
russian armor

Differences in commander abilities that are similar

29 Apr 2015, 18:16 PM
avatar of Banillo

Posts: 134

There are some differences in commander abilities that should be very similar by: usage, cost, function, duration etc

1. Valiant Assault vs For Mother Russia:
-they cost the same,
-at same cps,
-duration 30 sec for VA and 60 sec for FMR,
-bonuses for VA: sprint and accuracy FMR: sprint accuracy and durability bonus (received accuracy?)

2. Breakthrough Tactics vs Counterattack Tactics
-they cost the same
-same cps
-same duration
-BT only speeds up the neutralisation of the point while CT speeds up the capturing of the point as well

3. Signal Relay vs Armored Vehicle Detection
-SR 50 muni, AVD 60 muni
-duration: SR 20 sec and AVD 30 sec
-SR 2 cps AVD 4 cps
-SR shows the whole map while for AVD shows only whats in the double los range of your inf.

4. Sprint vs Oorah! (not a commander ability but still)
-same cost but sprint lasts 5 sec while oorah! lasts 10 sec

5. Tactical Movement
-lets say it would last a full min like FMR, the cost would be 120 muni since now you pay 40 muni for 20 sec and the only buff you get is sprint.

These differences should be looked at and adjusted.

there are some other abilities that i would like to know how they compare like: HEAT shells for the elite armored doctrine VS jacksons vet one ability shells; and emergency repairs vs vehicle crew repair training.

29 Apr 2015, 18:37 PM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1

Sprint provides double the movement speed bonus of Oorah! to compensate for the duration difference. Personally I'd regard the former as more useful as the higher speed bonus lets units that are going to be in a pickle out of it ASAP or allows CQC units to minimize being out of optimal range and more effectively slip in before the enemy shoots them down. It's rare you'll be both be chasing and running away to make the higher duration on Oorah! more useful - if you're just doing one of them, do it faster.

I would also not regard Tactical Movement and For Mother Russia as really comparable - being a third of the price is a giant difference in usability.

For example would you take an accurate small barrage for 60 munitions or an accurate much larger barrage for 180 munitions with all else being alike? The larger barrage would be more effective when it hits a large blob but the much smaller barrage gives you far more chances to hit at all and is more cost-effective against non-blobs. It'd be claiming "Oorah! sucks because Tactical Movement is the like same thing except for all of your infantry for 4X the price" but I of course wouldn't do that because one is a still pretty different doctrinal ability and not always will you really need all your infantry to move faster.
29 Apr 2015, 18:41 PM
avatar of Brachiaraidos

Posts: 627

>Booby Trap
Sov: 100MU, OKW: 50MU.

Admittedly the latter is a unit ability.

And then there's the IL-2 strafes vs. the JU-87 strafes.
29 Apr 2015, 18:49 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Sprint costs 5 muni last time I checked.
29 Apr 2015, 19:03 PM
avatar of Banillo

Posts: 134

>Booby Trap
Sov: 100MU, OKW: 50MU.

Admittedly the latter is a unit ability.

And then there's the IL-2 strafes vs. the JU-87 strafes.

do they have the same damage/aoe?

yea.. huge differnce in performance for only 20 muni less/more :(
29 Apr 2015, 19:06 PM
avatar of Banillo

Posts: 134

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Apr 2015, 18:49 PMKatitof
Sprint costs 5 muni last time I checked.

its 10 muni for the doc ability and for assault grenadiers
29 Apr 2015, 19:24 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

>Booby Trap
Sov: 100MU, OKW: 50MU.

Admittedly the latter is a unit ability.

And then there's the IL-2 strafes vs. the JU-87 strafes.

The IL-2 strafes are much better than the JU-87 ones, what are you smoking. The bombing runs are incredibly devastating and are much easier to use since the change to plane call in's.

The anti infantry loiter IL-2 can rip apart light vehicles AND infantry, while also doing suppression.
29 Apr 2015, 19:31 PM
avatar of Banillo

Posts: 134

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Apr 2015, 18:37 PMVuther
Sprint provides double the movement speed bonus of Oorah! to compensate for the duration difference. Personally I'd regard the former as more useful as the higher speed bonus lets units that are going to be in a pickle out of it ASAP or allows CQC units to minimize being out of optimal range and more effectively slip in before the enemy shoots them down. It's rare you'll be both be chasing and running away to make the higher duration on Oorah! more useful - if you're just doing one of them, do it faster.

I would also not regard Tactical Movement and For Mother Russia as really comparable - being a third of the price is a giant difference in usability.

