
russian armor

reasoning for putting a flak gun on the OKW base building?

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4 Mar 2015, 18:33 PM
avatar of Imagelessbean

Posts: 1585 | Subs: 1

The building plus 1 AT gun in the area hard counters almost anything the Allies can field (except long range arty which takes ages to kill it). It also has 0 pop cap and so requires huge investments in pop cap and MP just to attack while it itself costs nothing to sit. The unit is TOO COST EFFECTIVE!

Either remove the gun on it, make it an expensive upgrade, reduce armor significantly, or make the building more expensive.

My vote is to remove the gun. It is not interesting to have a player be able to lock off part of the map for 0 pop. That is a brain dead start.
4 Mar 2015, 18:50 PM
avatar of medhood

Posts: 621

It's not like you can't have Lt and Cpt and Mjr or T4 cannot be built behind shot blockers.

You will say, go for Cpt. Cool, but how I can get mines or HMG then?

No he did not have advantage. It was really high level game. OKW player was loosing. Losts 2 Schweres and was able to make THIRD one.

Really? Im force to go for doctrine to counter BUILDING?

You can cancel the building when its getting built and have your resources refunded so that must've happened or the allied player was a clueless monkey

But Obers have 0,75 dps on move while Paras only 0,25. #ProAxis

Paras get 2 lmgs from their lmg upgrade aswell as an ability to surpress with the said mgs the paras also have 2 extra men in their squad

But in all seriousness people it is an static target that cant move, the artillery from the mechanized commander of usf can bring its health down to like 5% but Im not telling you to choose this commander to take it out its an example if you wanna take it out quickly smoke it and satchel/demo it if you dont wanna waste the munitions then keep bombarding it but do a frontal assault on it after bombarding a little to give it a quick deathblow and Im talking tanks if you're scared of his force than attack the flak truck after you defeated a majority of his forces that way he is weakened and will have trouble protecting it just always be prepared be ready to take this thing down as soon as you can if you're usf and scared of the truck popping up early tech up to the captain as he has the counters for it (at guns & howitzer) and if you went for the other guy then tech up and get a mortar tank out or something

If you still cant find a to fight it just get a friend goto custom games create a situation where this thing is giving you shit and find ways to destroy now remember that the okw player can send troops to defend it so have that in mind
4 Mar 2015, 18:59 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Paras get 2 lmgs from their lmg upgrade aswell as an ability to surpress with the said mgs the paras also have 2 extra men in their squad

And what's the point of that? Suppress? You mean the ability during which Paras are damn vulnerable?

2 LMGs? So...?

2 extra men.. Great.

I would change Pras for Obers anytime.
4 Mar 2015, 19:06 PM
avatar of medhood

Posts: 621

And what's the point of that? Suppress? You mean the ability during which Paras are damn vulnerable?

2 LMGs? So...?

2 extra men.. Great.

I would change Pras for Obers anytime.

I'd rather paras they get to plant demo charges can be upgrade to either be good in close combat or long range combat can reinforce at the relay beacons while obers are just good at shooting infantry that are running at them
4 Mar 2015, 19:06 PM
avatar of WingZero

Posts: 1484

Obers are clearly better than Paras (pay 120muni to compete?)
4 Mar 2015, 19:10 PM
avatar of medhood

Posts: 621

Obers are clearly better than Paras (pay 120muni to compete?)
I'd rather paras and even they can help take the flak truck out just pop smoke with a rifleman squad, sherman or another source onto the truck and other the paras to plant a demo charge on it one wont take it but a big chunk of its health is gone
4 Mar 2015, 19:12 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

I'd rather paras they get to plant demo charges can be upgrade to either be good in close combat or long range combat can reinforce at the relay beacons while obers are just good at shooting infantry that are running at them

It's demo with timer. It's useful only to destroy trucks.
Obers don't need close range DPS since they melt everything before something reaches them.
But still you can get STGs. With STG they are Shocks+Grens at once.

Beacon? Really? This is advantage?

Just good at shooting infantry? And Paras are good vs vehilces?

Go back to the game because you don't have much experience right now.

4 Mar 2015, 19:26 PM
avatar of medhood

Posts: 621

It's demo with timer. It's useful only to destroy trucks.
Obers don't need close range DPS since they melt everything before something reaches them.
But still you can get STGs. With STG they are Shocks+Grens at once.

Beacon? Really? This is advantage?

Just good at shooting infantry? And Paras are good vs vehilces?

Go back to the game because you don't have much experience right now.

