The game generally has run pretty decent for me since release (but that is mostly due to having a decent PC I suspect).
Currently performance for me is decent but I do have a memory leak (just don't tend to notice it due to 16GB RAM). I find after playing lots of 4's that some buildings start to turn pink and the game requires a restart but performance is still mostly OK.
Bug splats seem to come and go. Last week I had about 4 bug splats in a row after every game, yet sometimes I can play all day without any. My favourite is when the game crashes and errors saying it can't create a log (

Relic). I do get a 1-3 sec freeze every so often but no clue whats causing that - its only started happening recently.
I've not really noticed my frame rate dropping playing 2's even into late game but I will start logging FPS to check.
I run the game @ 2560 x 1440, maximum settings aside from AA which is set to medium I believe.
i7-5930K @ Stock (Used to run an i7-2600K @ 4.7GHz, game ran a bit better due to higher clock speed but not much different)
16GB DDR4 2666
2x R9 290 @ 290x (1075 / 1250) (I'm aware game only uses one)
Game is installed on a 500GB SSD
Windows 7 Pro (just upgraded to Win 10 Pro, will see what its like on a new OS)