
russian armor

Mark PaK 43 Emplacement as "abandon"

18 Aug 2015, 11:40 AM
avatar of ernesto-m

Posts: 42

Hi folks,

have placed some Vehicles on a Map and marked them as "abandon" with the "CirticalHit" by Scar-


Every Vehicel can be captured by Players, but it dont work with Pak43 Emplacement.

The Icon to capture the PaK is shown in Game, but no Player can capture.

Do you have any Ideas why?

Mapper greetings
21 Aug 2015, 06:17 AM
avatar of ernesto-m

Posts: 42

...is there no solution ?
25 Aug 2015, 14:31 PM
avatar of Srinidhalaya

Posts: 357

Check for a second object, that is named differently. Some objects are weird, and don't work like you would think.

Worst case scenario, if you cannot find another Pak43 object in the list, that works, if there is a map you know of that has a working one, you can make a stamp of it, and get it in your map that way.
26 Aug 2015, 05:43 AM
avatar of ernesto-m

Posts: 42

..many thanks, will check it out.

The solution is:



28 Aug 2015, 11:41 AM
avatar of ernesto-m

Posts: 42

..many thanks, will check it out.

The solution is:


eg_vehicles=Util_CreateEntities(nil,"eg_vehicles",EBP.GERMAN.PAK43_88MM_AT_GUN_MP, Util_GetPosition(mkr_9), 1)
eg_vehicles=Util_CreateEntities(nil,"eg_vehicles",EBP.GERMAN.PAK43_88MM_AT_GUN_MP, Util_GetPosition(mkr_10), 1)
Cmd_CriticalHit(World_GetPlayerAt(1), eg_vehicles, CRIT.VEHICLE_ABANDON,0)

Remark: you must change my mkr_9 and mkr_10, to your actual marker.

1 Nov 2015, 16:09 PM
avatar of Flying Dutchy

Posts: 43

Remark: you must change my mkr_9 and mkr_10, to your actual marker.

What actual marker?

edit: Do you have to do anything with markers, and if so, what does one have to do?
2 Nov 2015, 05:40 AM
avatar of ernesto-m

Posts: 42

Remark: you must change my mkr_9 and mkr_10, to your actual marker.

What actual marker?

edit: Do you have to do anything with markers, and if so, what does one have to do?

Hi Flying Dutchy,

if you want to spawn the EBP.GERMAN.PAK43_88MM_AT_GUN_MP, with scar-script, in the same way, like i did, you have to use the markers you set in your map.

I hope you can understnd what i want to say,..pls. excuse my bad english.

November greetings
2 Nov 2015, 07:46 AM
avatar of Flying Dutchy

Posts: 43

Hi Ernesto,

I still don't understand what type of marker I have to put down. Some kind of spawner? Does this mean I don't have to put down an object?

Could you please elaborate what steps you undertake to place one (or more) of these in the map, and make it functional?

Thanks for the speedy response either way!
2 Nov 2015, 08:20 AM
avatar of ernesto-m

Posts: 42

Hi Ernesto,

I still don't understand what type of marker I have to put down. Some kind of spawner? Does this mean I don't have to put down an object?

Could you please elaborate what steps you undertake to place one (or more) of these in the map, and make it functional?

Thanks for the speedy response either way!

Hi Flying Dutchy,

the type of Marker is "Alley spawn", you find the markers in Worldbuilder (WB). ( The Marker-Icon in WB looks like a red flag)

I have testet to set the EBP.GERMAN.PAK43_88MM_AT_GUN_MP direct in Worldbuilder and name the Emplacement "eg_88", later in my scar script i set the Entity group "eg_88" to anbandoned, but in game the "eg_88" (EBP.GERMAN.PAK43_88MM_AT_GUN_MP) was not to capture through my troops.

The solution for me was, to spawn the EBP.GERMAN.PAK43_88MM_AT_GUN_MP over a Marker.

Hope this helps you?

November fog greetings

PS: if you like, i send you my test map, with the scar script that places the EBP.GERMAN.PAK43_88MM_AT_GUN_MP and mark them as abandoned.
2 Nov 2015, 10:30 AM
avatar of Flying Dutchy

Posts: 43

Hi Ernesto,

It is still very confusing to me. I get you have to put down a marker somewhere, but then what?

I have never found a tutorial online which explains how markers work. Sure, there are some people that say: Hey look at this, you can add smoke. But that somehow seems worlds and leagues apart from what you have to do here.

