Golradaer - NorthWestFresh, BasiloneReborn, Modezarr, JustBo

Posts: 114
In the last few months I've been playing far more team games than 1v1s, but that's been changing recently.
Many of you seem to be pretty experienced players so we should have some interesting discussions.
Here's what we'll do:
1. I'll first watch several replays from each of you. Please post 3-5 replays in which you lost or barely won. I want to get a feel for how you play in a variety of situations.
2. You write up a short analysis of your play overall, strengths and weaknesses.
3. I will expand on what you've written based on your games. Also, I'll point out a few things I'd like you to specifically focus on.
4. You continue to post replays in which you struggled or about which you have tactical/strategic queries along with a self-analysis of your play and I'll comment on them.
This process will repeat until you have reached your desired level of play.
We can and very likely will also play games and watch replays together over Mumble (on an ad hoc basis), but as replay reviews can be done asynchronously, they can keep us moving forward regardless of scheduling. Add me on Steam (Golradaer from Arizona) and feel free to message me at any time. If you guys are interested in watching replays as a group, let me know and we can set it up -- I think this could be fun.
There are a lot of resources from CoH1 that are relevant, so I'll post up links to them over the next week as I search through my bookmarks.

Posts: 317

Posts: 24
On CoH2 I used to play just 50 games as WM, mostly 3v3 or 4v4, always with random people, and I watched many games in streaming.
I don't have much time, because actually I'm pretty busy at work, and I want spend my free time playing. I'm available, if you have time, to play some games. You can provide hints during the game play, suggesting strategies and raising my mistakes and we can watch the replays after the game, but I'm confident I can improve just follow your hints, because I played many games and I saw a lot of pro games and I have beaten many good players.
On CoH2 I'm still a noob, but we are talking about the same game. I still don't know the maps (the 2v2) and I never used the russians, but watching replays I know them pretty well.
I need someone, that is a best player than me, and you are, to establish per map strategy with both factions and play within to build a team.

Posts: 1944 | Subs: 2

Posts: 317

Posts: 317
Another replay agian a win but I feel it could have gone either way just like the Cataclaw game I was pushed to my abilities limits in both these games I think. Ill start saving my losses more often which I dont do much cause I like to win lol

Posts: 114
Here is a replay vs Cataclaw after he had beaten me twice in a row (didnt save those replays) although I won I think it was a tough battle for me
I was surprised by how aggressive Cataclaw was throughout this game, especially with his tanks. He had a strong advantage going into the mid game, but then you started playing conservatively and he lost units every time he tried to attack you. It looked like he was trying to knock you out, but each time he'd just lose his P4s to SU-85s. You did a good job of not over-extending and especially of conserving your SU-85s -- that won you the game. I'd be interested to see whether you're as conservative when you're in Cataclaw's position -- it's often very tempting to do exactly what he did, but highly risky. Better would have been forcing you to go on the offensive against him and using his munitions/fuel advantage to significantly outnumber your SU-85s before making any attempt to definitively destroy them.
Why did you choose to go with a fast tier 2 start? This map is so large and open that it's generally going to be an inferior choice to a 3 Conscript into T2 build order, especially because it's so easy to contain if the Germans tech to T2 as soon as they notice it (after three T1 units or so). You dealt with the Flammenwerfer effectively, but Cataclaw created the opportunity in being so careless with his vehicles -- conservative Flammenwerfer and Scout Car play would have shut down your map control until you had SU-85s.
Another replay again a win but I feel it could have gone either way just like the Cataclaw game I was pushed to my abilities limits in both these games I think. Ill start saving my losses more often which I dont do much cause I like to win lol
Unlike the Cataclaw game, I thought that you had solid control over this one. Tier 3 was a major risk here for you. If you look at your opponent's fuel count, he had enough to build a Panzer IV right as you were building a T-70, but he delayed in putting up his T3 building.
I watched your stream earlier and I think I know why you would begin to notice more difficulties in the late game, as you noted in the other thread. I didn't see you use control groups, I saw you use the tactical map very often, and I didn't see you use hotkeys to produce units. The result was you were often giving idle units movement/capture orders on the tac map when you should have been microing your units in fights and I noticed resource float at various points. I imagine you would feel almost frantic once you have ten or more units fighting in multiple locations around the map.
My recommendation is to practice assigning every unit its own control group until you have more than nine units, and to select units solely by pressing number keys. Also practice restructuring your control group assignments throughout games as your unit composition changes. As Soviets, I generally have 1 Engineer, 2-4 Conscripts, and 5-8 changing between Guards/HMGs/AT guns/Mortars, assuming I'm using a T2 strat. Later in a game it becomes less important to give Engineers their own control groups, and any units you won't be controlling much (e.g., HMGs left to defend things) don't need them.
This control style allows you to reinforce units that are at your HQ while you're watching a battle in case you need to dodge a grenade, move a vehicle, or respond to some new development. It also allows you to give units capping orders using the minimap instead of the tac map. One disadvantage of the tac map is you lose track of your resources, but the major reason to avoid it is you can't view the tactical situation apart from which units are engaged.
I thought you did a good job of microing units and making solid tactical/strategic decisions in the areas where you were focusing, but you were often trying so hard to control everything at once that you couldn't devote the attention necessary to individual units in late game fights, so developing stronger and faster control over your army will benefit you most.

