I want to see a readjustment so it is a proper assault gun instead of a dedicated TD.
1. Nerf penn so it can fight P4s and nothing heavier than that.
2. Buff Barrage so its more accurate and keep it free. Barrage is good when you build 4 SU-76s which is easily possible, but its bad for the game.
That way, its a unit people still want to use while not having ridiculous scaling into the endgame.
Also - rule for this thread - just ignore Nabarxos, he has some severe toxic, selectivity and bias problems, happened in every single balance threads, especially SU-76 threads and will start "All Caps" spam at will - a far nastier and less factual version of Kaitof (who I mostly don't have problems with, sometimes he does come across as biased but he's not as bad compared to Nabarxos)