Concept of Wehrmacht:
The additional upgrades in buildings opening when studying t3 and t4 technologies.
t1-barracks - expanded replenishment - groups of grenadiers/engineers / Panzer grenadiers receive +1 person in group = at most 5 people. (t3 upgrade).
The assault set - opens an opportunity to alternatively buy in group of grenadiers instead of mg-42 5 automatic machines of megapixel-40 and an opportunity to throw the fragmental grenade. Grenadiers receive additional armor and 5 automatic machines of megapixel-40. Alternative: the grenadiers called in the Doctrine of the mechanized storm - are deprived of additional armor and throw many grenades. (t3 upgrade).
(T3 an upgrade) engineers and grenadiers build long-term strengthenings strengthened by the reinforced bunker concrete (resistance to explosions to 45%)
Tank School (t4 an upgrade) - the panzer 4, a panzer 6 and tanks a tiger receive ability a radio exchange which raises the review of tanks, increases rate of firing.
The corporal (t3 an upgrade) - gives an opportunity to buy in headquarters of the corporal. Abilities: The field-glass - the corporal receives the big radius of the review in a narrow cone.
Beat the noticed purpose - when firing at the purpose which to be in the radius of the review of the corporal, at ability use the field-glass - the speed of fire of tanks, Pt of calculations, machine guns, mortars on this purpose increases. There can be only one purpose in unit of time.
Panzervefer - rockets strike area of firing by a chemical smoke. The causing average loss to infantry reducing the speed of movement of infantry in a smoke scope. The equipment snazhat area of the review, at stay in a smoke area of coverage.
Concept of RKKA army:
a) System of technological boundaries. In what that it is comparable to Wehrmacht, but doesn't open shooting galleries, and provides access to more powerful units:
Basic set: t0-engineers, recruits + upgrades on a Molotov cocktail. t1-sniper, car, intelligence agents. t2 - a machine gun of maxims, a mortar, a 45-mm gun. t3 - m5 the all-terrain vehicle, sou-76, t4 ZSO a katyusha.
Intelligence agents - group from 5 people, are armed with SVT-40. Are capable to put mines and to throw the smoke grenade. In shelter automatically hide.
shooting gallery-1. 200/55 Recruits - are replaced with veterans. Veterans more the best characteristics, an opportunity to buy in group 2 SVT-40 with optics or 2 ppsh-41. The machine gun of maxims is replaced with DShK machine gun. the 45-mm gun is replaced on zis-6. Become available to construction: tank of t-70 and t-34-76.
shooting gallery-2. To Become 250/85 are available to construction in t4 - the heavy tank of kV-85, PT SAU SU-85. An opportunity at t34-76 to deliver 57 mm of PT to a down.
the shooting gallery-3 300/125 to Become are available to construction: in t1 intelligence agents are replaced with assault infantry: The assault infantry is armed with 6 rifles AVS-36, is capable to give up explosion a package. There is an opportunity to get a flame thrower. Have good survival.
t34-76, it is replaced on t34-85. The kV-85 has an opportunity to establish additional armor (screens).
Thus we receive Fraction capable to play from the mass of technologically simple units, and in the course of deduction of the territory and accumulation of resources to develop technologies and to expose more serious units. Or to take advantage of the commander and to expose alternative units.
All doctrines containing t34-85 except the doctrine of technical superiority: a possibility of construction to the building t4 - the heavy tank is-1. The doctrine of technical superiority a possibility of construction in t4 two experimental modifications t34: t34-100 and t34 with a chemical flame thrower.
Doctrine of Breakthrough of troops of People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs:
- 0 - Call of groups of a shtrafbat. The cost 200, 6 people, are armed with rifles of a mosin, can throw grenades.
- 2-Zagoroditelny groups. The improvement bought in each group of machine guns of maxims / дшк: The machine gun receives increase in a distance of firing, stronger suppression. The groups of a shtrafbat which are near a machine gun receive a bonus to the speed of movement and speed of firing.
- 4 Investigation - a scout plane call.
- 5 - the smoke screen - the chosen territory is fired by mortars for creation of a dense smoke screen.
- 10-Air storm - 2 IL-2 armed 37 mm guns and 132 mm rockets make firing of the chosen sector.
Tactics of the Lend-lease:
Fuel delivery - replacement, now ability costs 150 requisitions - will be delivered to the chosen point: a fuel point - from 50 to 80 Edinets of fuel, a point with cartridges from 150 to 180 units of cartridges.
Tactics Labour front:
- Instead of fuel supply - Advanced warehouses - any constructed warehouse can be improved for 150 requisitions and - increases the 5th fuels the production chosen like resources for 75%.
