
russian armor

Balance Preview Update 09/08/2015

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8 Sep 2015, 20:02 PM
avatar of Kubelecer

Posts: 403

You pretty much gave the prime example of what I meant. The Tiger is under-performing currently. But god forbid there´s going to be a buff for a German unit. And it´s even worse if it´s a German tank. better post "kruppsteehl" etc. to oppose effective German armor.

Bad trolling, I rate 2/10

Sick reply

If you actually were serious, try to not pick out parts of a post that you can just fit into your ''everyone hates germans'' agenda

USF as a faction is underperforming and only few people give a shit
8 Sep 2015, 20:03 PM
avatar of Burts

Posts: 1702

Wasp nerf seems a little too much. First a damage halved from 16 to 8, then damage halved AGAIN from 8 to 4. Plus a range nerf...

Molotov nerf.. Ehh , i guess :snfPeter:

Honestly at this point even the IS-2 should have 45 range.. No reason for it to have less range than a tiger or a king tiger.
8 Sep 2015, 20:04 PM
avatar of iTzDusty

Posts: 836 | Subs: 5

Tfw people think JT cost change is bad.

When's the last time you've even seen the damn thing in a 1v1 or 2v2? And why does everyone still ignore the fuel penalty. Kek level = top.

Glad to see medics back, so many units shit canned that all had beautiful voice acting and all.

And now that all vehicles have detection radius we can finally see some real light vehicle counters to sniper play.
8 Sep 2015, 20:04 PM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

jump backJump back to quoted post8 Sep 2015, 20:01 PMFluffi
I was hoping they would give incendiary grenades to Sturms instead of Volks. I still think it's really damaging to the ww2 feel of the game if german basic infantry throw the not-so-iconic incendiary grenade instead of the very recognizeable 'Stielhandgrenade'.

And Sturms are specialists. I don't get Relics logic. I see what they are trying to do gameplay-wise, but I dislike what it does to the game's persuasive power as a ww2 rts, and I also think incendiaries on Sturms would score a similar, if not better impact on gameplay (taking into consideration what I think it is they are going for).

actually I like this suggestion. It would be weird if neither axis faction actually use the iconic potato masher as their regular nade. Assault nade kind of count but they are not that common.

Did you not read my entire post

sorry, missed that line.

Tfw people think JT cost change is bad.

When's the last time you've even seen the damn thing in a 1v1 or 2v2? And why does everyone still ignore the fuel penalty. Kek level = top.

Glad to see medics back, so many units shit canned that all had beautiful voice acting and all.

And now that all vehicles have detection radius we can finally see some real light vehicle counters to sniper play.

the jagdtiger is more of a factor in 3v3 and 4v4. It's overkill even on 2v2, but on the resource rich 3v3 and 4v4 it's more common.
8 Sep 2015, 20:05 PM
avatar of Speculator

Posts: 157

Format and stats provided by Svanh on official forums and coh2-stats.

Updated to take account wind down for Panther. Take into consideration that wind down (and wind up) is a value exclusive to turreted dedicated Tank Destroyers (1.1 for jackson, 0.75 for M10, etc)
8 Sep 2015, 20:06 PM
avatar of aaa

Posts: 1487

they change for the sake of change. It wont make game better in any way.
Remove SU76, ML 20 they suck ass. And replace it with smth useful like T3 T34/76.
and remove team games. They are obnoxious.
8 Sep 2015, 20:11 PM
avatar of Kubelecer

Posts: 403

Tfw people think JT cost change is bad.

When's the last time you've even seen the damn thing in a 1v1 or 2v2? And why does everyone still ignore the fuel penalty. Kek level = top.

Glad to see medics back, so many units shit canned that all had beautiful voice acting and all.

And now that all vehicles have detection radius we can finally see some real light vehicle counters to sniper play.

I am against the buff as long if USF gets nothing in return to deal with it.

An elefant/jagdtiger is almost a guaranteed GG if you stall out long enough, since they lack the infantry options to deal with it, but maybe the rifle buff is enough to not get roflstomped while you try to advance.
8 Sep 2015, 20:11 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

You know I really thought people would be happy with the buff to Partisans, the added counters to Snipers and all the other USF buffs from the previous updates but I guess all anyone cares about is the fact one of the least built tanks in 1v1 and 2v2 (KT) has +5 range :luvDerp:
8 Sep 2015, 20:11 PM
avatar of The Prussian Officer

Posts: 76

Permanently Banned
Like the changes. Not so sure about the Comet nerf, I think a range reduction would suffice. But hey that is the beauty of a balance preview mod, you can change anything and everything :)

Relic, are you really going to let all of these changes hit live in the next patch? Or will there be another situation of: " we want to ease in the changes because the player base is not ready for them" patch?

