Im playing CoH in Steam with my friends smgh from 2012. Just for a fon, so Im not a real pro, just middle-gamer. My favorite fraction is Wehrmacht (Terror doctrine). 2 of my friends (and they are my best friends ^^) are always taking Blitzkrieg doctrines. So, we always playing for Wehrmacht, and sometimes one of us is choosing a Panzer Elite. Now Im waiting for discount in the Steam just to buy CoH2. I hope my friends will do it too.
I think its time to join community of CoH franchise players. ^^
P.S. originally from Ukraine (the city of Kharkov), I have lived in Latvia last 15 years, and soon I will move to Germany, so, I have wrote name of topic using 4 languages which I know (actually I just studying German few months, so, its too early to say I know it lol).
P.P.S. If someone will wonder about my name, well, I have polish-ukrainian and azerbaijan origins and that is my real name, yes. And originally Im ortodox-christian, but really Im atheist. Also, Im neutral to any national ideas 'cause Im real mix and I dont need to belong myself to any nationality at all. But… I really like Europe and some countries like USA, Canada, Australia. Maybe also Japan and South Korea.
And yes, "Sveiki" on Latvian means "Hallo". And "Привет" on Russian means the same.

Why I have wrote so big summury? Well, just because - Yes we can. Or, I dont know… Im a sociable person. Nice to meet you.