Tactics of armored attack:
instead of radio interception - technical providing - comes to the chosen point the truck Studebekker. At expansion increases production of resources on a point.
The Katyusha - receives RZO standard ability - firing incendiary - the fired area is set fire in the place of hit of the rocket. Without splesh - the loss applies only fire. The alternative - firing by the weighted pigs - does weak harm to infantry, but an average loss to tanks and constructions. At the first level of veterancy - fire coordination. 2+ katyushas when firing the same area improve fire grouping (passively). at the third level of veterancy - ammunition of volume explosion - standard shells receive in addition cause at the time of explosion a loss in 30 units on the area, deafening infantry on 1 sec.
Concept of OKV.
OKW - represents army of Germany which wages defensive war. And in attack will rely on powerful tanks which support recruits.
As OKV represents Germany more in defense and counter attacks of 1944-45:
- folskgrenader - 6 people. The group represents 5 soldiers with rifles kar98k + the sergeant with PAS the rifle GW-43. Can be in addition equipped: 1 manual machine gun of mg-42 or 5 automatic MP-40. Anti-tank means - ability - a shot from a panzerfaust.
Receive in addition +25% to protection at stay in green shelter. In sector where the headquarters are located receive a bonus to the speed of conducting firing.
Protection bonus in shelters - additional motivation to build easy strengthenings. A bonus of attack to the of the territory - incentive for expansion of mobile headquarters in the battlefield.
- assault engineers - are armed with 4 MP-41, can be equipped with a flame thrower. Are capable to establish explosive with the timer.Assault sappers remain expensive, small group. MP-40 provides a good loss close, but in the distance the loss falls. The flame thrower provides a loss against constructions and gives a synergy at attack of buildings. In addition assault engineers are capable to establish powerful explosive with the timer.
- medical headquarters - additional improvements - defense perimeter - in a small zone about headquarters it is possible to place stationary flacon of 20 mm and bags with sand.
The possibility of additional protection of medical headquarters, allows to play more aggressively.
- Auber soldiers - are initially armed by 4 STG-44. Improvements - the Officer - the veteran - 5y the member of group, is armed with PTs-43 with optics. Abilities depend on the bought set:
a) tank hunters - the group receives 2 panzershreka for 100 cartridges. The officer provides ability - a throw of a cumulative magnetic mine - causes a strong loss, technicians destroys modules.
b) Defenders of the homeland - a manual machine gun of mg-34 and 2 rifles GW-43 with optics. The officer - inquiry of firing by smoke shells.
c) The scorched earth - group has an opportunity to establish minefields with fiery traps. Explosion of a package which allows to make instantly a point neutral is bright.
elite groups of veterans. Such they have to be. The equipment gives the chance to choose by him strong specialization in the chosen area.
105 mm a mobile howitzer - t4 a unit. it is transported in an installation site - for some time it is prepared and can:
- fire over open sights - causes an average loss of equipment. At hit of the technician stops.
- fire at the area - in the mode of a howitzer fires at the chosen territory.
Restriction - 1 tool, for each developed headquarters of t3.The tool providing artillery support to the coming forces. Also can carry out a role of a stationary anti-tank gun.
As a result: folskgrenader remain the main infantry of OKW. But lose the fantastic synergy of pro-willows of equipment. The player is forced to rely on Pupkhen as available anti-tank means.
Assault engineers and Auber soldiers provide powerful force, but the price of such groups is considerable - very difficult to make them in a large number.
Fiery storm:
- 1 folskgrenader have an opportunity to be equipped with a flame thrower.
- 5 - incendiary ammunition to tanks
- 6 Nebelfiller - the 6th barreled jet mortar with function of firing of the territory.
- 8 - call of a fire-throwing hettsar.
- 10-FW-190-chosen territory is fired from 20 mm of guns and rockets filled with incendiary mix single-motor attack planes.
Doctrine to a lyuftffafa:
- paratroopers can land - with I on parachutes or to leave buildings.
- instead of assault operation - a departure Henshel Hs 129. which patrols the chosen zone and fires at the opponent's tanks from 75 mm of a gun.
Army of the USA concept:
Adaptable infantry.
Adaptable equipment: The tank Sherman becomes a platform for modifications:
a) 100 cartridges - hinged armor - Sherman of "Jumbo" receives powerful front armor and the strengthened tower. Reduces the speed of movement of the tank.
b) the RZO installation of t3 - for 100 cartridges and the 25th fuels on такн Sherman install 16 rockets. Now the tank can fire from UZO, but loses in the speed of movement and speed of turn of a tower.
