Hi Ernesto,
I haven't been able to play your maps yet, due to my house being a mess with construction works. I will definitly give it a go when stuff settles down on this end.
Funny to see you don't have the patience for the design editing, yet you know all about this scar stuff. With me it's exactly the other way around. Perhaps we can help eachother on these fronts? I would gladly add the detail for you, if you allow me to do so. I love designing shit, and I reckon I'm pretty good at it. Perhaps I should send you some of my work, so you can have a look yourself. I have not published everything yet, just my Fubar Fjord mayhem level. Which was the 2nd map I ever made.
But, back to those markers, I know you have to use the ally spawn to get the guns in the level. You said that I needed another marker to point these guns to. Does it matter what kind of marker I use to aim the guns?
Thanks again!
Hey ho, Flying Dutchy,
construction works,..hmm,..i know what you mean, i spend my Weekend with paperhanging

But good News!!! You are an expert in map design, very very nice! ;o))
Your offer to help eachother is a pretty good idea.
Feel free to send me some works you have designed. If you like to pimp some Maps of you with
scar scripts, tell me the plan and i will do the script ;o))
Back to the Markers.
Yes you need two Markers, one for the Position the Object is spawned and another where the
Object is facing. For me it makes no difference which type of Marker i take, it works with every
type, but it is easier for general Survey, to spawn Objects with type "Ally Marker" ;o)
The Kind of marker differs in his colours, yellow is Ally, and so on.
Thanks for this great news, Flying Dutchy and a lot of fun with your constructions ;o))