
russian armor

Balance of power has shifted to Allies in 4v4AT (imo)

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16 May 2015, 07:39 AM
avatar of Sierra

Posts: 432

I can't be the only one amused by Cookies sudden change of heart and realization that Axis are in more than a bit of a pickle since the last patch, right?
16 May 2015, 07:53 AM
avatar of deusender

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jump backJump back to quoted post16 May 2015, 04:51 AMVolsky
Just felt the need to pop in.

Alex, just...shut up man, please. I don't care if you have good intentions or bad, but half the stuff you argue is just wrong man.

What Ohme said is basically spot on, and has been spot on since vCoH came out and I fought my way up the 1v1 ladder until the Lv 15 plateau. Just...just stahp, plz.

Level 15. Top kek. 16 was the real plateau.
16 May 2015, 08:01 AM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

jump backJump back to quoted post16 May 2015, 07:39 AMSierra
I can't be the only one amused by Cookies sudden change of heart and realization that Axis are in more than a bit of a pickle since the last patch, right?

Probably got tired of a-move iwin soviet cheese.
16 May 2015, 08:09 AM
avatar of Sierra

Posts: 432

Probably got tired of a-move iwin soviet cheese.

I'm tired of all of it. My biggest pet peeve is the infantry blobbing. You'd think MG's are the answer, they really aren't. Mines and wire can help, but not by much.

The worst of it is, I've been saying this all from the beginning, on the Official Forums, on the Steam Forums, here, you can't just nerf Axis over and over again for two years straight, buff Allies almost constantly, and expect it to actually be "Balanced" when you remove the last few clutch plays the Axis have.

Without CAS Doctrine, I don't think there's even a snowball's chance in hell of playing against all of this garbage.

I've tried Lightning War, it works occasionally, Joint Ops, that PaK-43 does wonders and the LeFH-18 is nice to have for offensive artillery action. Jaeger Infantry is also nice in small games, but leaves you open to vehicle spam.

CAS, Ostruppen, these doctrines and their fuel to ammo conversion are the saving grace for Ostheer, OKW in general is just pitiful. Without decent close quarters infantry like the pre-nerf sturmpioneers, or non-squishy Fallschirmjaeger, they are just hosed after that ridiculous nerf to the KT and the Obersoldaten.

Now adays, most games play like a SC2 Zerg vs Zerg game.
16 May 2015, 13:33 PM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
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jump backJump back to quoted post16 May 2015, 07:39 AMSierra
I can't be the only one amused by Cookies sudden change of heart and realization that Axis are in more than a bit of a pickle since the last patch, right?

OKW Has always been up shits creek against soviets. I never denied that or said otherwise,ever.
I just never played OKW a lot before because it was stupidly easy vs USF.
But even back then I said VS USF is easy, vs soviets is a bullshit joke. Because all my OKW Losses back then were to soviets, they STILL ARE. I hate the soviets.

Ost vs USF I always said favored USF on certain maps.
I got very happy for Ostheer when they got their buffs last patch, then started playing them again this patch with lessons learned from playing as USF vs them for 6 months. I no longer struggle with USF unless it's my fault( not a balance fault) or its allied favored map.

SOV vs OST I hate the soviets. Would rather play USF 10/10.

If they're even or better you're not winning. If its allies map,They will make you look stupid almost every time. They're just flat out better.

I was never really fixated on nerfing anything but the USF OKW matchup with volk oBER I win LoveBlob.

now that the EZ I win blob is gone is gone the game is much balanced and enjoyable for that matchup in all modes,simple as that. If you can't beat a rifle blob as OKW right now it's a bad map or bad play by you...really... Just take responsibility for your fails.
Or you're playing Sprice with that zooka flame blob.

while Soviets VS OKW is just even more than a joke now because of call ins and new guards and PTRS cons,and other annoying soviet things. On top of resource penalty. Soviets never run out of steam VS OKW.

I'm not some rabid USF Fanboy, If anything, I'm now joining the Anti communist movement.

USF was just the faction that appealed with me during that 6 month patch cycle,so I ended up playing them the most. Probably gonna be OKW this time around if it takes them 6 months to release another patch.

16 May 2015, 16:01 PM
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16 May 2015, 16:04 PM
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16 May 2015, 17:00 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

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jump backJump back to quoted post16 May 2015, 07:27 AMpigsoup

1. 500-600 2v2 games is "barely any games at all played"? tell me if the link isn't working. why are you looking at someone else's playercard you made up in your head?

You have only around 116 2's played for Axis in 2's and you almost 0 randoms for OKW and USF tells me you really haven't tried to play the game outside of AT's. You do have a fuckbillin games of Soviets.

not really. just because the ranks don't matter that does not mean you can't come up with valid points like how maneuverability does not exist in almost all of 3v3+ maps.

Okay how about trying to make this point instead of insulting people

you know, like how you nitpick/make up stats so you can act like a know it all and condescending to all.

I can be wrong about stats on occasion (which is something everyone does), but "nitpicking" is part of discussing things. And I'm not condescending.

if you wanna insult, be straight. don't lie and make a fake crown for yourself and argue with logic just to be an ass.

Did I accidentally kill your puppy as a child or something?
16 May 2015, 17:12 PM
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jump backJump back to quoted post16 May 2015, 05:20 AMVolsky
Alex, I could just about smack you upside the head if ever met in person.

