Miragefla's December Balance Mod Additions

Posts: 44
Because blitzkrieg is kind of dumb on heavy tanks you know?

Posts: 1664

Posts: 132
Indirect fire is strong as it is against emplacements and UKF's static long range infantry, but I understand that you want to increase the mortar pit's micro tax. I would do so while simultaneously increasing its ability to cover UKF infantry from mortars and leigs within its radius (because those things scythe them down like wheat, and you can't really do anything about it). Give the pit a barrage, a crappy autofire, and then a counter-barrage mode that prevents you from firing normally meanwhile & you can't cancel but has a longer range than the normal barrage. If you did so, you could even decrease the range of the normal barrage if you think it'd be too good, and I'd be fine with that as a UKF player even though it'd be unnecessary. This change would force the UKF player to make an important choice, as he won't be able to support his infantry if he activates counter-barrage, but if he doesn't then indirect fire can tear him up - if he times it wrong, he will pay.

Posts: 769 | Subs: 1
On a similar note, did your suppression changes to mines guarantee suppression (as opposed to Relic's implementation)?

Posts: 1304 | Subs: 13
Quick question: Did you ever try fixing the teller mine bug, and if so, were you successful?
On a similar note, did your suppression changes to mines guarantee suppression (as opposed to Relic's implementation)?
From what I know of the bug, it's something related to its model. Cruzz would know more, but I remembering hearing that the M20 mine does not suffer from this issue so I could possibly replace it with that for a period of time.

Posts: 1304 | Subs: 13
British Trenches
Trenches have been made cheaper, but they no longer remain under the players control when garrisoned. Players can no longer leave these unattended and expect to retake them at a moment's notice while their opponent must spend time destroying the trench with AT or flamethrowers.
-Manpower cost from 50 to 25.
-Now reverts ownership to neutral when de-garrisoned.
Tank Commander
Reduced some of the bonuses provided by the tank commander. Previously they were too high for an upgrade that costed very little. This mainly targets the detection and veterancy gain.
-Veterancy bonus from 1.2 to 1.1.
-Camouflage Detection increase from 20 to 10.
Churchill Crocidile (Thanks to Mr. Smith for idea and implmentation)
The Crocidile now has its main gun as the primary weapon while the flamethrower receives attack commands. The Flamethrower can now be toggled to either obey attack commands or ignore them. Removed the flame sweep weapon and placed some of the stats to the regular flamer. Will do some adjustments afterwards depending on feedback.
-Toggle ability added allowing the Flamethrower to no longer receive attack commands or obey them.
-Flamesweep weapon removed.
-Flamer damage from 10 to 12.
-Regular flame range from 25 to 30.
ISG 75mm
Modified the ISG's veterancy while re-introducing a new version of the Hollow Charge Rounds ability.
-Veterancy 2 modifiers to 0.75 reload on Barrages.85 on Auto-Fire while smoke range increased by 33%.
-Veterancy 1 1.05 range boost to Hollow Charge. A single hollow Charge round is fired at a single target area and deals 120 damage to armoured vehicles with 400 penetration. Projectile has very fast speed and no scatter, but does not track vehicles, deals less damage to infantry and has no AOE. Low cooldown.
-Veterancy 5 changed to fire double Hollow Charge Rounds.
Added a delay to the camouflage ability so the Jagdpanzer cannot suddenly disappear when the ability is activated.
-5 Second delay added to the the Jagdpanzer camouflage ability. Speed penalties still occur upon activation.
Reduction cost in their reinforce. Previously it was too high for the squad's durability and firepower compared to most other units in the game.
-Reinforce cost from 37 to 32.
Assault Engineers
Reduction cost in their reinforce. Previously it was too high for the squad's durability and firepower compared to most other units in the game.
-Reinforce from 33 to 30.
There is now a unique version of the BAR for USF elite infantry who pick up the weapon to better emphasize their stats and to make BARs and weapon racks a viable option for elite infantry which is a core USF feature. Units like Panzergrenadier or Obers picking up this BARs also receive the bolstered version.
DPS 0/10/15/20/25/30/35
Regular BAR:
Elite Infantry BAR:
Also, for units such as Rangers or Paratroopers picking up the BAR, they gain Assault Fire. Weapon cooldown is decreased along with giving the squad a movement increase for 12 seconds. 35 munitions.

Posts: 1487
1. starting res from 420 to 360.R everted to what it was initialy.
2. T1 cost from 80 to 160.

