All of those are easier to dodge, even cloaked grenades to an extent as you can have an eye on the squad and at least move/ hit retreat. Demos really do punish capping/individual squads more than anything else by forcing consolidation to avoid being nuked.
It kind of goes back to the old general-purpose mines one-shooting squads. You CAN'T have a minesweeper everywhere and if you do, you're heavily delaying capturing/offensives to avoid wipes and spending resources in units that are non-combat(pios) or taper off and exmepsive (Sturms).
Furthermore cost is not a good indicator for deciding if it should be a full easy wipe with pretty much one option for counterplay which is sweepers or have some sixth sense for demos. If it was the case, why the heck do certain off-maps not kill everything despite costing more than said demo?
Regardless my opinion is demos should be far less lethal to anything not objects or structures, but make them cheaper so they can be used more on said targets.
So ST wipe too, stuka dive bomb and stuka zu fast wipe too, will you nerf them too ? Dodge > minesweeper ?