I'll endeavour to supply you with in-depth understanding and analysis for both your live games as well as your replays. Replays obviously allow us to workaround both parties not being online at the same time.
Before we get started, just some quick introductory things to get out of the way and to give me a better understanding of where to focus on for each of you.
Please provide me with a very brief introduction outlining:
- Who you are.
- How long you have been playing.
- Your preferred playstyle (aggressive vs. defensive etc.)
- Game modes you are interested you wish to improve in.
- Factions you wish to improve.
- Your schedule (any notice of holidays, work etc.)
- Issues you are currently having trouble with.
- Whether you're able to use a mic or if you prefer to type.
- Any special requests.
I am happy to play custom games with you guys if the schedules allow it to help you improve. I will attempt to tailor my sessions to your suiting so it is up to you to tell me HOW you want me to HELP YOU. For instance, if you prefer typing and playing with me (1v1, 2v2 etc) and then me giving you constructive feedback then I am more than happy to do so. Similarly, if you wish to send me replays and ask for a run-down of anything helpful I can think of that is also fine. Below is a list of some ideas to get you started:
- Replays (losses preferable)
- Custom 1v1 against me.
- Observing your games in automatch.
- Playing WITH me (2v2).
Thank you guys, hopefully this will help you out. As always, don't hesitate to contact me if there are any issues or emergencies.