
russian armor

Horrible Team Matchups

3 Feb 2017, 18:03 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
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Posts: 10665 | Subs: 9

What I don't like about this thread, Vaz, - and you should agree, bcs you also play AT, apparently - is that it throws multiplayer into entirely the wrong light.

Instead of starting a thread about the enjoyment of playing multiplayer in AT - with all its advantages - you have chosen to write negatively about Randum (sic) as if this is the way to go. When, palpably, you know full well, or ought to, it is not the way to go.

I am not going to spell out all the advantages of AT right now, bcs you should already know them - and it would be technically off-topic. However, I am completely bemused as to why you would berate Relic for its matchmaking system in multiplayer, when it must be already be clear to you, that anyone wanting to succeed in multiplayer will find an AT. If you're honest, as an AT player, you know you hope for 'Randum' opponents. They dont have the advantage of VOIP, and therefore have no prearranged knowledge or tactics; they have no knowledge of each other's strengths and weaknesses; it is casual in every sense of the word.

You must, in your heart of hearts, know that an AT starts with an advantage; ergo, you must also know that a Randum team does not. Why blether about Randum matchmaking, when you know full well that the Randums start off on the back foot, and are likely to get worse as the game goes on?
3 Feb 2017, 18:19 PM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

and how so?

Let me see, oh yeah I remember: Allied easy mode 'point' 'click' 'delete Axis factions'.

Not to forget 'a-move' 'win'.
3 Feb 2017, 18:24 PM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2272 | Subs: 1

Let me see, oh yeah I remember: Allied easy mode 'point' 'click' 'delete Axis factions'.

Not to forget 'a-move' 'win'.

Only if US is involved.

The other matchups are balanced and greatly playable
3 Feb 2017, 18:27 PM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

Only if US is involved.

The other matchups are balanced and greatly playable

Lol in the live version? Vs penal spam and maxim spam? Vs double bren tommies and turbomatress and roflstompComet?

Well I respect your opinion, but I can't see why you would have it though xd
3 Feb 2017, 20:02 PM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2272 | Subs: 1

Lol in the live version? Vs penal spam and maxim spam? Vs double bren tommies and turbomatress and roflstompComet?

Well I respect your opinion, but I can't see why you would have it though xd

yes, penal and maxim spam is conterable, as this stuff has weaknesses. same with tommies.

Problem with US is that the mortar shuts down their weaknesses a bit to well.

i won't tate my opinion about mattress and comet here as i have done it often enough. but this bs is even worse in team games. in 1v1 you can end the game before that c**p arrives.

You can send me a replay if you want to have advice
3 Feb 2017, 20:40 PM
avatar of DAZ187

Posts: 466

you can get rank16 in 3v3 and 4v4 without even trying
3 Feb 2017, 21:34 PM
avatar of Vaz

Posts: 1158

What I don't like about this thread, Vaz, - and you should agree, bcs you also play AT, apparently - is that it throws multiplayer into entirely the wrong light.

Instead of starting a thread about the enjoyment of playing multiplayer in AT - with all its advantages - you have chosen to write negatively about Randum (sic) as if this is the way to go. When, palpably, you know full well, or ought to, it is not the way to go.

I am not going to spell out all the advantages of AT right now, bcs you should already know them - and it would be technically off-topic. However, I am completely bemused as to why you would berate Relic for its matchmaking system in multiplayer, when it must be already be clear to you, that anyone wanting to succeed in multiplayer will find an AT. If you're honest, as an AT player, you know you hope for 'Randum' opponents. They dont have the advantage of VOIP, and therefore have no prearranged knowledge or tactics; they have no knowledge of each other's strengths and weaknesses; it is casual in every sense of the word.

You must, in your heart of hearts, know that an AT starts with an advantage; ergo, you must also know that a Randum team does not. Why blether about Randum matchmaking, when you know full well that the Randums start off on the back foot, and are likely to get worse as the game goes on?

AT is awesome and I'm glad they added it. However, I don't always have a team available. I also have experience with programming, so I know how the logic works in a machine. I bring up this topic because I know that even with my novice level understanding, I could come up with a better matching logic then what is currently implemented. It's shit right now, but it doesn't HAVE to be shit. Sure you might still be at a disadvantage if you go against a more organized team, but what will disappear is a lot of the unfun shit in the random teams. Things people that don't build mines, send 4 squads to cap a single point, require 30 seconds to react to any situation, etc. It's basic level stuff. These people should be being matched with each other, not people of higher experience. It's frustrating for everyone involved.

jump backJump back to quoted post3 Feb 2017, 20:40 PMDAZ187
you can get rank16 in 3v3 and 4v4 without even trying