Company of tactical support: Kaliopa is moved away. Instead of a kaliopa-0 possibility of construction on t3 of the easy tank m24 as the strengthened Stewart's version. R-47 departure - will be transformed to patrol of a zone
Rifle company:
- rangers and 203mm a 155-mm gun of M1/M2/M59 "Lanky Tom" with an opportunity to conduct firing by phosphoric boyevpripasa.
Japanese represented by imperial army on the party of an axis would give a quite good gain of interest in game. It would be quite good to make them so:
- infantry connections of 6 people, with upgrades in the group on +1 - the person with manual software a mortar, +1 person with a manual machine gun / flame thrower / the anti-tank gun. As a result of 8 people in group, at two always different heavy weapons.
And grenades and special abilities depend on the added experts.
- Any mortars and machine guns on t1, t2. Machine guns can be only from the constructed strengthened bunkers or at experts with manual machine guns + armored cars - abilities to suppression.
- the unique abilities studied in barracks for infantry groups.
- return of commanders with auras bonuses.
- 200 mm a jet infantry mortar and 290 mm of XO-TO - as powerful an art support.
- fast and skorostrelny ChI-TO and the heavy tank of ChI-Rhee made by Germans.
- Assault infantry with a wide choice of the explosive (thrown) and ability to masking.
headquarters of imperial command:
- Engineers - carry out construction of all buildings, all strengthenings, repairs of equipment. Group: 5 people, arms of 5 shortened rifles of an arisak. the greatest loss at an average distance. For 10 cartridges can put the deafening mine an extension. Can be equipped with a flame thrower and a manual mine detector, are capable to put an explosive charge - unlike analogs of RKKA - he causes a loss in big area, but doesn't kill infantry, and suppresses her and deafens to the technician of the opponent.
Build the following strengthenings:
- the earth trench - represents small deepening providing a bonus of yellow shelter.
- the strengthened bunker - can be equipped with a heavy machine gun or 45 mm a gun. Suffers only 20% of a loss of fire of mortars and 45% of a loss of fire of artillery. It can be devastated at attack by grenades and the fire-throwing weapon.
- the reinforced concrete strengthening - combines in itself AT a hedgehog and the green shelter - doesn't allow easy and average equipment of the opponent to pass through this territory.
- the dugout with the courses - allows engineers to construct strengthening with the courses manholes - allowing infantry to pass underground from one point to another. Extreme vulnerability to flame throwers and grenades.
Improvements of headquarters of imperial command:
- Field medicine - 200/75 (requisition fuel) - now at each infantry barrack the Japanese physicians who are carrying out distribution of first-aid kits will settle down.
- Engineering services - 250/75 (requisition fuel) - at each headquarters of the mechanized support will be located now engineers., carrying out repair of the damaged equipment.
- Armor-piercing cartridges - 100/25 - the antiaircraft guns placed in headquarters of the mechanized support receive in the order 20 mm subcaliber tapes. Capable to cause a loss to easy equipment.
The warehouse of fuel and warehouse of cartridges can be improved - for 150/20/20 in the strengthened positions - the gain of resources from the territory increases by 60%. near a point shelters of green type are equipped. An opportunity to buy in addition on a point calculation of a machine gun tayp-11 causing a loss to enemy infantry (50 cartridges).
t1 - the Infantry barrack. It can be constructed in any sector, it is equipped with a machine-gun nest from 7,5 mm a machine gun. Allows to build strengthened the bunker, trenches.
Upgrades: The trained experts - allow to buy in addition in linear infantry and assault groups of experts with manual heavy weapon.
The thought-over masking - gives to the sniper an opportunity to buy a set for masking on the district.
- "The charter of imperial army" Provides to infantry and assault groups the following abilities:
a) Ability: "it is ready to die for the emperor" - to assault groups. Infantrymen receive a bonus to run speed, the raised loss from the rifles at a near distance, but decrease in vulnerability and decrease in the loss caused by them at an average and long range.
b) Ability "Banzai" - the player specifies to group area on the card within average radius. The group at the maximum speed runs in this point, takes positions, receiving strong баф on protection, accuracy and a loss, especially in near fight. Each killed infantryman increases the speed of firing of the group by 10% But an opportunity to recede is blocked, the speed of movement of group decreases.
units, available to construction:
1. Imperial infantry.
Initially it is 6 soldiers armed with rifles of an arisak. From basic abilities: - careful movement - group lies and moves on all fours. Soldiers in it situation receive a bonus of yellow shelter and resistance to suppression of 25%.
After studying in barracks of improvement experts, in each group can be bought forever the following improvements (the price is specified in requisition/cartridges/fuel):
1) 80/40/5 - the fighter with a manual mortar Type 89. Features:
- 2,5 seconds shoot on the run, shells grenades with the timer.
