So I've been trying to make a new unit, but when I try to build it with ModBuilder, it throws me this message:
Building Soviet General...
<File Path Location address...>
Error building Soviet General: D:\...\Steam\steamapps\common\Company of Heroes 2 Tools\AttributeEditorXML.exe failed with exit code -1.
Built Soviet General.
*The red text are abbreviations for the long file addresses, I can give them if needed.
At the end of the process, the .mod file isn't created anywhere, but other mods I've made don't have this problem, especially blank mods(, though they through a yellow message saying no instances found

Does anyone know what that exit code -1 means? I'm not sure if it has something to do with the address to my main attributes.xml file, which is a copy in a separate folder to my original Steam address. This was because that address was apparently too long and it kept giving me "The address exceeds 260 characters long..." The other possibility I can think of is simply an error within the meddlings in Archive Editor while I was making this tuning pack?
Thanks for any help that comes along.