I see that you kick quite a bit of ass, I would like to know your secret or at least see some of your games. It's not so easy for me. I'm surely not the best, but I've been playing coh for over 10 years and 3v3 and 4v4 is hard as shit for me. In a 2v2 I can carry someone a bit if my opponents are not too good, but carrying 2 or 3 other people? Very tough. I'm not doing it for ladder positions, I just like larger games. It really isn't even losing that is the problem, it's getting n00b stomped frequently that bothers me. Normally I would think I played like shit, until I get to the stats menu and see my numbers higher than anyone else in the game. When I'm getting swamped with enemy units, floating thousands of MP, and pop capped. Back in Coh1 it was somewhat possible to beat these odds, because I could cap more of the map to reduce enemy pop cap, then I would not get so outnumbered. With this static pop cap, there is much less wiggle room.
4 Feb 2017, 05:32 AM
avatar of IIGuderian

Posts: 128

totally feel for you bro. look at my playercard. I used to be top 100 as okw, but now after serval utterly horrible matchup im at around 500.
And theres no way to come back : I play at day when theres about 2000 players around then I get just horrible horrible noobs that DONT EVEN CAP POINTS after an average 15mins wait.I play at night then I get matched up against one of them stupid stupid AT almost 90% of the time and lose without questions.
Itreally seems that luck is the utmost factor in winning a big team game.Im not saying rank doesn't matter at all, but maybe it matters just a little bit less. Its like players from rank 100 ~ 800/900 is as a matter of fact not that different, but ofc they will be much better than the players with 1000+ rankings.
But those are asides, i think now the best way to actually play in 4v4/3v3 mode, is to just lay back and chillax do what you can do and hope for less dumber teammates , and just play the game once in a while . Who knows? You might actually win! Its mostly luck anyway
4 Feb 2017, 07:55 AM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

You can send me a replay if you want to have advice

Can you send me one of yours?
4 Feb 2017, 20:57 PM
avatar of DAZ187

Posts: 466

jump backJump back to quoted post3 Feb 2017, 21:34 PMVaz

I would like to know your secret or at least see some of your games. It's not so easy for me. I'm surely not the best, but I've been playing coh for over 10 years and 3v3 and 4v4 is hard as shit for me.

well i have my set builds i use most of the time. as u play anything u know that will cause the opponent to feel pain and cry LOL. but at the end of the day its about targeting Forward retreat points and going in together. just be annoying and always be prepared for there light vehicles.
6 Feb 2017, 01:28 AM
avatar of Mistah_S

Posts: 851 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Jan 2017, 00:42 AMVaz
I hit lv16 in 3v3 randoms and decided to see what it would be like just doing 4v4. I didn't know if the automatcher would consider me a 16 for any game mode or just 3v3. Also, I'm playing USA, which I think gets beat down pretty fast in 4v4. I quickly feel like I am facing off against 4 people pretty much alone. The ass whoopings are fierce. My opponents hit the right targets of opportunity, they dodge grenades, cap points with 1 squad, and generally have excellent preservation.

My allies are typically the opposite of that. So I know it's considering me a 16 when matching me in 4v4, because it's got me in crazy handicap matches. Sometimes there is another poor soul in the game with me who is competent. In 4v4 randoms I'm struggling to maintain level 6, lmao! Even when the opponent is not skilled, I will find myself pop capped, everything pretty close to max vet, gigantic kill counts, yet still losing. I think that has to do with that axis benefit in 4v4.

Welcome to the wonderful 4v4 world!
The helmet in the corner is to protect the world from your retardation, wear it at all times.
Blaming your team mates when losing is always mandatory. Drooling is not required, and is optional at best.

I kid, i Kid.

Wish more people in this community were like you mate; try out true multiplayer before comment.
6 Feb 2017, 07:27 AM
avatar of Vaz

Posts: 1158

Welcome to the wonderful 4v4 world!
The helmet in the corner is to protect the world from your retardation, wear it at all times.
Blaming your team mates when losing is always mandatory. Drooling is not required, and is optional at best.

I kid, i Kid.

Wish more people in this community were like you mate; try out true multiplayer before comment.

Can you elaborate on what true multiplayer is? Sounds like your just trolling to steer this off topic.
6 Feb 2017, 17:33 PM
avatar of Ceorl

Posts: 2

I used to be Rank 16 as Soviets, but I found myself not playing as them anymore because it was too damn stressful (same for 1v1) and I wasn't good enough to compete at that high level. So I started throwing games to get down to a lower level. I'm currently around 10 and I can't say its worked too well. I've gone from taking 2 hours to win a match to an hour and a half. I really chuckled when the system matched me against 2 Rank 18 who play together against my rank 10.

The only solution I have is to keep losing. Higher tier you have better teammates but play is ossified, and the stress kills the enjoyment. Lower tier is impossible to climb out of, and horribly mismatched, but you can goof around and enjoy the game.