For example would you take an accurate small barrage for 60 munitions or an accurate much larger barrage for 180 munitions with all else being alike? The larger barrage would be more effective when it hits a large blob but the much smaller barrage gives you far more chances to hit at all and is more cost-effective against non-blobs. It'd be claiming "Oorah! sucks because Tactical Movement is the like same thing except for all of your infantry for 4X the price" but I of course wouldn't do that because one is a still pretty different doctrinal ability and not always will you really need all your infantry to move faster.

i tested the oorah vs sprint and i was able to cover cca 50% more distance with orrah than with sprint. if sprint was twice the speed than they would travel the same distance under the effect of their abilities, so its faster than oorah but not twice as fast.
29 Apr 2015, 19:57 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

The IL-2 strafes are much better than the JU-87 ones, what are you smoking.

Certainly you're having a better dealer.

The bombing runs are incredibly devastating and are much easier to use since the change to plane call in's.

Not a strafe.

The anti infantry loiter IL-2 can rip apart light vehicles AND infantry, while also doing suppression.

JU AT loiter rips apart light vehicles, medium vehicles, weapon teams, to a lesser extend but still effective because of AoE and damage infantry AND does suppression as an icing on the cake.

So yea, whatever you are smoking, the shit melts a brain.
29 Apr 2015, 20:07 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Apr 2015, 19:57 PMKatitof

Certainly you're having a better dealer.

Not a strafe.

JU AT loiter rips apart light vehicles, medium vehicles, weapon teams, to a lesser extend but still effective because of AoE and damage infantry AND does suppression as an icing on the cake.

So yea, whatever you are smoking, the shit melts a brain.

If you are talking about the amount of plane call in's then Axis has an advantage simply because they are more common, but the CAS ability (not the doctrine) targets tanks first and infantry second, but it's first an AT strafe with a smaller AoE for killing infantry.

The IL-2 strafe in advanced warfare is good, the equivalent of the Ost single pin strafe.

The IL-2 anti tank run is extremely powerful, capable to killing tanks and wiping out entire armies of infantry.

The Il-2 bombing run does insanely huge damage and comes in fast, basically means if your tank is disabled and a player has this ability said tank is dead. Also excellent for killing trucks

The IL-2 anti infantry loiter does a lot of damage to infantry while also suppressing them, something the Ost equivalent can't do.

TLDR: Ost just has ability's the other factions don't, P-47's have the benefit of following tanks while the CAS ability does not.
29 Apr 2015, 20:10 PM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Apr 2015, 19:31 PMBanillo

i tested the oorah vs sprint and i was able to cover cca 50% more distance with orrah than with sprint. if sprint was twice the speed than they would travel the same distance under the effect of their abilities, so its faster than sprint but not twice as fast.

Its double the bonus, not double the total effectiveness of their movement speed's summed up. You also thought of the sole advantage of Oorah! over Sprint that I personally couldn't come up with - getting to a far spot faster. That being said, I remain certain I would take Sprint over Oorah! in a combat situation any day as it is far more valuable to get to a distance that the unit needs to be ASAP when being shot at.
29 Apr 2015, 20:16 PM
avatar of Banillo

Posts: 134

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Apr 2015, 20:10 PMVuther

Its double the bonus, not double the total effectiveness of their movement speed's summed up. You also thought of the sole advantage of Oorah! over Sprint that I personally couldn't come up with - getting to a far spot faster. That being said, I remain certain I would take Sprint over Oorah! in a combat situation any day as it is far more valuable to get to a distance that the unit needs to be ASAP when being shot at.

very well explained. tnx
29 Apr 2015, 20:29 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

If you are talking about the amount of plane call in's then Axis has an advantage simply because they are more common, but the CAS ability (not the doctrine) targets tanks first and infantry second, but it's first an AT strafe with a smaller AoE for killing infantry.

The IL-2 strafe in advanced warfare is good, the equivalent of the Ost single pin strafe.

The IL-2 anti tank run is extremely powerful, capable to killing tanks and wiping out entire armies of infantry.

The Il-2 bombing run does insanely huge damage and comes in fast, basically means if your tank is disabled and a player has this ability said tank is dead. Also excellent for killing trucks

The IL-2 anti infantry loiter does a lot of damage to infantry while also suppressing them, something the Ost equivalent can't do.

TLDR: Ost just has ability's the other factions don't, P-47's have the benefit of following tanks while the CAS ability does not.

Put down the crack pipe already.

Its IL-2 strafe vs JU-87 AT strafe, nothing more so how in the world are you coming up with all other abilities?