Its a demo thats useful for killing the truck that you are complaining about and obers definitely have their advantage but you rarely see more than 2 unless its a team game you also have riflemen who have their smoke grenades for 15 munitions that can stop obers or the flak truck shooting at you forcing the oberkommando west player to move up his obers and out of cover which they are probably in, you have countless players giving you advice yet you dont try any of it if you wanna know how to counter the thing then why dont you play as oberkommando west in 1v1 and do what they do to you and see how other players counter it

Edit: each paratrooper cost 28mp each obersoldaten cost 50 mp , paratroopers with lmgs cant beat obers in a 1v1 if both are in the same cover type but if the paras can pull off a successful suppression they can win with 1 casualty I tested the suppression ability with my friend and it wont suppress fast enough if the obers are in green cover but in yellow it doesnt matter

It takes 2 demo charges from the paras to take out an aa flak truck so if you have 2 paratrooper squads and a rifleman squad it will cost you 105 munitions to take it out (rifleman need to pop smoke on it) and speaking from experience in multiplayer when I had to face the trucks alone ( I mostly played team games) 3 satchel charges from penals will take the truck out and if you dont have them then about 2 demo charges from engineers

Now earlier you said paratroopers suppression ability isnt that useful well you must've used it on units in green cover and if you paras died then they werent in proper cover themselves
4 Mar 2015, 19:30 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Not building. Its ok to unit doctrine to counter doctrine but doctrine vs stock, not to mention buidling is broken.

I belive Guards and Grens can't use LMGs while moving.

No, it's not. The game was literally designed around using doctrine units to counter stock units. Do you think the commander system exists just for shits and giggles?

Obers are clearly better than Paras (pay 120muni to compete?)

Not because Obers are better, but because the LMG34 is very good. If you want Obers to be less bullshit then the solution is to make Ober's better, but remove the LMG34 or make it a 120 munition upgrade.
4 Mar 2015, 19:36 PM
avatar of WingZero

Posts: 1484

I'd rather paras and even they can help take the flak truck out just pop smoke with a rifleman squad, sherman or another source onto the truck and other the paras to plant a demo charge on it one wont take it but a big chunk of its health is gone

USF still needs substantial amount of resources to take a building out (COH2 never had this BS game play before WFA). Why can't we have a game play where players are awarded for tactical positioning, cut off, and battles, why waste time on destroy tech buildings (it's a stupid design)? Problem is not destroying the building, the building itself is too good for for it's cost, suppresses infantry, substantial damage against medium armor, locks down cut off points. I guarantee you if this building was not limited to 1, players will spam this across the map. This is from 1 v 1 perspectives.
4 Mar 2015, 19:44 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Its a demo thats useful for killing the truck that you are complaining about and obers definitely have their advantage but you rarely see more than 2 unless its a team game you also have riflemen who have their smoke grenades for 15 munitions that can stop obers or the flak truck shooting at you forcing the oberkommando west player to move up his obers and out of cover which they are probably in, you have countless players giving you advice yet you dont try any of it if you wanna know how to counter the thing then why dont you play as oberkommando west in 1v1 and do what they do to you and see how other players counter it

Said guy who has 1 1v1 as OKW :lol:

It's not a problem to use smoke from Sherman and put 2 demos.
It's just how expesinve it is.

You rarely see more then 2 Obers.
Maybe you dont know, but you rarely see more than 2 Paras.

Stop Obers from what? They will till smoke ends and what's more, smoke is useless vs them.
For example, vs Grens, it forces them to move. While moving they can't use LMG.
Obers just laught at smoke. Cause it forces them to go back like Grens but they still can shoot while moving with 75% of DPS.

How you can give any advices someone who is playing this game more and Im sure someone who is better.
Come on, even 4v4 AT as Axis is difficult for You.

No, it's not. The game was literally designed around using doctrine units to counter stock units. Do you think the commander system exists just for shits and giggles?

Nope. They can help to deal with stock units but all factions have counter in stock units.
Commanders are hard counters for other commanders. B4? Stuka. IS2? Elephant. ISU? Elephnat and on... and on...
It's not like Pz4? IS2. SU85? Elephant T34/76? Tiger. It's not like that. It's helpful but you have everything in tiers to counter other tiers.
4 Mar 2015, 19:51 PM
avatar of medhood

Posts: 621

Said guy who has 1 1v1 as OKW :lol:

It's not a problem to use smoke from Sherman and put 2 demos.
It's just how expesinve it is.

You rarely see more then 2 Obers.
Maybe you dont know, but you rarely see more than 2 Paras.

Stop Obers from what? They will till smoke ends and what's more, smoke is useless vs them.
For example, vs Grens, it forces them to move. While moving they can't use LMG.
Obers just laught at smoke. Cause it forces them to go back like Grens but they still can shoot while moving with 75% of DPS.

