UKF Changes
I strongly disagree with several of your changes.
firefly cost lowered to 350 mp 125 fuel
The Firefly currently has both poor DPS and maneuverability, making it only useful with Tulips or vetted. Reducing the cost will not change this. Instead, increase the Firefly's damage from 200 to 240 and reduce the vet 3 damage bonus from 80 to 40.
tulip rocket damage lowered to 2x100
2x160 would be a better choice. It removes the one-shot potential and still allows for a significant alpha strike.
tulip rocket ability cost lowered to 60 munition
If Relic goes with 2x160 damage, 75 munitions would be a better cost. A reduction in recharge time would also be good.
PIAT/Cromwell/Churchill Penetration:
I have often thought that some suggestions made on this forum were incredibly unimaginative (and frankly boring) ways of balancing units and serve only to detrimentally homogenise factions.
PIAT projectile now track its target
PIAT damage lowered to 80
PIAT deflection modifier lowered to .25
PIAT range lowered to 35 meters
PIAT cost increased to 45 munitions
The PIAT is, minus its projectile speed and unnecessary scatter values, an AT weapon perfectly designed for the long-range but stationary and late-game focused Infantry Sections. Your suggestion would turn it into a budget Bazooka. Instead, remove the scatter and increase the projectile speed from 80 to 160, pending further adjustment should it prove OP. If you'd like to test this change,
here's a mod.
cromwell and churchill main gun penetration lowered to 80/100/120
Is there a particular reason for this change? Price efficiency is currently the issue with the Cromwell (The Churchill certainly doesn't need any outright nerfs) and while the penetration certainly contributes to this, it isn't a major cause. A 10-15 fuel cost increase to the Cromwell would be a better change.
I apologise if my writing is somewhat unintelligible. I'm a little tired.