
russian armor

BAR blob again

21 Apr 2016, 12:44 PM
avatar of DiePest

Posts: 90

Hey guys!
Again a thread from me asking for help. In my last thread for OKW I got some pretty helpful answers and I hope this will be the same this time.

I´m struggeling so hard against these blobs it´s beginning to kill the game for me. There is so much frustration involved when you just can´t find a way to deal with it.

Anyways I uploaded a replay this time so everyone can judge better. I´m shure I did plenty wrong but I just can´t figure out what it was.

I really appriciate any help guys!
Thanks in advance for taking the time to watch the replay!


Some additional info to the replay: My Username ingame is Mayhem666
21 Apr 2016, 13:28 PM
avatar of Ful4n0

Posts: 345

really nice to see others asking for help instead of whinning about this OP, that UP....

Congratzs man!!!

Hope others can help you, you deserve it with such a great behaviour....I´m a noob so surely, you know this game better than me, so ....but pretty sure others in this community will check your replay and will offer you some hints...

Again, thanks for making threads like this one....really missed times of gamereplays where there were 100 thread like this one per each balance thread....

That´s the way to go imho.

21 Apr 2016, 13:44 PM
avatar of mycalliope

Posts: 721

i mean its so obvious they need to remove the vet 3 recieved accuracy on rifles but other way can be removing the 30 % offensive bar bonus that way the will be still survivable...anyways the axis players have to do so much micro compared to a usf player who can just a move his bar blobs there is a reason why u don;t see much rangers and para on the field.
21 Apr 2016, 14:22 PM
avatar of DiePest

Posts: 90

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Apr 2016, 13:28 PMFul4n0
really nice to see others asking for help instead of whinning about this OP, that UP....

Congratzs man!!!

Hope others can help you, you deserve it with such a great behaviour....I´m a noob so surely, you know this game better than me, so ....but pretty sure others in this community will check your replay and will offer you some hints...

Again, thanks for making threads like this one....really missed times of gamereplays where there were 100 thread like this one per each balance thread....

That´s the way to go imho.

Thanks mate!
I really appreciate your feedback. I´m always annoyed when I look at the balance section of the forumm because there are so many threads of rage because of lost games.

As salty and sharp the discussions in the balance corner are, as friendly are the people here in the state office. There were so many great answers, very detailed too that I was overwhelmed at first. Really positive.

I mean the game is as it is (and sometimes quite frustrating)and as long as I can find casts and replays of this game where others are winning with the faction I constantly loose I have no proof that something is OP/UP. So obvious anwere: I´m the problem and if one thing is clearly UP in this game it´s me. So I seek to improve with the help of all of you guys here in this great community. And so far it seems to work! ;)
21 Apr 2016, 17:38 PM
avatar of Ful4n0

Posts: 345

hi DiePest, just watched your game.

This is my analysis,from a very very bad player, so please don´t take too serious my words and wait for real knowledged players to help you :) :

First of all, this map was your first enemy, somehow this is a too big map for Ostheer imho, and center is tipical urban map where cqc squads (rifles) are in a big advantage. Plenty of flanking routes there don´t help your mg-42 too.

Unit preservation, this was what drove you to be defeated imho. That green with LMG in his cutt-off around minute 7 mark. Mate, you have green cover there, but you didn´t move your squad and retreated it too late (anyway it was fighting againts two rifles squads, you should have soft retreated it the moment you see both rifle squads coz you know you were to lost that engagement). You have to retreat a green squad with LMG the moment it only has two models. If not, you are risking to be whiped and/or to drop your LMG.

Then one minute after that, you lost a mg-42 in the center and then, at minute 12 mark, in the south fuel, two garrisoned squads in that house covering the south fuel point, his m8 derribed the house with both of them inside.... So at minute 12 mark game was lost.

Mate, unit preservation was the key, you got your fuel and contested his fuel at the early game, you were ahead imho, but then, at 7 minute you start losing squads with no reason....

