map size: 256x256 (same as "Crossing in the Woods", "Kholodnaya Ferma")
The map is designed to:
- neither favor a faction nor a starting position.
- offer Long Range and close Range Combat.
- offer regions for tank and infantry battles
Resources are distributed equally over the whole battlefield.
Tac Map overview (updated 13th of march)
Additional Screenshots
Tactical Intention:
- The Northern Castle ruins offer a lot of cover, sight and move blockers and favour close range units
- The middle is more open but can be flank from several sides, yields no resources, but is a strategic valuable defensive position and offers a base for impanding attacks on cut offs.
- The South favours long range and is very accessable for medium and heavy tanks.
Steam Workshop link (2) Eszterhaza
Steam Workshop link (4) Fertod
I appreciate any feedback.
The map is based on the Castle Eszterháza in Fertőd, Hungary. It is not a 1:1 copy tho.
UPATE CHANGELOG 13th of March:
-Loading background added.
-Tactical Map adjusted.
-Sector overhaul.
-Atmosphere settings changed.
-Tons of details added.