I have absolutely no programming background, so I have incredible difficulties trying to understand how everything works. It's a wonder I got some basic SCAR scripts running as it is...

How do you spawn something on a marker? Is that what the script is for? Can I just blatantly copy the script you posted in a SCAR file without any "OnInit" and "end" stuff un there? How do you know which way the emplacement will be facing? Do you name the emplacement itself eg_88 or is that the entitygroup which contains all the PAK43's?

If you could send the map that might be helpfull.

It is really frustrating to see everybody talk in jargon and special programming lingo, and not know what the freaking duck it means :(

Either way, I appreciate you trying to help out.
2 Nov 2015, 11:24 AM
avatar of ernesto-m

Posts: 42

Hi Ernesto,

It is still very confusing to me. I get you have to put down a marker somewhere, but then what?

I have never found a tutorial online which explains how markers work. Sure, there are some people that say: Hey look at this, you can add smoke. But that somehow seems worlds and leagues apart from what you have to do here.

I have absolutely no programming background, so I have incredible difficulties trying to understand how everything works. It's a wonder I got some basic SCAR scripts running as it is...

How do you spawn something on a marker? Is that what the script is for? Can I just blatantly copy the script you posted in a SCAR file without any "OnInit" and "end" stuff un there? How do you know which way the emplacement will be facing? Do you name the emplacement itself eg_88 or is that the entitygroup which contains all the PAK43's?

If you could send the map that might be helpfull.

It is really frustrating to see everybody talk in jargon and special programming lingo, and not know what the freaking duck it means :(

Either way, I appreciate you trying to help out.

Hi Flying Dutchy,

i get my scar Basics in CoH1-Forum, look here:

Ok, may be my very broken english is the reason why all is so confusing to you ;o)

I try to explain in Steps:

-start Worldbulider

-load an existing map, oder create a new one.

- select Marker-Icon in WB ( in the upper border of the WB-Window you will find a little red Flag-Symbol)

- klick on Marker Name "Alley Spawn", will place you a Marker to your map. (1st marker is named "mkr_1", you can change the name, if you like. Place a 2nd marker, "mkr_2")

-open an Editor ( notepadd ++ ) and copy the following lines:

function OnInit()

eg_vehicles=Util_CreateEntities(nil,"eg_vehicles",EBP.GERMAN.PAK43_88MM_AT_GUN_MP, Util_GetPosition(mkr_1), 1)
eg_vehicles=Util_CreateEntities(nil,"eg_vehicles",EBP.GERMAN.PAK43_88MM_AT_GUN_MP, Util_GetPosition(mkr_2), 1)
Cmd_CriticalHit(World_GetPlayerAt(1), eg_vehicles, CRIT.VEHICLE_ABANDON,0)


-save the scar-Scipt with the same name like your map name such as "testmap.scar" in same Folder like your map is located.

-Now save your map in WB and after it select "Export package" (WB : file->Export package)

Result: When you start Coh2 and select your map "Testmap" the script will spawn you two EBP.GERMAN.PAK43_88MM_AT_GUN_MP, at the marker positions "mkr_1" and "mkr_2", without a selected facing Position, but this can also be done with the function we use to spwan the entitiy.

The name of the Entity Groups you take is your decision, in this example i take "eg_vehicles".
Helpful is to name Entity Groups starting with "eg" and Squad Gropus with "sg", it is easyer to find, if your scar script will have a lot of lines.

I send you my testmap, as a link ( when i am back from work ;o),so you can find out how markers and scar script works.

never give up greetings
2 Nov 2015, 12:28 PM
avatar of Flying Dutchy

Posts: 43

Hi Ernesto,

Here I am again hahaha. 1st of all, thanks a lot for putting in the effort. that is mighty generous of you.

I made my ally spawn markers, however it is unclear to me what to do with the entity groups. I cant add my markers to any groups, and it's unclear to me what to do with that part. Do I even have to create an entity group?

Also, don't worry about your English, it's far better than my German. Ich spreche ein bischen aber es ist sehr schwierig fur mir haha
2 Nov 2015, 12:42 PM
avatar of Flying Dutchy

Posts: 43


I got it to work. No entity groups, just did as you said and it freaking works!

You are my hero. I will pray east starting today.

Vielen dank!!!!
2 Nov 2015, 12:56 PM
avatar of ernesto-m

Posts: 42


I got it to work. No entity groups, just did as you said and it freaking works!

You are my hero. I will pray east starting today.

Vielen dank!!!!