Posts: 317

Posts: 114
I'm Filippo, I'm 37 from Italy, I have been playing CoH since the beginning. I played a lot of 2v2 games, especially on random automatch and with a friend, that is on vacancy and he didn't buy the game, but maybe he'll do, I don't now.
On CoH2 I used to play just 50 games as WM, mostly 3v3 or 4v4, always with random people, and I watched many games in streaming.
I don't have much time, because actually I'm pretty busy at work, and I want spend my free time playing. I'm available, if you have time, to play some games. You can provide hints during the game play, suggesting strategies and raising my mistakes and we can watch the replays after the game, but I'm confident I can improve just follow your hints, because I played many games and I saw a lot of pro games and I have beaten many good players.
On CoH2 I'm still a noob, but we are talking about the same game. I still don't know the maps (the 2v2) and I never used the russians, but watching replays I know them pretty well.
I need someone, that is a best player than me, and you are, to establish per map strategy with both factions and play within to build a team.
Please do this first. It'd also be useful if you stream a few games -- just post a link to your stream here.
1. I'll first watch several replays from each of you. Please post 3-5 replays in which you lost or barely won. I want to get a feel for how you play in a variety of situations.
2. You write up a short analysis of your play overall, strengths and weaknesses.

Posts: 4559 | Subs: 2

( Ahah

Posts: 317
Here is a game between me and Basilone kinda a long one and entertianing in my Oppinion anxious to hear your thoughts.
I am trying to work on the Control Groups like you said but I am not having much luck I have no problems making the groups but I cant seem to remember to use them or change them up so that they are convienant. Sometimes I feel like there is a fog over my brain and I get so absorbed in the game I cant think, its tunnel vision and Its really holding me back I know it is. Maybe you have some suggestions on how to train for control groups that will help me get it going in the right direction. I want very badly to improve my game and be able to compete but sometimes I get discouraged and think about quitting because I have not seemed to improve in 2 years+ I really need you help Peter. I am very happy that you are my Mentor

Posts: 24
AhahCiao Filippo e benvenuto! Golradaer è un ottimo mentore, ti troverai benissimo con lui!
( AhahHi Filippo and welcome! Golradaer is a great mentor, you'll spend some great time with him! )
Ciao Marcus, grazie del benvenuto! :-)
Hello Marcus, thank you!

Posts: 24
Please do this first. It'd also be useful if you stream a few games -- just post a link to your stream here.
1. I'll first watch several replays from each of you. Please post 3-5 replays in which you lost or barely won. I want to get a feel for how you play in a variety of situations.
2. You write up a short analysis of your play overall, strengths and weaknesses.
Did the replay system change? I saved a pair of replays and I can't find them! I read somewhere I must use Fraps or Twitch to record them: is that true?
Oh, I got this: http://www.coh2.org/guides/4164/how-to-watch-replays
The path is changed, I was looking under steam folder.

