For someone who has read a lot for over 20 years you kinda fall into the regular mythology that was written up by disgruntled German generals in their autobiographies.
For someone not even reading my post and understanding that I was answering to Moscow/Barbarossa topic. Ww2 commenting/speculation is endless. But not with people who just like to be negative to anyone saying anything. Always fun how people can understand and even know someone from a forum text...
You will never know what they would have done or what might have happened if they had focused on driving to Moscow before rasputitsa hit them, because it never happened. Pointing out things that they already knew when suggesting to drive to Moscow and would have made plans for it. In the end when Hitler gave the permission to even try going to Moscow the war was already in Winter + Stalin had already made plans to evaquate. Main thing is that they never did go to Moscow when they could have used the good weather for it.
"Mythology is a collection of myths, especially one belonging to a particular sacred, religious or cultural tradition of a group of people." Thank you for saying that everything is mythology for you that anyone else but you write.