1. Know your Units
I, myself, do not claim to be a great player, for I am not great at microing many units across the field. However, knowing your units, inside and out, can greatly help to understand what they can and cannot do, and allow you to bring out their full potential. This can help sway battles in your favor even if you are not the greatest player.

Riflemen are core unit in the USF faction. In this strategy, they are your primary offensive unit. They are versatile and and adaptable. While your support weapons hold the line, use these units to secure territory that is controlled by the enemy. Eventually you should equip them with bars or if the doctrines allow, M1919 Lmgs.
Ideally you would like two to three squads of riflemen. Stock riflemen trade well at all ranges against Ostheer's grenadiers and OKW's Volksgrenadiers but preform the best at close range. However, all of these units can receive upgrades to increase fire power. Once they start showing, make sure you have some of your own.
Rear Echelon Troops

Rear Echelon are your supporting engineers. They are cheap and can be decently cost effect against single squads. Ideally you should have two squads with two bazookas and a minesweeper. These units can help push away tanks and vehicle for when they start showing themselves. Group them together and they will have little trouble against probing enemy units.
M2HB .50 cal Machine Gun Team

The M2HB .50 cal Machine Gun Team is one of the most reliable HMG teams in the game. This HMG provides staggering amounts of suppression even in the late game where the field ultimately cratered out creating light cover. Additionally like the dshk HMG and MG42, this unit can be loaded with temporary armor piercing rounds. This will reliably counter the Ostheer's 222 scout car, 251 reinforcement half-track, and OKW's Flak half-track. The AP round will also help push away Okw Panzer 2s, and Pumas.
This unit Can be used both offensively and defensively. Once your advance has finished place this unit to cover a point of interest, such as a Victory, Fuel, or a Munition point.
Fun Fact: This HMG is still used today by the US Military, with some minor updates. Trust me, it is fun to fire.
M1 75mm Pack Howitzer

The M1 75mm Pack Howitzer is the most powerful non-doctrinal indirect fire weapon team. Its auto-attacks are devastating and its barrages can reach a very long range. In comparison, standard Mortars only have a range of 80 units and the OKW lieg has a range of 100. The M1 75mm Pack Howitzer auto attacks range matches mortars at a range of 80 while its barrage range has a staggering range of 160. At vet 2 its barrage is replaced with HE rounds greatly increasing its damage out put. It is also can due a decent damage to vehicle and tanks if it gets a direct hit. Note while it has a crew of 6, its minimum crew is there. If there are two members left, then they will abandon the weapon.
Two Packs is ideal but expensive. Two Packs will heavily bleed your opponents manpower and help add salvaged weapon teams to your side.
This unit can be both be used offensively and defensibly IN THE SAME PLACE. Place this unit so its auto attacks can cover a point of interest. Then use its barrages to soften up the enemy positions to allow easier time for offensives.
Priority of fire.
1. Self defense of the crew. The gun can not fire if the crew is dead
2. Heavy Machine Guns
3. Anti Tank Guns
4. Groups of infantry
5. Static vehicles
6. Single infantry squads
81mm Mortar

The 81mm Mortar is largely controversial unit. Personally, I prefer the Pack Howitzer of this unit for indirect fire, but it is a nice unit to have if you are going for Lieutenant tech. Currently in the Winter Balance Preview Mod, its range is 65 units. While it has fast setup and take down time, it is really only good for removing HMGs.
M1 57mm Anti-Tank Gun

The M1 57mm Anti-Tank Gun is an AT gun that shoots at tanks. Surprising, I know. In comparison to other AT guns, it does not have the highest penetration rate but it has a good rate of fire and it is cheaper.
2. Starting build order:

Rear Echelon, Riflemen, Riflemen
The build order does not really change based on the enemy faction or map. The Rear Echelon Troops in the early game is all about field control. Use these units to secure points fuel points. Secure a quick amount of early fuel will allow to tech sooner. If you are able to hold them for long enough, you can deploy a quick light vehicle to help in securing more fuel. Que up a list of commands for each one. One should head to one fuel and the other to the other. Even the non-strategic points will help. Once you have weapon racks, equip them with bazookas. This will allow mobile anti vehicle response. Additionally they can equipped with an minesweeper also. If you go for heavy cav, these units are essential to repair the Pershing.
For the starting riflemen, send them in where you believe the enemy is going. There job is to fight and aid in securing the early fuel. The early game is affects the outcome of the entire game. A Third Riflemen may be needed to help deal with large amount of aggression. Usually it is OKW that is aggressive due to the fact they start out with sturmpioneers and they do not require a structure in order to build their standard infantry. The only real way Ostheer can be aggressive is with osttruppen. Osttruppen fall off in the late game with the lack of weapon upgrades, and they can fall off due to early vehicle aggression since they require a structure for fausts.
Now for the big question, Captain, or Lieutenant? Both are an option, but it is more dependent on your commander choice.
3. Lieutenant First

