Older notes: https://www.coh2.org/topic/51989/april-27th-balance-preview-mod-release-notes

• Accuracy from 0.05/0.0375/0.25 to 0.055/0.045/0.04
• Penetration from 200/190/180 to 240/230/220
• Reload increased from 3.8/4.2 to 5.4.
• Target size reduced from 22 to 18
• Rotation rate from 20 to 22
• Cost increases from 340 manpower and 120 fuel to 350 manpower and 130 fuel.
• Veterancy two -30% reload modifier replaced with +30% weapon penetration modifier.
57mm ATG
• Penetration from 140/125/115 to 150/140/130
• Take Aim! now a timed ability. 20 seconds, 30 second recharge.
• Accuracy changed from 0.05/0.0425/0.03 to 0.055/0.05/0.04
• M2HB .50cal HMG penetration from 3/2/1 to 7/6/5.
• Can now load AP rounds for 25% increased damage and +10 pentration.
M36 Jackson
• LOS from 35 to 45.
• Captain no longer comes with free Bazookas. Must either grab them from the weapon rack or purchase them as an upgrade for 80 munitions.
• On Me! No longer provides suppression immunity for its duration, but will still break suppression.
M8 Motor Carriage
• AOE mid modifer from 0.15 to 0.25
• AOE far modifier from 0.05 to 0.10
• Build-time from 80 seconds to 50 seconds.
• Health from 320 to 400.
60mm Mortar
• Added M1 60mm Mortar to USF Starting Building
251 Flame Half-Track
• Upgrade cost reduced from 120 to 90
• Ready aim time from 1.5 to 1
• Flamethrower damage versus garrison from 1.25 to 1.
• Veterancy 3 cooldown bonuses now benefits the Flamethrowers.
Panzer IV Command Tank
• No longer receives benefits from its own aura.
Support Armour Korp
• Price from 260 manpower and 75 fuel to 240 manpower and 60 fuel.
Tiger and Tiger Ace
• Rear armoured reduced from 180 to 140
• Deflection stun removed from main gun.
• Can now construct sandbags.
Battlegroup Headquarters
• Medics must now be purchased as an upgrade. 100 manpower 15 Fuel.
Mechanized Headquarters
• Repair Pioneers must now be purchased as an upgrade. 100 Manpower 15 Fuel.
• Panzerfaust ability added which is unlocked after a truck is built. (Panzerfaust works just like the Grenadier Panzerfaust)
MG34 HMG Team
• Available in the H.Q but requires a Battle Group H.Q or Mechanized H.Q.
Tank Hunter Infantry Section
• Heat Grenade damage from 50 to 100.
Counter Battery
• Is now a timed ability. Lasts 45 seconds and recharge time is 90 seconds.