I reckon my true skill with randoms is around Rank 8, but might be lower too. Either way, unless you want to put in major hours to find stressful sanity, just stick to a very low rank.
6 Feb 2017, 18:05 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
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Patrion 314

Posts: 10665 | Subs: 9

jump backJump back to quoted post6 Feb 2017, 17:33 PMCeorl
I used to be Rank 16 as Soviets, but I found myself not playing as them anymore because it was too damn stressful (same for 1v1) and I wasn't good enough to compete at that high level. So I started throwing games to get down to a lower level. I'm currently around 10 and I can't say its worked too well. I've gone from taking 2 hours to win a match to an hour and a half. I really chuckled when the system matched me against 2 Rank 18 who play together against my rank 10.

The only solution I have is to keep losing. Higher tier you have better teammates but play is ossified, and the stress kills the enjoyment. Lower tier is impossible to climb out of, and horribly mismatched, but you can goof around and enjoy the game.

I reckon my true skill with randoms is around Rank 8, but might be lower too. Either way, unless you want to put in major hours to find stressful sanity, just stick to a very low rank.

But why do you (and some others, it seems) persist in an approach which, with the best will in the world, is doomed to failure? :unsure:

AT is not hard to achieve, if you are organised. You might chat to people on here by PM, whose posts you like- have you asked them if they play multiplayer? Or you might sense a fellow traveller in multiplayer random - do you ever contact them afterwards on Steam? Maybe it was easier for me - I was on Staff and some guys with whom I sensed a rapport - we played and subsequently made many games together. VOIP transforms multiplayer into a wholly different experience - the thing becomes social, and enjoyable. Sure it can be fraught if you're losing, but with VOIP, all is possible.

With 'Randum', I can only see doom and gloom, frankly. I mean you can play so many 4v4s as random, but if it's just 'ping here' or 'ping there' (probably from a know-it-all who knows very little) with some desultory team chat, where's the fun in that? :unsure:
6 Feb 2017, 18:33 PM
avatar of Ceorl

Posts: 2

Not sure what AT is to be honest. As for why I play the way I do. I have already have a clan in other games which I've played with for years so I know the associated stress that comes with correctly preparing for matches. I have no desire to play "competitive" CoH2. I just want to hop on, play a few games and then do other things.

Back when the game first came out I did friend folks after matches through Steam, but it never stuck. Probably because of above. When I play with a friend I feel bad if I cause us to lose the match. If its a scrub I don't feel as guilty. Plus, to be honest, I do not like playing mismatches. If the other team is really good I want to just bail. Really though all I want out of team games is the sense that the entire match isn't riding on my shoulders as I'm not a good "carry" to use MOBA vernacular.
6 Feb 2017, 18:41 PM
avatar of Sturmpanther
Lead Strategist Badge

Posts: 5441 | Subs: 36

jump backJump back to quoted post6 Feb 2017, 18:33 PMCeorl
Not sure what AT is to be honest.

AT = premade team. (Arranged Team)

Means you are allready with people in a lobby, before you start to search a game.
6 Feb 2017, 18:51 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
Admin Red  Badge
Patrion 314

Posts: 10665 | Subs: 9

jump backJump back to quoted post6 Feb 2017, 18:33 PMCeorl
Not sure what AT is to be honest.

np. AT = Arranged Team (as with a clan, friends etc)

As for why I play the way I do. I have already have a clan in other games which I've played with for years so I know the associated stress that comes with correctly preparing for matches. I have no desire to play "competitive" CoH2. I just want to hop on, play a few games and then do other things.

I honestly believe there is far less stress in playing 1v1 or multiplayer AT, than playing random multiplayer.

Back when the game first came out I did friend folks after matches through Steam, but it never stuck. Probably because of above. When I play with a friend I feel bad if I cause us to lose the match.

no, no. even if you play badly when you lose, if you are with a friend(s) on VOIP, it is repairable, so long as you have not behaved liked an a$$hole and pinged him/them incessantly, or team-killed, or been nasty. ;)

If its a scrub I don't feel as guilty. All I want out of team games is the sense that the entire match isn't riding on my shoulders as I'm not a good "carry" to use MOBA vernacular.

Sometimes, you just have to accept responsibility. ;)
6 Feb 2017, 18:53 PM
avatar of Sturmpanther
Lead Strategist Badge

Posts: 5441 | Subs: 36

AT = premade team. (Arranged Team)

Means you are allready with people in a lobby, before you start to search a game.

np. AT = Arranged Team (as with a clan, friends etc)

Are you reading, what i am writing? :P

6 Feb 2017, 19:06 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
Admin Red  Badge
Patrion 314

Posts: 10665 | Subs: 9

Are you reading, what i am writing? :P

ofc! :jk:
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