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RELIC-how about you tell us what is in the march 31 patch!

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18 Mar 2015, 21:10 PM
avatar of IpKaiFung
Benefactor 115

Posts: 1708 | Subs: 2

Do we know if they hired anyone for the balance position? I heard somewhere here that the Relic employee in charge of balance design left.

They decided not to hire anyone. Peter did indeed leave, back in February source
18 Mar 2015, 21:43 PM
avatar of Napalm

Posts: 1595 | Subs: 2

Ugh. That is not good.
18 Mar 2015, 22:12 PM
avatar of MarcoRossolini

Posts: 1042

Pfft, balance, we didn't need it anyway.
18 Mar 2015, 22:53 PM
avatar of van Voort
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Yeah balance is fine

2nd best it's ever been
18 Mar 2015, 23:05 PM
avatar of Deaken

Posts: 2

Which is slightly different from what you posted above...but thank you for altering your position.:) This is all I can hope for. Robust discussion? : good. Polemics? :not so.

So, basically see things from your point of view and sip the "hopefully it turns out ok koolaid" or take from Relic's history of dropping the ball and assume the patch will be a disappointment. Either way it's discussion, even if you don't agree. I don't acre if some Relic employee gets their feelings hurt. I paid for the product and can discuss it how I please.

I think I'll go with past experience and expect a letdown.
18 Mar 2015, 23:16 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Yeah balance is fine

2nd best it's ever been

The game will always be somewhat "balanced" because people will figure out strats that work in the meta. What most people want to see is the meta being shaked up so new strats can emerge.

Ugh. That is not good.

Seeing that coming from you is very funny :)

18 Mar 2015, 23:41 PM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

Really? Then please tell me why my 2x 780's run Crysis 3 and Metro LL redux at over 60 fps no problem but when i play CoH it becomes a problem?

Your right it must be the rig and not the abysmal optimization.

the game doesn't use SLI, regardless of whether or not it is enabled. if you're getting problems it's either that you have old drivers (not sure how not to be snide here but unlikely as i assume you are on current drivers), a new issue has popped up, or something else is going on. if it's just the game running meh then i'm not surprised, CoH2 is a demanding game, particularly with particles and snow and shit. if there's enough of that going on i'll get lag but it runs fine the vast majority of the time.

Too bad our community isn't as civilized as the EU4 Community :P

i don't know what that community is like but the CoH2 community only got really bad with WFA when the balance coincidentally (lol) went down the shitter and still hasn't recovered.
19 Mar 2015, 01:01 AM
avatar of Tobis
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 2307 | Subs: 4

I'm calling it now. The patch goes live, they don't release patch notes. Everybody is confused and tries to figure out what changed.

Then on April 1st the video on the news page appears announcing when the real patch date will be. Commence the hype.
19 Mar 2015, 01:31 AM
avatar of ☭ Калашникова ☭

Posts: 322

if it's just the game running meh then i'm not surprised, CoH2 is a demanding game.

And this is the problem right here, CoH2 is very very demanding while not having omgwtf graphics.
When this game was released only the GTX Titan (GK-110 Chipset) Was able to run this on max settings/AA.

At the time this was a very expensive card, And often two card setups are more cost effective normally.
In this case that being the GK-104 GTX 660 x2.

Games that often need a level of graphic performance more than what a mid range card can provide almost always have SLI/CF support now a days.

When compared to some other games that equal or more demanding because they look way better,

Crysis 3 just has amazing poly counts and texture quality same with Metro LL. These two games give me better FPS when maxed then CoH2 With High AA Hell even Rome 2 maxed gives me a way better fps.

Witcher 2 Ubersampling Literally renders a 1920-1080 screen 4x times every frame and was released in 2011, And then there are those insane Skyrim 200+ graphic mods.

The drift you get it is it was just poorly programmed. Even more so now since WFA came out with all the new graphics bugs like Pink houses, Pink trucks, Invis houses, All black houses.

Insane amount of bug splats, Bug splats caused by maps (Lienne Forest) Bug splats on loading, Bug splats when game goes to post stats screen, Bug splat during victory strikes. Splat Splat Splat Splats.

Cuz mah snowz effects durr. A terribly implemented and not very well though out mechanic that
A good portion of the community just has hated from release. Double up with that and that stupid mud mechanic they had for a while as well.

If i had enough veto's id veto all the snow maps, Not just because blizzards are a stupid mechanic but summer maps don't cause a ton of bugs and crashes.

//Rant Off//

Edit: Cleaned this shit up a bit.
19 Mar 2015, 01:37 AM
avatar of Inverse
Coder Red Badge

Posts: 1678 | Subs: 5

Honestly, people would care a lot less about CoH2's performance if it actually had a proper minimum-settings mode that actually ran well. I don't give a shit if maxing everything out requires a supercomputer, just let me turn everything down enough to actually maintain high frames all game.