That guy was more of a "spammy" one than a blobber player tbh. but he kept their units alive while whiping yours....

Anyway, wait for others, because again, I am not a good player, and excuse my bad english...

Good Luck & Have Fun!!

21 Apr 2016, 17:55 PM
avatar of DiePest

Posts: 90

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Apr 2016, 17:38 PMFul4n0
hi DiePest, just watched your game.

This is my analysis,from a very very bad player, so please don´t take too serious my words and wait for real knowledged players to help you :) :

First of all, this map was your first enemy, somehow this is a too big map for Ostheer imho, and center is tipical urban map where cqc squads (rifles) are in a big advantage. Plenty of flanking routes there don´t help your mg-42 too.

Unit preservation, this was what drove you to be defeated imho. That green with LMG in his cutt-off around minute 7 mark. Mate, you have green cover there, but you didn´t move your squad and retreated it too late (anyway it was fighting againts two rifles squads, you should have soft retreated it the moment you see both rifle squads coz you know you were to lost that engagement). You have to retreat a green squad with LMG the moment it only has two models. If not, you are risking to be whiped and/or to drop your LMG.

Then one minute after that, you lost a mg-42 in the center and then, at minute 12 mark, in the south fuel, two garrisoned squads in that house covering the south fuel point, his m8 derribed the house with both of them inside.... So at minute 12 mark game was lost.

Mate, unit preservation was the key, you got your fuel and contested his fuel at the early game, you were ahead imho, but then, at 7 minute you start losing squads with no reason....

That guy was more of a "spammy" one than a blobber player tbh. but he kept their units alive while whiping yours....

Anyway, wait for others, because again, I am not a good player, and excuse my bad english...

Good Luck & Have Fun!!

Thank you so much for your detailed view of my game!

I have to say you're absolutely right! Unit preservation is something I'm rally lacking in some games. Those two units in the building...man I was so angry at my misjudgment! :D
I get lost if I'm fighting on two fronts at the same time. It's simply to much for me to handle with my 30 years! ;)
I'll work on that! Do you have any tips on how to improve that? Like the one you already have given with the retreating.

Oh, and mate you seriously can't be as bad as I am currently! ;)

Thanks again for taking the time to help me!

21 Apr 2016, 18:51 PM
avatar of Don'tKnow

Posts: 225 | Subs: 1

Hey :)
I am on it.Give me an hour or two.
21 Apr 2016, 19:35 PM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2272 | Subs: 1

the tricky part of OKW is in the early game.

try the following: BO: kübel 3x volx raketen

let the kübel cap as most as he can, let the volx cap, occupy 1 crucial house with volx. US has no early anti building. avoid engagements till you have all 3 volx. if you have to fight, alwys make sure you have 1 more unit than him in the fight. then you make a little combat group of the kübel, 2 volx and the sturm. try to find a lonely rifle, wait till all of your stuff is in position. then you attack him with all stuff at once. push him out of cover with kübel, focus fire with volx (just click), close combat with pios (send them close).

get t3 for a luchs, fight houses with nades, but only after you get 1 shrek at least. lay mines at crossroads.
21 Apr 2016, 20:47 PM
avatar of CartoonVillain

Posts: 474

^ This game was wehr though.
21 Apr 2016, 20:49 PM
avatar of DiePest

Posts: 90

^ This game was wehr though.