Posts: 1304 | Subs: 13

Posts: 1930
British Trenches
Trenches have been made cheaper, but they no longer remain under the players control when garrisoned. Players can no longer leave these unattended and expect to retake them at a moment's notice while their opponent must spend time destroying the trench with AT or flamethrowers.
-Manpower cost from 50 to 25.
-Now reverts ownership to neutral when de-garrisoned.
if the british trenches are going to be capture-able, then they need to be free. the ostheer and okw both get access to neutral trenches in certain doctrines, and those trenches are free.

Posts: 1063
if the british trenches are going to be capture-able, then they need to be free. the ostheer and okw both get access to neutral trenches in certain doctrines, and those trenches are free.
Axis trenches need to be built in captured sector so 25mp for UKF version is fine. It costs less mp than 1 IS model reinforce.

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1
Axis trenches need to be built in captured sector so 25mp for UKF version is fine. It costs less mp than 1 IS model reinforce.
Not to mention the Jerry ones are plastic by comparison, so it would certainly make sense for tougher ones to cost something.

Posts: 181
Not to mention the Jerry ones are plastic by comparison, so it would certainly make sense for tougher ones to cost something.
Looking at the stats in the attribute editor, both slit_trench_german_mp and slit_trench_mp have the same health (600), armour (35), target size (2) and weapon priority (-20). Is there something I'm missing?

Posts: 1304 | Subs: 13
Version 3.2
General Changes
Adjusted their building damage profile to stop them from leveling EF Map structures in a single toss for some grenades.
-Building damage distance from 1/1/1 to 0.9/0.5/0.2
Tank Destroyers/AV Vehicle Units
Adjusted their AOE settings to avoid any chance where they could one-hit squads, such as units exiting buildings or leaving cover or coming around corners.
-AOE now only affects 1 model per squad maximum.
Panzer IVs
Boosted the penetration at range to help them deal with medium tanks better, particularly at range.
-Penetration to 125/115/110 from 125/110/100
Paratrooper Support Squad (Bazooka)
Added an ability to the Recon Support's Paratrooper acting as a powerful, but temporary snare.
-Tread Shot Added: Reduces a target vehicle's speed and rotation by 75% for 12 seconds. Range 20. 40 munitions.
Altered the Ranger unit to make them different from the other USF call-in infantry while adding a few abilities to make them more unique. They are now better at mid-long range, but are worse at short-range with their basic weapons.
-Added Observation Trap: Plants a flare at a capture point which is detonated and reveals territory should enemies enter the area without a sweeper. No cost.
-Sprint: Standard sprint ability. 15 munitions. Cannot sprint when upgraded or when armed with any weapons.
-Accuracy mid/far to 0.67/0.575
-Damage from 10 to 12
-Cooldown min from 1 to 1.25
-Cooldown near from 0.125 to 0.35
-Reload from 14 to 8.
-Moving accuracy from 0.5 to 0.6
-Moving cooldown to 1.25 from 0.25
-Aim-times from 0.25/0.75/1 to 0.5/1/1.75
-Weapons switch to M1 Garands
Slightly increased the unit's MP cost to match other light tanks. Slight adjustment to AOE due to its role as an AI unit.
-Manpower from 240 to 280.
-AOE now only affects 1 model per squad maximum.
251 Half-Track
-Heals infantry at a rate of 0.25 (OKW self-heal is 0.33) that are riding inside of the half-track.
-Armour reverted from 14 to 9.
-Gains +5 armour upon upgrading to the Flame Half-Track
-Build-Time from 30 to 45.
-Cost from 200mp to 240.
Increased the movement speed of the Tiger to be more in-line with the less armoured heavy tanks to aid the tank.
-Speed from 4.7 to 5.3.
-Acceleration from 1.5 to 1.7/deceleration from 1.8 to 2.
Vehicle Emergency Repair
This ability has been boosted as previously it did very little aside from removing criticals and provided minor and little else for a high amount of munitions.
-Cost from 50 munitions to 35.
-Amount of health restored from 10 to 20 per second.
Sturm Offizer
Reworked the Sturm Offizer to be less powerful when centered near a mass of infantry, but added two new abilities to improve individual squads, has lost the mass retreat on death, and now gains veterancy.
-New ability: Hold Position!: Reduces the damage the squad takes by 20%. 20 Munitions
-New Ability: Assault: Increases Accuracy by 15%, reduces cooldown and reload by 15%. 20 Munitions
-Officer reinforcement cost from 50 to 35.
-Officer reinforcement time from 16 to 7.
-Officer Aura has been removed.
-Officer no longer forces friendlies to retreat on death.
-Officer gains Shared Experience from friendlies.
-Mark Target from 1.5 Received Accuracy to 1.3
-Veterancy 1: +7 Range on Hold Position! and Assault!
-Veterancy 2: 0.71 Received Accuracy and -25% Ability Recharge.
-Veterancy 3: +30% Weapon Accuracy. Hold Position! Grant the squad -20 Received Accuracy on top of its -20% Received Damage. Assault goes to 1.25 Weapon Accuracy, 0.7 Cooldown and 0.7 Reload.
-Veterancy 4: -25% Munition Cost on Abilities.
-Veterancy 5: Officer De-Buff Abilities no longer grants bonuses to enemy forces.
Increased its MP cost to match other light tanks and adjusted its AOE settings to be less lethal to squad in cover/bunched up.
-Manpower cost from 200 to 260.
-AOE now only affects 2 models per squad maximum.

Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17
- The proper way to use these units (currently) is to use attack ground
- Putting a hold-fire function is a huge step in the right direction, but this is not enough.
- Attack ground only works while the unit is stationary
- Unfortunately, due to the range of these units, they can almost never afford to remain stationary
- It would be cool if these units could continue to attack ground a desired location, even while moving
The only unit which is kinda still usable while moving is the M8 Scott, and only because it has the barrage ability.
So, what I am thinking of is:
- Rework the Scott barrage ability (e.g., make it perform on an identical level to attack ground, and give it a short cooldown so that it can be retargeted; but not too short, else people will abuse it for free shots)
- Give the same barrage ability to Bulldozer and Brummbar
- Ideally, the Brumbarr should reface the "attack ground" location while the ability is active

Posts: 58
Storm Doctrine
Jaeger infantry doctrine
This ability it doesn't working in mgs or another wher units compared with units with camo for example fallschims or commandos.
Ok, the ability works, but it's not effective than units with cammo.
by the way, i have an idea, if no one wants to change this (units moving with cammouflage like commandos) why not add a reduce speed for units and that cammo ability its an icon where you can activate and use it.
im not saying commandos, fallshcims, etc are OP.. nothing. i just trying to say you're the only one who made a big change to good for this game and i real like your mod, so you can do the ability works.
With this, you can encourage players to change their playstyle and do another variant of gameplays.
Thanks you!

Posts: 935

Posts: 1304 | Subs: 13
251 Flak Half-Track
The 251 is a very frail unit that is meant to be used in a support/defensive role, but is easily uprooted and killed off even by the light targets its supposed to engage. The change below is to provide 251 Flaks being used in their intended role more survivability but still vulnerable if caught out of position.
-Gains -20% Received Damage after 7 seconds of remaining stationary.
The Stuart has received another reduction in its AI power to further emphasize its role as an anti-light vehicle unit with support capabilities. If this change doesn't work, a test where the Stuart has an AEC-like unlock to delay its timing will be tested.
-Deals 25% less damage to infantry at 60 from 80.

Posts: 181
Going to be throwing out another build tomorrow with two things I want to test
While you're in the files, you might want to take a look at the KV-1 and the Prioritise Vehicles ability. I noticed in a recent game that the KV-1 fired at infantry with its main gun regardless of whether the ability was toggled or not.
Thank you for all your hard work.

Posts: 1063
Going to be throwing out another build tomorrow with two things I want to test:
251 Flak Half-Track
The 251 is a very frail unit that is meant to be used in a support/defensive role, but is easily uprooted and killed off even by the light targets its supposed to engage. The change below is to provide 251 Flaks being used in their intended role more survivability but still vulnerable if caught out of position.
-Gains -20% Received Damage after 7 seconds of remaining stationary.
Maybe gives 251 the ability to hulldown on their own like old UK tanks. Increase protection + view/atk range would benefit it hugely.

Posts: 1304 | Subs: 13
Maybe gives 251 the ability to hulldown on their own like old UK tanks. Increase protection + view/atk range would benefit it hugely.
I don't think it needs more attack range at 45. Anymore and it might be too hard to strike. View, maybe, but the point of the flak track is to be a supportive defense unit that can harm infantry and light vehicles while now being durable enough to back away or do its job. Maybe a toggle would be better, but it's almost always going to be in a defense mode if it's left where it is.
I also wish we could add sandbags for visual FX, but it will not come as the 251 has no sandbag animator state so we're stuck with a floating shield.
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