The USF Meta
Early game
-Riflemen spam(4-6 squads)
-pretty much it
-either Stuart rush or M20/AA truck rush.
-pretty much it
Late game
-You get rekt. Unless you rekt the opponent in the early to mid game.
In conclusion, Let's just all get Heavy Cavalry doctrine 4 free m8.
The OKW Meta
Early game
-Kubel, volks, volks, sturm truck.(More room for variability.)
Mid game
-Luchs rush(cancer)
-AA truck, moar volks.
Late game
-Rek everybody with your armour and vet blobs. Especially if you got sturmtiger or Panzer fusiliers.

In conclusion, let's increase economy to 150%, so it can just be an all out spam blob fail win slug fest.

The Brit Meta
Early game
-mebbe a bren, mebbe some sections, mebbe some mgs.
Mid game
-Either full turtle mode(mortars and bofors), or really anything else. Brit mid game is pretty fluid.
Late game
-Hopefully have enough full to get armour, watch your units slowly crumble to the veterancy of the blobs and King tiger and sturm tiger and Panther and heavy artillery and mines and flak base and infinite laulz.
Jk Jk, get your crocodile and actually push the enemy back. Wait, that hasn't changed has it?
*gets call from Relic balance team*, nvm, bruh. nvm.

The Ostheer Meta
Early game
-can be anything really. good configurations.
Mid game
-Emphasis on your weapon teams, yes, your Mgs, Paks, and mortars. God knows you don't have enough fuel yet to get medium armour.
Late game
-If you dominated early-mid game, you earn yourself a tiger, that is if you enjoy waiting 30 minutes for 13 cp.
-You spam Stugs and get rekt, because Ostheer fuel economy worse then Zimbabwe.

The Soviet Meta
Early mid and late game
-Clown cars, mines, and spam, oh my. seriously, Soviet is so forgiving in hands of a noob, and godly in hands of pro's. Unless you're playing on the bottom of Semoskiy, then you just control that one house and win m8.

If you can't feel the passion surging through your veins, you do not deserve the Christmas gift Lelic has bestowed. Feels more like a stocking of coal to me however, we must've been real bad children.