It´s a pleasure to me, that you have got the script working ;o)

The entity Groups you only need in WB, if you want to adress entities on your map to work with them later in scar scripts, such as lamps. May be you have 2 Lamps on your map and you want to switch them on/off with a scar script, so you give the lamps to an entitiy Group such as "eg_lamp1" and "eg_lamp2". This way allows you to Switch every lamp. "eg_lamp1"=off, "eg_lamp2"=on, if you choose only "eg_lamp" and take both lamps in the same entity Group than both lamps together can switched on or off.

Funny greetings

PS: thanks a lot for chocolate bar
2 Nov 2015, 13:27 PM
avatar of Flying Dutchy

Posts: 43


For extra chocolate muffins:

Could we also rotate these PAK43 guns?
2 Nov 2015, 13:44 PM
avatar of ernesto-m

Posts: 42


For extra chocolate muffins:

Could we also rotate these PAK43 guns?

Hi Flying Dutchy,

yes we can! ;o)

Set in WB another two markers such as "mkr_3" and "mkr_4". This is the direction where the Emplacements are facing for.

Now you must change the scar script lines in which we spawn the Emplacement to:

eg_vehicles=Util_CreateEntities(nil,"eg_vehicles",EBP.GERMAN.PAK43_88MM_AT_GUN_MP, Util_GetPosition(mkr_1), 1,Util_GetPosition(mkr_3) )
eg_vehicles=Util_CreateEntities(nil,"eg_vehicles",EBP.GERMAN.PAK43_88MM_AT_GUN_MP, Util_GetPosition(mkr_2), 1,Util_GetPosition(mkr_4) )

After saving the changes in scar script, save your map in WB too, "Export packaging", and have fun.

Nothing seems to be unpossible greetings ;o))

PS: may be this link is helpful for you:
2 Nov 2015, 17:09 PM
avatar of ernesto-m

Posts: 42

Hi Flying Dutchy,

here the link to the testmaps we talked about:


Map 1: 4p_Harbour_fight

scar script contains some Lamp - animations, and the Player get additional vehicles, every 5 Minutes, if player captures 2 spec. Resource Points.

Map 2: The_great_Divide

scar script to spawn Pak 43 Emplacement and make vehicles captureable.

8p Map with 8 Factories to get additional vehicles every 5 Minutes, if Player captures a spec. resource Point.

enjoy the maps

2 Nov 2015, 21:11 PM
avatar of Flying Dutchy

Posts: 43

Hahaha I bet you played "Z" too?

Another question: what kind of marker do I use to "aim" the PAK guns with? Another Ally spawn marker? I took a look at your maps but I couldnt spot a marker which you used to aim.

Ambitious project, how long you been working on positioning those houses?

Thanks again!
3 Nov 2015, 05:36 AM
avatar of ernesto-m

Posts: 42

Hahaha I bet you played "Z" too?

Another question: what kind of marker do I use to "aim" the PAK guns with? Another Ally spawn marker? I took a look at your maps but I couldnt spot a marker which you used to aim.

Ambitious project, how long you been working on positioning those houses?

Thanks again!

Moin moin Flying Dutchy,

to spawn any kind of Object to your Map you need a Marker (Ally Marker).
The Name of the Object you will find in luaconstauto.scar.

To make all Markers visible in Worldbuilder, you have on the upper right side of WB an Icon with a Flag Symbol, if you push it, you will see all placed markers.

The Maps are all in Progress, but i´am not the best mapmaker. To give the map a professional look, my Patience is weak ;o( but i like scar Scripting ;o))

Have you had time to Play one or both maps and if, what is your Impression about?

November morning greetings
3 Nov 2015, 10:08 AM
avatar of Flying Dutchy

Posts: 43

Hi Ernesto,

I haven't been able to play your maps yet, due to my house being a mess with construction works. I will definitly give it a go when stuff settles down on this end.

Funny to see you don't have the patience for the design editing, yet you know all about this scar stuff. With me it's exactly the other way around. Perhaps we can help eachother on these fronts? I would gladly add the detail for you, if you allow me to do so. I love designing shit, and I reckon I'm pretty good at it. Perhaps I should send you some of my work, so you can have a look yourself. I have not published everything yet, just my Fubar Fjord mayhem level. Which was the 2nd map I ever made.

But, back to those markers, I know you have to use the ally spawn to get the guns in the level. You said that I needed another marker to point these guns to. Does it matter what kind of marker I use to aim the guns?

Thanks again!
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