As I've said, whoever your dealer is, his stuff melts your brain and its getting worse post by post.
29 Apr 2015, 20:37 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Apr 2015, 20:29 PMKatitof

Put down the crack pipe already.

Its IL-2 strafe vs JU-87 AT strafe, nothing more so how in the world are you coming up with all other abilities?

As I've said, whoever your dealer is, his stuff melts your brain and its getting worse post by post.

You know the IL-2 loiter strafe is supposed to be a counter for enemy infantry right? The JU-87 AT loiter strafe is for countering enemy tanks.

Might as well compare the shrapnel bombing run to P-47's.
29 Apr 2015, 20:51 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

You know the IL-2 loiter strafe is supposed to be a counter for enemy infantry right? The JU-87 AT loiter strafe is for countering enemy tanks.

Might as well compare the shrapnel bombing run to P-47's.

You're aware that JU-87 AT loiter does everything IL-2 loiter does+it kills tanks and weapon teams(kills as in destroys weapon)?

Not even sure what you want to argue here.

JU-87 is vastly overperforming and instead of AT strafe its even worse then old IL-2 strafe as it obliterates everything.

How blind and stubborn you have to be to even try to justify that?
29 Apr 2015, 20:58 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Apr 2015, 20:51 PMKatitof

You're aware that JU-87 AT loiter does everything IL-2 loiter does+it kills tanks and weapon teams(kills as in destroys weapon)?

Not even sure what you want to argue here.

JU-87 is vastly overperforming and instead of AT strafe its even worse then old IL-2 strafe as it obliterates everything.

How blind and stubborn you have to be to even try to justify that?

Well mainly because the JU-87 AT loiter is in a grand total of 2 doctrines only 1 of which is currently in meta use. It sometimes kills enemy infantry, which is fucking infuriating for the player who used the ability because I want my AT loiter to do AT, not shoot at passing seagulls!

The IL-2 bombing runs were buffed, the Loiter is still excellent and it makes the Ostheer pin loiter plane look small time.

If the JU-87 only shot at tanks I would be more than happy.
29 Apr 2015, 21:16 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Well mainly because the JU-87 AT loiter is in a grand total of 2 doctrines only 1 of which is currently in meta use. It sometimes kills enemy infantry, which is fucking infuriating for the player who used the ability because I want my AT loiter to do AT, not shoot at passing seagulls!

The IL-2 bombing runs were buffed, the Loiter is still excellent and it makes the Ostheer pin loiter plane look small time.

If the JU-87 only shot at tanks I would be more than happy.

Are you insane?(rhetorical question really)

B-4, Tiger Ace, JT were all in a single doctrine, it somehow didn't justified their overperformance.

Same for canister shot, med kit drops and Opels.

It does NOT MATTER AT ALL if the overperforming ability is in a single doctrine or in all of them, if its OP, its OP, period.

And again, put the gardening crack pipe DOWN, this is the last chance for you, this shit kills you.

29 Apr 2015, 21:20 PM
avatar of Arclyte

Posts: 692

Is the B4 crap since its nerf? Did they reduce its scatter at all or just take away precision strike? I felt all they needed to do was take away the 50% bonus damage at vet 2. I haven't touched it since. It used to be my go to doctrine for killing jagdtigers and KTs in team games
29 Apr 2015, 21:33 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Apr 2015, 21:20 PMArclyte
Is the B4 crap since its nerf? Did they reduce its scatter at all or just take away precision strike? I felt all they needed to do was take away the 50% bonus damage at vet 2. I haven't touched it since. It used to be my go to doctrine for killing jagdtigers and KTs in team games

At vet 3 it's borderline broken how accurate it is. Who need precision strike when every shot hit's close enough to do full damage and wipe out armies?

A lot of people ignore the insanely huge AoE on the B4, don't really need to hit even close to make a infantry squad evaporate who do heavy damage to tanks.


The thread is about commander abilities dude, chill out.

The JU-87 close air support AT ability is broken, broken in the sense it's targeting priorities are all over the place, but it's still expensive and can be shot down easily by a USF player (rip in piss meat grinder :foreveralone: ).

Simple fix is required is all, make the JU-87 only shoot at tanks, and there you go.
29 Apr 2015, 21:55 PM
avatar of Blackart

Posts: 344

>Booby Trap
Sov: 100MU, OKW: 50MU.

Admittedly the latter is a unit ability.

And then there's the IL-2 strafes vs. the JU-87 strafes.

Soviet Booby Trap is overpriced. For 100MU you can plant 3 mines.
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