- Abilities: Volley - the player specifies in small radius from group on the district then the mortar fires with a fast recharge at the territory 4 мя mines grenades with the timer 2,5 seconds. The smoke screen - similarly, only the territory is covered with a smoke screen from 4 grenades with a smoke. The mortar is capable to fire during the movement while the scene of the attack is in the radius of his firing.
Note: the maximum number of soldiers in group increases on +1, = 7 soldiers.
2) 80/50/10 - the fighter about the Japanese manual machine gun "type 11" to "Taysa". Standard antipersonnel fighter.
Abilities - overwhelming fire, for some time a machine gun when firing suppresses enemy infantry.
At activation at group of ability - "Careful movement" the machine gun receives a bonus to firing accuracy.
Note: the maximum number of soldiers in group increases on +1, = 7 soldiers.
3) 80/40/25 - the fighter with a rantsevy flame thrower of Type 93.
Note: the maximum number of soldiers in group increases on +1, = 7 soldiers, or by 8 soldiers, at existence in group of the second expert.
Note: the maximum number of soldiers in group increases on +1, = 7 soldiers, or by 8 soldiers, at existence in group of the second expert.
4) 80/60/20 - the fighter with the manual anti-tank gun Type 97 and cumulative anti-tank grenades. Provides to group ability - a throw of the anti-tank grenade. Effectively strikes easy equipment of the opponent and it is partially effective against infantry / to average equipment.
Note: the maximum number of soldiers in group increases on +1, = 7 soldiers, or by 8 soldiers, at existence in group of the second expert.
The general note - in group can be to 2 experts, but there can't be identical experts.
2. Japanese armored car of "sea landing parties" Type 2592 300/55. It is equipped with a tower machine gun and is capable to transport one group of infantry. The group of infantry placed in an armored car is capable to fire from side embrasures.
Abilities: the smoke grenade - the fighter from an armored car throws a smoke grenade which lets out a dense cloud smokes on a small distance.
Assault landing - the player is indicated a point districts. The armored car disperses and at the maximum speed moves to the specified point All infantry which has got under the wheels will be crushed, the tower machine gun conducts overwhelming fire, during maneuver performance. In final points the armored car (if in her the group of infantry has been placed) quickly lands group of infantry behind itself.
3. Sniper. The standard fighter armed with a sniper rifle. Opportunities:
- purchase of the masking set. The sniper receives an additional bonus of time of movement a state being in disguised out of shelter.
Abilities of the sniper:
- investigation - the sniper through a sight examines in a radius of 180 degrees a narrow beam the chosen point. Duration - before cancellation or obtaining other order.
- the steel endurance - the sniper as much as possible masks in the shelter and narrows the radius of the detection to a near distance. Can't attack, moves and a half the speed.
- the disguised position - (after purchase of an upgrade - "the masking set") - allows the sniper not to be the unmasked shot if the purpose has been killed at a long range.
- can't kill receding opponents.
- when getting under firing of infantry, begins to fire often, but doesn't kill the infantryman for 1 shot (3 - a shot) - Panics.
4. The lieutenant - the group supporting 5 people in the structure. 1 lieutenant armed tayp-100, 2 soldiers with rifles of an arisak 1 soldier about the Machine gun the Type 96 "Nambu", 1 soldier with tayp-100. Abilities:
- Aura of the lieutenant: allied to the pekhotena groups in a small radius receive all from the lieutenant: resistance to suppression of 25%, a bonus to the accuracy and speed of a recharge of rifles.
- a throw of the smoke grenade - the fighter of group throws the smoke grenade in the specified point.
- The ceramic antipersonnel grenade - the fighter of group establishes a trap to the specified place - which at contact with enemy unit blows up and causes an average loss in a big radius to infantry of the opponent.
t2 headquarters of infantry support:
1. 47-mm mobile anti-tank gun Type 1. ability - subcaliber shells. Fast and easy anti-tank gun. It is capable to strike effectively easy equipment and average tanks due to existence of subcaliber cartridges.
Upgrade in headquarters: Divisional anti-tank calculations - replaces a 47-mm gun with 75-mm Type 41 heavy an anti-tank gun.
2. Type 92 (howitzer) - ability firing of the territory, counter firing. Special abilities - the strengthened position - fighters of calculation build bags with sand around the tool. Firing by incendiary shells of the specified point.
3. Japanese easy tank Ha-go Type 2595. opposes as easy mobile infantry unit, but the armor leaves much to be desired. Abilities:
- the mark - for some time notes the chosen point, group or equipment of the opponent. This mark cleans "war fog" around noted unit for 15 seconds.