For a second I feared to have posted it in the wrong forum! :D

I had a thread with the same problem for OKW recently! ;)
25 Apr 2016, 11:56 AM
avatar of DiePest

Posts: 90

I guess the release of the recent patch notes has killed this thread, right? Any advice would still be appriciated though! ;)
27 Apr 2016, 23:10 PM
avatar of Imagelessbean

Posts: 1585 | Subs: 1

General overview:
You are doing an absolutely great job of spreading out and denying him fuel. Your micro of units however is not up to par with your capping ability and you bleed out MP like crazy after the 6 minute mark. You also continue to opt for grens when you see a blob of 5-6 units. You could easily afford to build as many MG42's and let them suppress the blob. You purchase both stormtroopers and PG's which makes little sense, if you go elite get Stormtroopers and rely on the pak with gren support until a tank can arrive. You spend your munitions on intelligent upgrades, in general, but you fail to put down s-mines on flanks, which would immediately threaten the blob. If you can bring your micro up considerably you will be beating these rifle blobs in short order.

From the replay places to improve:
You build an MG early and send it forward to take a building without scouting first. You are not punished for this but you are lucky.

Your MG sits in the building for more than 5 minutes without doing anything.

You fail to faust a greyhound when it makes a push at his cutoff, this alone could have won you the game early.

You do a fairly good job of retreating as the game starts, but then fail to retreat an MG when you had loads of time to do so and give the American a real gift.

You place two squads in a building with 3 windows, and then have them both wiped when a single nade brings the building down.

You are too aggressive with your pak gun, although you do get lucky. It should have a gren within faust range of it at all times.

By the mid game you are losing lots of units to wipes which is costing you a fortune.

Your first P4 does great work, but you have it at half health and proceed to dive behind his lines. At this point you are just asking for a rifle nade, in short order it dies.

Second P4 is moved into position to attack and sits statically firing at the blob until it dies. This unit should have been allowed to fire at the blob and then backed up at half health for repairs.

Pak guns should always hold fire and prioritize vehicles, at all times (almost). Yours fires at infantry for the majority of the game.

Your third P4 is ok, and does well in mid vs. the blob, but you do not move it between engagements so he knows exactly where it is when he comes back. The same can be said of your MGs. They need to move after you force him to retreat. Same area, new wall.

You opt for an Ostwind late, when he has 3 shermans and you know of two and dive it into an AT gun for little gain. You should have gotten 2 stugs and given up the Pak 40 you also purchased. These would have made short work of the Shermans and opened up your P4 to deal with infantry.

You do a good job of spreading grens out to take MGs, but those are YOUR MGs! He should never get his hands on them.

When he has roving tanks you send a number of high vet units behind the lines and he simply fines them and then wipes them.

Try playing a game without having a single lost squad. See if you can manage to keep every squad you start with alive until the late game. If you can do this you will notice a significant improvement in your game. Do not wait as long to retreat, you want the squad back at base.
29 Apr 2016, 06:34 AM
avatar of DiePest

Posts: 90

General overview:
You are doing an absolutely great job of spreading out and denying him fuel. Your micro of units however is not up to par with your capping ability and you bleed out MP like crazy after the 6 minute mark. You also continue to opt for grens when you see a blob of 5-6 units. You could easily afford to build as many MG42's and let them suppress the blob. You purchase both stormtroopers and PG's which makes little sense, if you go elite get Stormtroopers and rely on the pak with gren support until a tank can arrive. You spend your munitions on intelligent upgrades, in general, but you fail to put down s-mines on flanks, which would immediately threaten the blob. If you can bring your micro up considerably you will be beating these rifle blobs in short order.

From the replay places to improve:
You build an MG early and send it forward to take a building without scouting first. You are not punished for this but you are lucky.

Your MG sits in the building for more than 5 minutes without doing anything.

You fail to faust a greyhound when it makes a push at his cutoff, this alone could have won you the game early.

You do a fairly good job of retreating as the game starts, but then fail to retreat an MG when you had loads of time to do so and give the American a real gift.

You place two squads in a building with 3 windows, and then have them both wiped when a single nade brings the building down.

You are too aggressive with your pak gun, although you do get lucky. It should have a gren within faust range of it at all times.

By the mid game you are losing lots of units to wipes which is costing you a fortune.

Your first P4 does great work, but you have it at half health and proceed to dive behind his lines. At this point you are just asking for a rifle nade, in short order it dies.

