Russians get early advantage, like US did in vanilla, but the problem is that back in vanilla, germans had hard counter to M8, rifle spam, now as the T34 spams you had to choose either to spend 120 muni on double panzerschrecks (i would have never done that as a vanilla wher = loose one shreck for sure at one moment of the game) making them less effective against inf = they loose any 1v1 against middle game russians. I feel that germans dont have really anything to deal with armor AND inf AT THE SAME TIME, when i counter their tanks i got brainfarts managing inf vs inf cause its just coming from evrywhere ... dont tell me " learn to play its just the begining ", i never had problem managing mutliple units back in vanilla, was lvl 13 with wher, and when the m8 was coming very quick , or a quick sherman, that meant that their inf would be weak. Now, without the veterancy system, you have to deal with equal lvl infantry, but superior armor : i explain myself
When i mean superior armor its chronologically : yes ostheer have better tanks, but they come soooo late, that at a T moment, russians would be more likely to have a better tank than you.
Another "complain" on this balance problem, is the map that are mostly 2v2 ones, wiht large scale, wich didnt really fit for a german player as you get flanked from evrywhere, again the map are quite busy with objects evrywhere, and you speend quite too much time on dodging trees than on fighting, maps need some "battle areas" with hard covers and red ones : places where the game is decided.
I hope other have the same thoughts as me, and lets be constructive, don't " russians are op" or the opposite and don't " evrything will go perfect after the patch"