- fire from all tools - crew of the tank with the maximum rate of fire fires on the chosen site of the district, suppressing enemy infantry and reducing the radius of the review of enemy equipment by 50%, only to those enemy units which are located in fired mestnosti.ubivat the infantryman for 1 shot (3 - a shot) - Panics.
t3 Headquarters of the mechanized support. It can be constructed in any sector.
It is equipped with 2 20 mm antiaircraft guns - effectively firing on planes of the opponent and it is so-so effective on infantry of the opponent. Don't cause a loss to easy, average tanks.
1. The assault infantry, 6 soldiers armed Type 44 (carbine) are equipped with antipersonnel grenades.
- Storm - fighters of group considerably increase rate of firing from the carbines, partially suppressing the attacked infantry of the opponent.
- an ambush - fighters of group settle down in the specified point on the district, mask. After the beginning of attack, they receive the first 5 seconds a bonus to the caused loss of +150%, however increase the vulnerability by 50%
- "The cm infantry headquarters t1 is ready to die for the emperor".
- Inquiry of firing by smoke shells - at existence constructed: The type-92, group of the lieutenant in a call radius - the specified point of the district is fired by smoke grenades.
2. Japanese self-propelled, a howitzer the Type I "Huo-@ III" - acts as AT, but as well as the sou-76 has ability firing of the district of 75 mm by shells.
Abilities: "overwhelming firing" - crew as much as possible lifts rate of firing, the loss and accuracy fall in proportion. The caused loss of-60%, the attacked tank reduces movement speed by 60%.
"Artillery preparation" - firing of the territory by 6 explosive shells of 75 mm of caliber.
Upgrade - at construction t4 75 mm are possible to improve a gun to 105 mm of a howitzer. Armor-piercing ability decreases, but the loss and сплеш increases.
3. Captain. Represents group from 4 infantrymen. Abilities:
- The aura of the captain - vulnerability a number of the located groups of infantry decreases by 10% + 2% for each level of group of the captain.
- A signal to attack - all infantry divisions near the captain move at the maximum speed within 5 seconds.
- coordination firing - all artillery self-propelled guns and field guns fire specified by an alarm checker the area.
- Firing of equipment - at existence in radius from the captain - 47 mm, 75 mm and Honey - calculations of guns and crews during 1,0 sec. are developed towards the marked enemy equipment and fire a volley. The specified enemy equipment - stops, the module is in a random way damaged, the review falls for 60%. The enemy equipment suffers only 15% of a loss of each gun which has made a shot. After volley the participating guns and self-propelled guns don't shoot within 10 seconds.
t4 Headquarters of divisional armored machinery.
1. The Japanese self-propelled mortar the Ha Type 4 - the Doomsday weapon is simple. the maximum loss in a point of blow 1,0,/0,6/0,2/0,1 suppresses infantry. Range of firing = ranges of firing of a howitzer m1 Americans (car attack). slow speed of movement, recharge 2 minutes. The loss strongly decreases (45%) if the purposes have been placed in green shelter.
2. The Japanese average tank the Chi Type 4 are simply strong the middling person, the loss is lower, but rate of fire is higher. Abilities: Adjustment fire - "Passively" the first shot on enemy equipment besides drawing a loss hangs up on her effect adjustment fire, each subsequent shot of Chi - That on this purpose An of 15% will be made quicker (the maximum bonus of 45%).
3. The Japanese average tank the Type 5 "Chi-ri" from 88 mm a gun and 37 mm a gun.
Huge fire power is compensated by average armor - at the level of kV-1.
- "the drum mechanism zaryazhaniya/manual loading" - the switched ability, a drum is charged 20 seconds and 3 shells with an interval between shots allow to shoot 1,5 seconds. Or the tank fires single shots with an interval of 8 seconds between shots.
- Assault cover - 37 mm of a down begins to fire on noted area suppressing and destroying enemy infantry.
The draft heavy tank - O-and (tank) - arms of 100 mm of a down, 105 mm armor. Occupies a niche between a tiger 1 and a tiger 2. A powerful gun, armor at the level of 1 tiger, speed as at черчеля.
Draft PTO - Like 5 "Huo-Rhee" analog of a ferdinant, but armor 25% worse.
Change of the Concept of Armu. New Rebalans
3 Mar 2016, 03:52 AM

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3 Mar 2016, 11:04 AM

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Please keep all posts in English, or with parallel translations for each post, otherwise the thread will be locked.
3 Mar 2016, 16:07 PM

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I have redistributed the text. I will be glad if someone reads and will give the comment (in essence).

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