I always do it like this and this is my personal preference. I have this program called Display Driver Uninstalled (driver sweeper), that you can get from Guru3D.com . Then I restart my pc and boot up in Safe mode and in safe mode I uninstall video drivers and i also use CCleaner to make sure registry has no errors. After I have done that I boot up again and now I'm ready to do a clean install with no trace of my previous drivers.
Sometimes if you just go and uninstall video drivers like any other program, you might be left with some nasty registry errors or so and it will start messing with your new drivers.
Now i know this method takes a little bit longer, but you want your games to work right? I will not guarantee that this will fix your problem tho.
Let us know how it went! GL
This didn't work either unfortunately... I have no idea what to do now. Can someone who's using intel drivers respond and let me know how theirs works?