I've dealt with enough shit today to really not care for arguing, so, okay, yes, you're right, oh omniscient one; please, bathe us in your leetness--ratchet especially, seeing as you ruthlessly exterminated her 1v1...wait...

am I going to have to stomp with him with every faction for, him to get the message?
16 May 2015, 17:19 PM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
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You should really change your name to KingRatchet, it's so funny when people call you a "her" or a "she" MVGame
16 May 2015, 17:20 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

am I going to have to stomp with him with every faction for, him to get the message?

But that would require you to have been let into the Alpha :snfPeter:
16 May 2015, 20:12 PM
avatar of Nathanm465

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jump backJump back to quoted post29 Apr 2015, 15:29 PMKatitof
That is still not really reliable source.

Streaks can be completely different tomorrow or in an hour.

Win ratios doesn't show such fluctuation.

And I doubt that axis suddenly got weaker/stronger over the night based on the streaks alone.

You can never agree upon anything right? All I can see you do is disagree on anything that relates to Allies being good, powerfull or potent, let alone agree with any human being, always knowing whats best not?
16 May 2015, 20:19 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

You can never agree upon anything right? All I can see you do is disagree on anything that relates to Allies being good, powerfull or potent, let alone agree with any human being, always knowing whats best not?

I like to argue :megusta:

But seriously, there is data that is valid and there is data that is not.
When OMGPOP lost his super long streak, did that translated to USF being suddenly weaker/nerfed even though there was no patch?

When he didn't played for months, did that meant the USF were OP and nothing was changed since day 1 despite few patches?

That is how reliable win streaks are as data source.
16 May 2015, 20:35 PM
avatar of Nathanm465

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jump backJump back to quoted post16 May 2015, 20:19 PMKatitof

I like to argue :megusta:

But seriously, there is data that is valid and there is data that is not.
When OMGPOP lost his super long streak, did that translated to USF being suddenly weaker/nerfed even though there was no patch?

When he didn't played for months, did that meant the USF were OP and nothing was changed since day 1 despite few patches?

That is how reliable win streaks are as data source.

Yet is says something about a lot of people being able to get such win streaks with a faction. Recent patch hasn't nerfed soviets or USF hard in any way shape or form.

Do you see Ostheer streaks like that? Do you see OKW streaks in 4v4 like that?

You don't, so it says something doesn't it? Valid data? It seems pretty valid to me, it are stats, more valid than that it won't get. How do you suppose Relic gets their data? In the same way, looking up some win ratios, but by enteritey of factions.

Same concept, different form. Remember the OKW win streaks, overall faction wins and people still defending it? same situation now, just with Soviets in general.
16 May 2015, 21:05 PM
avatar of Specialka

Posts: 144

Yet is says something about a lot of people being able to get such win streaks with a faction. Recent patch hasn't nerfed soviets or USF hard in any way shape or form.

Do you see Ostheer streaks like that? Do you see OKW streaks in 4v4 like that?

You don't, so it says something doesn't it? Valid data? It seems pretty valid to me, it are stats, more valid than that it won't get. How do you suppose Relic gets their data? In the same way, looking up some win ratios, but by enteritey of factions.

Same concept, different form. Remember the OKW win streaks, overall faction wins and people still defending it? same situation now, just with Soviets in general.

I see one ppl with a 91 win streak with OKW in 4v4, btw. You should check your "source".
17 May 2015, 00:06 AM
avatar of Ohme
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Piggy, back in your cage!
17 May 2015, 00:36 AM
avatar of pigsoup
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You have only around 116 2's played for Axis in 2's and you almost 0 randoms for OKW and USF tells me you really haven't tried to play the game outside of AT's. You do have a fuckbillin games of Soviets.

that is because i used to only play soviet for half a year since open beta/launch. so what if i play with AT? so are you going to admit that you were wrong about your own blatantly wrong statement:

" but for smaller games modes you have barely any games at all played. "?

so exactly how many more games should i play as axis 2v2 to satisfy you?

And I'm not condescending. ...

if you say so
17 May 2015, 01:02 AM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post17 May 2015, 00:36 AMpigsoup

that is because i used to only play soviet for half a year since open beta/launch. so what if i play with AT? so are you going to admit that you were wrong about your own blatantly wrong statement:

" but for smaller games modes you have barely any games at all played. "?

so exactly how many more games should i play as axis 2v2 to satisfy you?

if you say so

Nothing wrong with AT's, but I'm just trying to get at your running into a "pot meet kettle" scenario trying to fan the flames of a fire that doesn't exist.

Nobody disagrees with Ohme, and everyone knows the world will drown in angst and tears of joy soon
17 May 2015, 01:22 AM
avatar of pigsoup
Patrion 14

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

Nothing wrong with AT's, but I'm just trying to get at your running into a "pot meet kettle" scenario trying to fan the flames of a fire that doesn't exist.

Nobody disagrees with Ohme, and everyone knows the world will drown in angst and tears of joy soon

if you can't admit that, well, there are no words. fair enough. i'll go back into my pig pen now.
17 May 2015, 01:25 AM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post17 May 2015, 01:22 AMpigsoup

if you can't admit that, well, there are no words. fair enough. i'll go back into my pig pen now.

Do not sulk my friend, soon all will embrace the one true god of Krupp Steel.
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