I'm hoping to peek your interest with this thread with the idea of a different kind of tournament. We constantly see the big tournies with the usual names duking it out and show casing our great game! (yeah, I said great game even tho we all hate the cancer company and other issues from time to time). And there is nothing wrong with seeing these names all the time because they are amazing and put on great shows and great games all the time. But I want to ask some questions, could we be missing some other amazing content and players out there? Have we some times missed the point of this game when we are more concerned about the RNG not going our way or some AIDES strat that puts us on tilt of which Relic cops our backlash but yet still tries to work our the game we love? Do we take CoH2 to seriously? (I know I do see me on stream #shameless pluggin)
I want to introduce the idea of a new kind of tournament nicknamed at the moment as Grenadiers 2 Generals... My idea for this tournament would be aimed at lower lever players (no one in the top 100)duking it out in a different more fun setting that were not used to seeing. The idea for this would be for fun and to showcase the communities skill in adapting to a situation they may not be prepared for.
This would look like -
-250 VP games Bo1 till finals which will be Bo3
-Player who wins coin toss picks the enemies faction, then the loser picks the winners faction (has to be a opposing faction example. Brits vrs Whermact or USF vrs Japan (( Kappa ))
-Stream picks map for players to play on out of the 6 maps normally used in ESL Cups
- ?? either factions can only use stock commanders or there will be a short list players can choose from **non meta would be more fun**
Aims of this tournament -
- having fun and bringing the community together for some laughs rather then critical thinking and fan bois hating on each others factions.
- I also really want to showcase some of the other great players in this community that are cast into a shadow of the top tier players (no hating on top tier players because you guys show the out side community how great this game is) and don't get to be seen.
- I really want some of the lower level players to have a chance at being the clutch mister or pro vehicle micro..er and being placed into the spot light so they can have their moment because lets be honest we have all had that one moment in a game where we were fucking amazing and wished the whole CoH2 community could have seen our play.
I just think its time to have more fun and laugh at our selves because if we don't and continue being toxic like we are some times our community will reach its critical mass and start diminishing as newer players can and will be turned off by what they see. Lets make CoH2 more fun and GREAT like it can be.
Any ways that's just my ideas and thought so please comment and banta as I wanna see if people would get behind this. If you want an example of how this would look but on a smaller scale, check out Bronze league heroes by Husky StarCraft, the content is funny and I recon our game could benefit from something like this. So this will be my baby so please be gentle and give me your constructive criticism