Build order: Mortar, Lieutenant, M2HB, M20, Ambulance, Weapon Rack, Captain Tech
M20 Utility Car

The M20 Utility Car can act like the Ostheer's 222 Scout Car. Protecting flanks and while still able to lay down mines.
M15A1 AA Half-track

The M15 AA Half-track is unit I do not really like to build. It is a considerable investment and hard to handle. It can be great, but I do not like it.
Going for Lieutenant works better against OKW since Lieg is not commonly scene anymore. Commanders that work better with Lieutenant is Recon Support: Greyhound, and Armor Company. The Greyhound preforms similarly to the Stuart, but when medium armor comes in, you will need Captain's AT guns to handle them or M20 mines and RE Bazookas, this how ever is expensive in munitions. Once sectors are secured and if manpower allows it, requisition additional HMGs to keep sectors secure. The M2 HMG is in my opinion is the best MG in the game. It almost always instant pin and can also fight light vehicles.
4. Captain First

Build order: Captain, Pack Howitzer, Stuart, Ambulance, Weapon Rack.
Captain Tech is safe and reliable. Also remember the Captain's ability: Supervise. By the time that he is first comes on the field, assuming you have not sustain massive losses, you should be able to afford a Pack Howitzer. Supervise it. By the time the Captain falls back again, supervise the Stuart. Supervising makes your units come on the field sooner, and starts fighting sooner.
M5A1 Stuart

The Stuart is more than a match for all light vehicles expect the puma. Though I would consider the puma as a medium vehicle (not at tank). You should not have to worry about getting an AT gun in the early game. RE bazookas and the Stuart should be more than plenty for a good time.
5. Major Tech

Now the Major Tech should ideally aid your riflemen in attack, but that may not always be the case. Now you must read the battlefield in order to determine what you should deploy.
M4A3 Sherman Medium Tank

The Sherman is an all range tank. It can be equipped with either HE or AP rounds. HE rounds are devastating vs infantry while AP rounds allow it to engage armor. The AP rounds allow reliable penetration of the Ostheer's Panzer 4 but will require all little support vs the OKW Panzer 4. Shermans are also quite cheap and makes it easier to spam. Spamming with HE rounds is devastating and help prevents enemy armor from being deployed by reducing field presence and increase manpower bleed.
M36 'Jackson' Tank Destroyer

The Jackson is good at one thing, destroying armor. This unit is a glass cannon but it has very good range and mobility. This unit should only be built if you are lacking in AT or that you want your opponents armor to be dead. In order to keep this unit alive, have a buffer of units in between. These units will help ward away infantry based at and help spot for the Jackson since the Jackson can shoot farther than it sees.
M8A1 Howitzer Motor Carriage

