Just playing. Lol. While I do hate germans, this isn't another thread about someone bitching. (I have a terrible sense of humor - I know

Anyways, all kidding aside, I have creeped this forum for about a month or so now and have yet to see anyone mention this (minus comments or replies). And no, this isn't some thread about me whining - just a question...
Has relic made any mention to adding rangers? Or other infantry types for the US to play with in the upcoming September 3rd patch? Or maybe a new starting vehicle that isn't commander related?
I get that they have paratroopers and other commander related infantry, BUT, even with that being said, they still lack the diversity of every other faction.
I love the USF and I love my rifleman, it's just...I feel like it's kind of boring not being able to mix it up and having to build x amount of riflemen to start EVERY SINGLE GAME is so effing predictable. I would love the ability to be able to mix it up - sort of like the soviets can. You never know if they are going to go sniper or flame car...or mgs and mortars.
Any information would be appreciated. Also, if anyone has ideas or any creative input on a new unit or vehicle that could be added...please share! The typical "add rangers" will be tossed around. But did marines fight in Europe? How about making it so we could build more than one Captian or LT at a time, but for an increase cost?
I am just making this shit up. Lol. But any ideas or information would be welcomed!