Im sure infantry cant shoot at whats behind them when their backs are turned and if you force em off doesnt the enemy
I also feel honored that you check my stats and I apologize for buying the game cause I wanted to play with my friends as we all had so much fun together on Company of Heroes 1 and we just needed another game to fight each other on so badly
4 Mar 2015, 19:53 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Im sure infantry cant shoot at whats behind them when their backs are turned and if you force em off doesnt the enemy
I also feel honored that you check my stats and I apologize for buying the game cause I wanted to play with my friends as we all had so much fun together on Company of Heroes 1 and we just needed another game to fight each other on so badly

And you should you apologize me? Go, play, have fun like everyone. Just don't teach others something you dont know, like gold thought that Guards or Grens can shoot on the move as well as Obers.

Learn the game first.
4 Mar 2015, 19:54 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Nope. They can help to deal with stock units but all factions have counter in stock units.
Commanders are hard counters for other commanders. B4? Stuka. IS2? Elephant. ISU? Elephnat and on... and on...
It's not like Pz4? IS2. SU85? Elephant T34/76? Tiger. It's not like that. It's helpful but you have everything in tiers to counter other tiers.

Because that's how the game was designed

OKW commanders focus on augmenting your play style by filling holes in your unit roster, Ostheer commanders focus on improving your own units.
4 Mar 2015, 19:59 PM
avatar of WiFiDi
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3293

was the giant letters really nesscary...
4 Mar 2015, 20:03 PM
avatar of medhood

Posts: 621

And you should you apologize me? Go, play, have fun like everyone. Just don't teach others something you dont know, like gold thought that Guards or Grens can shoot on the move as well as Obers.

Learn the game first.

Im sure anything I said earlier was the truth on how units perform and I gave countless viable counters against okw trucks both that I use and used against me while out of my group of friend I use okw the most they found my obers overpowered and wouldnt let me use okw for a while s they wanted "revenge" and in our next 1v1s I did my best to adept I found smoke and double sided attacks effective against the ones who arnt idiots (the normal ones know the game mechanics and try to use cover and tactics the idiots would charge their obers through red cover and just lose them) now Im sure this went off topic cause we are arguing about obers when its about the flak truck as it says in the title
I have fun with the game I had 330 hours of fun on it I may not know everything but I know enough to get me through Im just another average player trying to help you out at the end of the day the biggest difference is how you control you units and what you do with them but trust me if you have trouble with flak trucks just used the tactic used on you to find its weakness keep on abusing it until someone beats you then use what that guy did to you
4 Mar 2015, 20:04 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Because that's how the game was designed
OKW commanders focus on augmenting your play style by filling holes in your unit roster, Ostheer commanders focus on improving your own units.

Then you must decide if commander are designed to counter stock units or to fill holes or improve units.
4 Mar 2015, 20:04 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post4 Mar 2015, 19:59 PMWiFiDi
was the giant letters really nesscary...

Yes, because not enough people realize that using doctrine units to counter non-doctrine units is how the game has been since day 1.
4 Mar 2015, 20:05 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Then you must decide if commander are designed to counter stock units or to fill holes or improve units.

Commander design is different for every faction in the game, USF fill holes like OKW does. Soviets are entirely based around using doctrine units as the core of your army.
4 Mar 2015, 20:08 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Im sure anything I said earlier was the truth on how units perform and I gave countless viable counters against okw trucks both that I use and used against me while out of my group of friend I use okw the most they found my obers overpowered and wouldnt let me use okw for a while s they wanted "revenge" and in our next 1v1s I did my best to adept I found smoke and double sided attacks effective against the ones who arnt idiots (the normal ones know the game mechanics and try to use cover and tactics the idiots would charge their obers through red cover and just lose them) now Im sure this went off topic cause we are arguing about obers when its about the flak truck as it says in the title
I have fun with the game I had 330 hours of fun on it I may not know everything but I know enough to get me through Im just another average player trying to help you out at the end of the day the biggest difference is how you control you units and what you do with them but trust me if you have trouble with flak trucks just used the tactic used on you to find its weakness keep on abusing it until someone beats you then use what that guy did to you

You obviously dont know what's the problem.
1. SU have no problems with dealing with flak base.
2. USF have problems. No AT Gun or no HMG.
3. Smoke+2demo. Count how many ammo this is.
4. Now think about spending that amount of ammo to counter a bulding.
5. CoH2 is about capping points. You can't cap if there is flakbase
6. Flakbase was deisgned to defend point with 200% income. This feature no longer exists.
And many many other points why flak base should not be in current form but right now Im going to watch Liverpool - Burnley :megusta:
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