Do not build this unit. For its fuel cost it is too expensive. It also overlaps in role what your mortars and pack howitzers do. Too much indirect fire means you can be rushed down and lose your units.
6. Commanders and Doctrines
Armor Company
With access to M10 Tank destroyers for an AT option, Lieutenant Tech first is a possibility and Then relying on the doctrine for late game items. The Assault Engineers are only good if on a map with a lot of garrisons to clear.
There is a build for using Rear Echelon instead of riflemen as a build. Also dropping in weapons to cover the other tier is a possibility. I would still recommend going Captain Tech first due to the reliability of the Stuart. However, this strategy can be adapted to around more weapon teams usage, though expensive in manpower. Also note that re-crewing weapons with pathfinders allow the weapon to self spot.
Infantry Company
The mortar Half-track can be suitable replacement for the Pack howitzer and the M81 Mortar. Note it does cost 40 Fuel, and in the early game that is a lot. If you go for Lieutenant first, you are going to require weapon racks sooner than later to get AT on the field. If you go for a Captain you can call for AT guns instead and use your munitions on the 1919s LMGs instead. Captain would probably be better and replace the initial Rear Echelon with a Riflemen to latter on equiped with LMGs.
Recon Support Company
Lieutenant Tech is an option. The M8 Greyhound is lesser than the Stuart but you do not need the Captain. Replace the M20 with the M8. Afterwards, you will want to research Captain Tech for AT guns. Weapon racks is quite expensive with pathfinder's artillery call in. Alternatively the IR pathfinders to the Rear Echelon for their utility. Build three riflemen instead in the beginning instead.
Mechanized Company
Captain, hands down. The WC51 trucks are very good vs OKW since they get their fausts later. Also you can swap the Rear Echelon with the vehicle crews to pass veterancy to the Stuarts and for better close range damage when on the back of the WC51. Once any AT is on the field, with draw and refit the WC51s. Once the Captain is out, get two Stuarts. Then cycle them up into Shermans. Use the Pack Howitzers to displace and decrew AT guns to remove their threat. Object with commander is fuel.
Rifle Company
Once again Captain Tech. With Rear Echelon flamethrowers, you may want make them into your anti infantry and your riflemen with Bazookas. Also, a Stuart may not be the best idea, seeing you will probably want to rush for E8 Shermans. If this is the case, build an AT gun or two to deal with vehicles. The white phosphorus barrage with pack howitzers can be a good combo. Throw down a white phosphorus barrage and have pack howitzers on the retreat path to may get some wipes.
Heavy Cavalierly Company
The starting Rear Echelon are key in keeping the Pershing repaired. Do not lose them. Captain First is preferred but then Lieutenant tech afterwards is a possibility. Major tech is not needed, and M2HB can be quite nice. Rangers though are also nice. This doctrine will require more manpower.
Tactical Support Company
This Doctrine can go either Lieutenant or Captain, but if you go Lieutenant you will need to go for Captain soon afterwards. In this doctrine, major tech comes out really late so you can get out a calliope or two. The M5 is good for reinforcing or for the combat choice with the quad mount. Also choosing between bazookas and 1919 LMGs is another choice. Your object with this doctrine is to bleed their manpower dry.
7. Bulletins
This can be more open up to the players' preference. Usually, I did not focused on riflemen, because they are a smaller part of my strategy. Currently, I am using these three.

Cheap Team Weapons
The M1 57mm Anti-Tank Gun, M1 75mm Pack Howitzer, and M2HB .50 cal Heavy Machine Gun are 5% cheaper.
note this is bugged and only applies to the weapon itself and not the crew members. I reported it and hopeful the WBP team can fix it.

Bazooka Range
Bazooka's get a 5% range increase

Punching Above Your Weight
he M6 Bazooka have 2% increased armor penetration.
These Bazooka bulletins will help increase their effectiveness so they can help fight against better. This will allow you not to need to build as many AT guns and allow to field more other preferred items. However riflemen bulletins are still reliable. Build your army how you like it.
8. The Late Game
Starting the game off well is one thing, but finishing it is another. There are many ways in which a game could go. The USF faction is a faction that there must be a decisive win or else the will lose. Sherman tanks are a great way to defeat infantry with their HE rounds and their ap rounds work well against Panzer Fours.
If you face a Panther, you will need to kill quickly or else you will have a chance of losing armor and ground. A single Panther can kept at bay with a single AT gun. They do not have the greatest anti-infantry so their impact is really only anti vehicle.
If you are facing facing against multiple mediums such as Ostwinds, two AT guns would be nice to keep them at bay. Once the vehicles are weakened, use mobile AT, such as Shermans or Jacksons, to finish them off.
If you are facing a Tiger, or King Tiger, you will need at least two AT guns and a combined effort to take them down. A Pershing would be nice but that may not always be the case. Let the Heavy come into your AT guns, and once it makes a retreat, try to take it out. If it escapes, use pack Howitzers or call in arty to kill it or its repairing engineers.
The Jagdpanzer can be quite annoying to kill. Its armor is high enough that AT guns have little impact. My advice is to actually ignore it and focus on the infantry. Make opponent hurt so he can not deploy anything else. The Jagdpanzer has very little impact on infantry so you infantry should have little fear against the fearsome Jagdpanzer.
The Panzerwerfer and the Stuka ze fub are your biggest weaknesses. They are also usually behind their line out of reach. One way of killing them is to call in a recon sweep and drop some arty on them, but only do this in the middle of a fight. Draw the plays attention elsewhere and they will not react. Another way is to rush armor around the flanks and kill it but this is risky with mines and over extending. You must kill it before it takes out your support weapons.
Ending Comments
The main thing to note about this strategy is that if you have spare manpower, build a support weapon. With the lack of a large amount of front line infantry, this style and strategy has potentially less bleed and more defensive capability. Once sectors are secured, push forward. Force your opponent to play reactively. Go for the third VP. Your opponent cannot attack if he is defending.
"Offense is the best defense," but only if you can keep what you can secure.