I dunno i'm not a big stat look up guy I read the patch notes and I know they nerfed the accuracy from long range but to me that was never the problem that needed nerfing it is the pen and the damage. Classic relic thinking. And the fact to me it does not seem to lower volks dps against infantry as the shrek does pretty good dmg to riflemen sometimes it feels like the shreks give them more dps.
Their accuracy versus even the heaviest/largest tanks IE The IS2 and ISU at long range is really bad, like I said earlier they only have about a 47% chance to hit, you can imagine what the chance to hit is against lighter armor.
Now, that said USF mediums have larger vehicle sizes than normal by design so Shreks are more potent against them.
It's kinda hard to change the Shrek without changing Volks. Since Volks are really only good for carrying Shreks around the field and not much else.
Honestly I think if you made the schreck an exact copy of the bazooka the allies would've much more problems, because the zook has a higher fire rate & accuracy and doesn't really need high pen to penetrate most of the allied armour.
This is also true, capturing Zook's is actually really nice since it lets your squad vet up super fast and you don't need pen when facing stuff like Shermans. It's also why you ALWAYS want to capture the USF AT gun if you see one abandoned

Another food for thought when a shrek gets dropped on the ground you telling me you've never had that epic battle no matter what side your on to get the shrek back or steal it. People want it like crack there is a reason for that, zook laying on the ground people just walk by it lol.
See above, you always want to pick up Zooks as Axis, people who don't are either full on weapon slots or are bad.