Second P4 is moved into position to attack and sits statically firing at the blob until it dies. This unit should have been allowed to fire at the blob and then backed up at half health for repairs.

Pak guns should always hold fire and prioritize vehicles, at all times (almost). Yours fires at infantry for the majority of the game.

Your third P4 is ok, and does well in mid vs. the blob, but you do not move it between engagements so he knows exactly where it is when he comes back. The same can be said of your MGs. They need to move after you force him to retreat. Same area, new wall.

You opt for an Ostwind late, when he has 3 shermans and you know of two and dive it into an AT gun for little gain. You should have gotten 2 stugs and given up the Pak 40 you also purchased. These would have made short work of the Shermans and opened up your P4 to deal with infantry.

You do a good job of spreading grens out to take MGs, but those are YOUR MGs! He should never get his hands on them.

When he has roving tanks you send a number of high vet units behind the lines and he simply fines them and then wipes them.

Try playing a game without having a single lost squad. See if you can manage to keep every squad you start with alive until the late game. If you can do this you will notice a significant improvement in your game. Do not wait as long to retreat, you want the squad back at base.

Thanks a lot for this very, very detailed review of my game and taking the time to watch the replay! It really helps a lot!

Somehow I seldome go for more then 1 MG 42 and I can´t really say why. It is really something I have to work on and the overall handling of the MGs. Thank you very much for pointing this out.

Those Greyhounds hit me totally unprepared. just hadn´t them in mind and when the first one hit me it was a big WTF for me as I was expecting him to go for a Stuart. I guess I have to work on that too.

The two veteran squads who found a poor death crushed by that building still haunt me in my dreams! :D I have no clue what the bloody hell I was thinking while doing that!

"You do a good job of spreading grens out to take MGs, but those are YOUR MGs! He should never get his hands on them."

That one really made my day! :D I had to laugh pretty hard and then I realised how the poor Grens must have felt while thinking exactly that! :D

I´ll definatly try your suggestion! Sounds like a real good way to get my unit preservation under control.

Again thank you very much for your time and Feedback Imagelessbean! It really helps a lot and is what makes this community so great. Plus I think it takes away from the frustration this game sometimes causes. Was really pissed after the match but now I´m glad it went the way it did and I´m also very glad I posted the replay here.
29 Apr 2016, 06:50 AM
avatar of WhySooSerious

Posts: 1248

if only all noob problem threads were like this. CoH threads would be beautiful to look at. It'd be like waking up to a cup of tea, some bread or eggs with the news on. :megusta:
29 Apr 2016, 07:02 AM
avatar of DiePest

Posts: 90

if only all noob problem threads were like this. CoH threads would be beautiful to look at. It'd be like waking up to a cup of tea, some bread or eggs with the news on. :megusta:

I do also wish it was that way. The amount of state Office threads ( one of my main sources I try to improve with ) is nowhere near the amount of new balance threads. And tbh I think most of those balance threads really should be state Office threads because I feel a lot of the Players creating those threads suffer from the same problems as I do.

And the one thing that really makes me wonder is why that´s the case. I mean look at this thread or my others in the state Office. Noone is calling me a noob (well...exept..you know... ;) ), everyone is posting constructive Feedback, most of the people posting are also very, very supportive wishing me luck with improving and such. It´s just a very nice experiance posting here. I mean theres People around here who invest no less then 40 to 50 minutes watching my game and commenting on it. Hell I bet there´s some girlfriends around there that recieve less time if they have a Problem with make up or shoes ( just kidding, no offence Girls ;)) .

To summarise: I really love the way people here are handling this and the kind attitude over here at the state Office.

Edit: so much spelling mistakes! O.0 To my excuse I´m german! ;)
6 May 2016, 08:14 AM
avatar of Kurobane

Posts: 658

You should also invest in mines. Mines will win you games.
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