Love the changes though, keep it up!
8 Sep 2015, 20:12 PM
avatar of FestiveLongJohns
Patrion 15

Posts: 1157 | Subs: 2

The irregulars from the irregular doctrine were not replaced with the anti tank partisans. Instead the AT partisans have been added twice to the partisan commander.
8 Sep 2015, 20:14 PM
avatar of DAZ187

Posts: 466

comet does not need a nerf since allied players come up against coordinated shreks and axis armor.

tiger range buff is unnecessary. i thought u guys where all about combined arms. leave the heavies alone. it breaks the game
8 Sep 2015, 20:15 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post8 Sep 2015, 20:14 PMDAZ187
all about combined arms

If you don't support your KT or your Tiger I you will lose it, +5 range or not.
8 Sep 2015, 20:18 PM
avatar of vuko_zrno
Patrion 26

Posts: 64

can somebody ( i am looking at you jason) look at the USF captain? He is currently the biggest noob on the battlefield? Is his aristocratic blood the reason behind it? He jumps, sprints, crawls, suicides into a tank and then fires maybe one bazooka shoot. Funny how some peasants aka. volks can fire schrecks so much better then some American aristocrat.
8 Sep 2015, 20:18 PM
avatar of comm_ash
Patrion 14

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 1

OK guys, I just tested the new tiger changes by editing some game files. At vet 2, a tiger will be able to roll up and shoot a jackson as soon as the jackson fires. How? Because the time it takes a Jackson to aim and fire, is more than enough time for the tiger to reach its range and take the shot. If a shit hits/bounces a tiger, the tiger already has sight on the jackson.

5 range is the equivalent of the molotovs throw range (minimum), and that is just a stupidly low amount of leeway to give dedicated tank destroyers, especially when said tank destroyer is also the lowest hp "tank" in the game.

In terms of the TA, this means that a TA would hardcounter a jackson due to its sight range and weapon range. Even 2 Jacksons wouldn't be enough thanks to TWP and long reload times.

I really hope these heavy range increases don't make it into the game. I personally was quite happy when heavies had become relegated to luxury items, due to the fact that I find engagements between medium armor far more interesting. Buffing heavies back up to crazy levels mean that we will just be seeing more of them, and less of the variety we had for the last 3 months.

And anyone who can't see the issues usf would have with a long range tiger / TA really needs to play some games as usf. You have access to 1 at platform to reliably pen, which has 0 ai, high resource cost, low survivability, and now a near nonexistent range advantage. The tiger ace is just going to be even more broken vs. USF than it already is. Mark my words, elite troops will be in just about every load out if this change hits live in its current form.
8 Sep 2015, 20:21 PM
avatar of Stafkeh
Patrion 14

Posts: 1006


I really hope these heavy range increases don't make it into the game. I personally was quite happy when heavies had become relegated to luxury items, due to the fact that I find engagements between medium armor far more interesting. Buffing heavies back up to crazy levels mean that we will just be seeing more of them, and less of the variety we had for the last 3 months.

Agreed on this.

8 Sep 2015, 20:22 PM
avatar of capiqua
Senior Mapmaker Badge

Posts: 985 | Subs: 2

Heavy tanks are in his better moment. Do not changes relic
8 Sep 2015, 20:25 PM
avatar of G4bb4_G4nd4lf
Donator 33

Posts: 658

I really hope these heavy range increases don't make it into the game.

Relic could simply reduce the vet 2 bonus so that Tiger's still have 50 range at vet 2.

The KT can keep the range buff IMO as it gets no range buff through vet.
8 Sep 2015, 20:26 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

It is in fact possible to just remove the +10 range at vet 2 and replace it with +5. As for the KT there isn't really an issue.
8 Sep 2015, 20:29 PM
avatar of Muad'Dib

Posts: 368

Is it just me or are the latest 2 changelogs not applied to the Balance Preview mod yet? You can easily test the new brit tech costs for example, still have the old values.
8 Sep 2015, 20:29 PM
avatar of iTzDusty

Posts: 836 | Subs: 5

I am against the buff as long if USF gets nothing in return to deal with it.

An elefant/jagdtiger is almost a guaranteed GG if you stall out long enough, since they lack the infantry options to deal with it, but maybe the rifle buff is enough to not get roflstomped while you try to advance.

So what you're saying is "I don't care about any other faction but USF"

K, cool. Amazing counter argument to buffing the JT.

And infantry to deal with a JT? What? The JT can't even hit infan try, it's a less cost efficient and more risky elefant.

JT is not a GG unit. If anything I laugh when it gets built because of how cost inefficient it is. I'd much rather get two p4s and change, and no need to worry about perma crew stun if I get a jp4 instead.
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