Just to clarify, did you change the 17 Pounder's pop cost from 20 to 12 or did you change the 17 Pounder Gun Pit pop cost from 14 to 12? The 17 Pounder Gun part of the squad has a pop cost of 6 itself.
Here are a few other things you might want to look into:
- Attack orders make the Churchill Croc use its flamethrower instead of its main gun. If you want to change this, you'll need to switch hardpoints 1 and 2, change the parent hardpoints on 3 and 4, and adjust the veterancy bonuses to refer to the changed hardpoints.
- Neither the standard Churchill or the Croc have the Prioritise Armour ability.
- The Infantry Section (IS) and Royal Engineer (RE) cover bonuses are a mess. Infantry Sections have a multiplier to cooldown and reload time when out of cover while REs receive bonuses when in cover but only for their SMG. This leads to some interesting behaviour with picked up weapons. The Boys Rifle is an exact copy of the PTRS but is only as good as the PTRS when in cover while the PIAT is far better on REs than ISs due to REs not receiving the out-of-cover penalty.
I'd suggest making reversing the IS' cover penalty to a bonus (fairly simple, just get rid of the required_not and use 1/<current_multiplier> as the new multiplier) while multiplying the PIAT, Bren, both IS Lee-Enfields and the Vickers K's cooldown and reload by the current multipliers.
Add the new bonus to the RE cover ability for all weapons that aren't the SMG and have them pick up the same Bren from weapon racks as the IS (The Vickers K is identical to the IS Bren anyway, so this shouldn't be too much of an issue). This would make it easier to adjust picked-up weapons against other factions and means that picked-up weapons perform just as well on ISs as they do on REs (Reducing the likelihood of RE blobs).
- The Tactical Support Regiment Recovery Engineers can't build. Adding the standard RE build options would mean they have a use outside of repair and recovery work.
- The 25 Pounder Base Howitzers will still have problems with your AOE change. The 25 Pounders have the same scatter with distance and max scatter as other heavy artillery (0.074, 18.5) but the other heavy artillery options have a larger AOE, can be built closer to their targets and do not require a grenade for a full barrage.
This causes the 25 Pounders to land every shell at the exact edge of the reticule (or outside it if the target is in FOW) past 250 range, meaning that they cannot hit anything you aimed at. When the smallest map in the game has its midpoint ~226 units from your base this is a major issue. Reducing max scatter to 12 would allow the 25 Pounders to hit a building you aimed at regardless of range without affecting its accuracy scaling at low ranges or making it useful for sniping units.
- Both Royal Engineers and Royal Recovery Engineers have a target size of 0.8 and receive a 0.6 received accuracy bonus with vet. Whether or not this is an issue is up to you.
Nice work with this mod, by the way.