Edit: I love the Demo and the Teller mine but i think they are to good