I get better FPS playing Dota 2 nearly maxed out than I do playing CoH2 on minimum settings. There's a major problem with that.
19 Mar 2015, 01:45 AM
avatar of HelpingHans
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jump backJump back to quoted post19 Mar 2015, 01:37 AMInverse
Honestly, people would care a lot less about CoH2's performance if it actually had a proper minimum-settings mode that actually ran well. I don't give a shit if maxing everything out requires a supercomputer, just let me turn everything down enough to actually maintain high frames all game.

I get better FPS playing Dota 2 nearly maxed out than I do playing CoH2 on minimum settings. There's a major problem with that.

I agree with Inverse here. I think Relic should be definitely focusing on the performance of the game rather than adding anything new. Secondly they should prepare the game for esports by toning down the massive amounts of RNG involved (e.g plane crashes) alongside reaching out to esport companies and getting them on board to hype up COH2. The truth of the matter is that COH2 needs a real marketing push to get it noticed and where it needs to be.
19 Mar 2015, 01:52 AM
avatar of ☭ Калашникова ☭

Posts: 322

I agree with Inverse here. I think Relic should be definitely focusing on the performance of the game rather than adding anything new. Secondly they should prepare the game for esports by toning down the massive amounts of RNG involved (e.g plane crashes) alongside reaching out to esport companies and getting them on board to hype up COH2. The truth of the matter is that COH2 needs a real marketing push to get it noticed and where it needs to be.

If they focused on the performance of the game then the need for SLI goes away as a mid range card could Handle everything.

Performance hinders all levels of computers in this game, Low end ones cant play it and high end machines don't get the proper FPS of a computer of said quality.

Proper bug fixes (Don't add new ones like relic so often likes to)
And performance increases. Start with the things that matter and then move on to this
games at times rather hilarious balance.
19 Mar 2015, 01:53 AM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

It's never going to happen because the engine was released in an unfinished state. CoH2 was released waaay before it should have been thanks to THQ going under and Relic having to justify it's exsistance to SEGA.

CoH2 was originally going to be a prototype for DoW3, I'm not joking.
19 Mar 2015, 02:03 AM
avatar of _underscore
Donator 33

Posts: 322

No performance issues here on a 7970, which is far older than the game.

Still, have to acknowledge that the majority of the market is using laptops and non-gaming setups. It's a mistake not to cater to them.

Now... if we're talking lag(!!!), disconnects, stability, bugs, etc etc. Then yes. Total disaster.
19 Mar 2015, 02:06 AM
avatar of ☭ Калашникова ☭

Posts: 322

No performance issues here on a 7970, which is far older than the game.

Still, definitely agree that the majority of the market is using laptops and non-gaming setups. It's a mistake not to cater to them.

Now... if we're talking lag(!!!), disconnects, stability, bugs, etc etc. Then yes. Total disaster.

From what ive seen / herd AMD cards generally run this game better than Nvida cards.
19 Mar 2015, 02:13 AM
avatar of Inverse
Coder Red Badge

Posts: 1678 | Subs: 5

Performance is very subjective. As someone who likes to play my games competitively, my minimum standard for performance is 100FPS average, 80FPS minimum. That FPS target gives me a nice cushion before the choppy 60FPS mark and usually results in consistent frames, which is also very important to me because frames tend to influence the speed of screen panning and scrolling in RTS games.

I mean, I could run CoH2 maxed with "no performance issues" if I considered 20FPS to be "no performance issues". Making a statement like that without numbers is kinda meaningless because everyone has a different perspective on the matter.
19 Mar 2015, 02:15 AM
avatar of ☭ Калашникова ☭

Posts: 322

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Mar 2015, 02:13 AMInverse
Performance is very subjective. As someone who likes to play my games competitively, my minimum standard for performance is 100FPS average, 80FPS minimum. That FPS target gives me a nice cushion before the choppy 60FPS mark and usually results in consistent frames, which is also very important to me because frames tend to influence the speed of screen panning and scrolling in RTS games.

I mean, I could run CoH2 maxed with "no performance issues" if I considered 20FPS to be "no performance issues". Making a statement like that without numbers is kinda meaningless because everyone has a different perspective on the matter.

^ This, Good performance most of the time Means Vsyncd @60 minimum.
(Unlike what some guys at Ubisoft would like you to believe lol)
19 Mar 2015, 02:26 AM
avatar of _underscore
Donator 33

Posts: 322

Yeah I think for a strategy game the vsync rate without stutter is most people's target.

I'll turn it off for battlefield and OC the monitor, but that's because it makes aiming easy. 60fps capped is not really a problem in this genre, IMO of course. Maybe I'm not so competitive.
19 Mar 2015, 02:27 AM
avatar of Inverse
Coder Red Badge

Posts: 1678 | Subs: 5

I would never turn on v-sync in any competitive game.
19 Mar 2015, 02:31 AM
avatar of ☭ Калашникова ☭

Posts: 322

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Mar 2015, 02:27 AMInverse
I would never turn on v-sync in any competitive game.

Really depends on the engine..

Some engines preform better when Vsync'd then when at 150+ FPS. Especially old games.

Vsync does have its advantages. When capped at 60 (Some games allow you to Vsync at 80 or even 100)

It puts less strain on your card/s and allows more consistent fps with lower potential studdering.
Again all dependent on the engine.
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