I started playing roughly two weeks ago and I've been having a blast with Company of Heroes 2. I'm a huge fan of the original and played it non-competitively (with friends or against CPU) for ages, but this time around I'm much more interested in the competition of MP/Ranked. I will usually be lurking in the strategy section as a result.
Right now I'm playing USF, however I'll randomly play the other factions to help myself learn the game and switch it up a bit. Side note: This community seems really cool so far which is a nice contrast to the toxic SC2 community I'm used to, so whenever I've had questions in-game they are usually answered politely.
Thanks for reading, see you in-game!
semi-shameless: I really enjoy streaming on Twitch so if you want to watch me struggle through growing pains - or laugh when I make mistakes - stop by and say hi!