Posts: 6
I have seen our time zones are not similar. You are at -5, I am at +1. But I think we will find a way to keep in contact. I am not that guy going to bed very early. ;-)
Just a few words of me: I am Steven from Germany and I am 29 years old. I´ve been playing CoH since approx. 2006. Mostly I´ve played 2v2, 2v2 random, many 2v2 AT games with my clan mates. My best position in 2v2 AT was lvl 13 with about 50-60 wins to 10-15 losses with Allies (without Roos and Staghounds

At CoH 2 I like to play axis. But I want to improve my Russian play, too. I dont´t like playing 1v1. I am bored while playing that. I need a mate with whom I can have fun.
But If you (Golradaer) want to see me playing 1v1, I will play it. :-)
Golradaer, what kind of replay do you wish? 1v1, 2v2, 4v4...?
(my English is not the best)

Posts: 24

Posts: 114
Hi Golradaer, hi everyone. Sry for being late. I was in holiday and spent some time at the coast of the Netherlands. On monday I´ll be back at home. Then we could talk a bit.
I have seen our time zones are not similar. You are at -5, I am at +1. But I think we will find a way to keep in contact. I am not that guy going to bed very early. ;-)
Just a few words of me: I am Steven from Germany and I am 29 years old. I´ve been playing CoH since approx. 2006. Mostly I´ve played 2v2, 2v2 random, many 2v2 AT games with my clan mates. My best position in 2v2 AT was lvl 13 with about 50-60 wins to 10-15 losses with Allies (without Roos and Staghounds). I was playing axis and allies. I can´t count the games I´ve played. It have to be over 10000 and many more.
At CoH 2 I like to play axis. But I want to improve my Russian play, too. I dont´t like playing 1v1. I am bored while playing that. I need a mate with whom I can have fun.
But If you (Golradaer) want to see me playing 1v1, I will play it. :-)
Golradaer, what kind of replay do you wish? 1v1, 2v2, 4v4...?
(my English is not the best)
You can post whatever type of replay you like so long as it's a close game and you want to know how you could have played better during it.
I'm here to help you increase your playing skill to reach your goal; if that means becoming better in team games that's fine.

Posts: 114
Here is a game between me and Basilone kinda a long one and entertianing in my Oppinion anxious to hear your thoughts.
I am trying to work on the Control Groups like you said but I am not having much luck I have no problems making the groups but I cant seem to remember to use them or change them up so that they are convienant. Sometimes I feel like there is a fog over my brain and I get so absorbed in the game I cant think, its tunnel vision and Its really holding me back I know it is. Maybe you have some suggestions on how to train for control groups that will help me get it going in the right direction. I want very badly to improve my game and be able to compete but sometimes I get discouraged and think about quitting because I have not seemed to improve in 2 years+ I really need you help Peter. I am very happy that you are my Mentor
I think I tried to watch this and got a sync error, I'll give it another shot.
For training, you're probably focusing too much on winning games than practicing your fundamentals. Have you played any sports? The basic drills you might do during practice create the habits that you use during games, and the same holds true for CoH.
The first thing I would do is practice in a low-stakes setting against the AI. If you haven't played the campaign or finished all of the Theater of War scenarios, those are good options for getting accustomed to using control groups without worrying about losing. While doing this, stop using the tactical map entirely. Just don't open it, ever. This will force you to find other ways to give your units commands which will mean using control groups. At various points in the battle, force yourself to pause and consider the situation and your use of control groups. Maybe it's when you build a new production building/tech up, or satisfy an objective (if it's campaign).
On a related note, be sure that you're using the grid-keys setup for hotkeys, that all of the fingers on your left hand are always on the ASDF keys unless they're pressing nearby hotkeys, that you're using the F1 through F5 keys to select production buildings, and hotkeys to produce units, retreat units, and use all unit abilities. Basically, your left hand should be constantly doing things like pressing 4 to select a control group and then giving it a movement order with your mouse (clicking on the minimap to give it long distance orders or capping orders), then pressing F1 to select your HQ, then Q to build Conscripts, then double tapping 2 to center your camera on a different control group and perhaps pressing Z/X/C to use one of the unit's abilities. Your mouse should be used almost entirely for giving movement orders, attack orders, and moving your camera around, while avoiding clicking buttons with it as much as possible.
Starcraft 2 places far more of an emphasis on rapid control of units and production buildings than CoH2, so it's a great source of information about refining your mechanics. Here are a few links to useful Starcraft 2 content. Obviously, some of the things won't apply, but it's a good way to learn optimal RTS mechanics and these lessons transfer to any RTS you might play.

Posts: 523

Posts: 114
You need to stop being extremelly rude when losing. Pathetic.
Who are you talking about?
As a broader point, poor sportsmanship is the worst quality a player can have and should be addressed before worrying about increasing in skill.

Posts: 24
Anyway, this is the: replay.
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