(2-4) Duclair

Today welcomes the return of Duclair, one of OnkelSam's most successful maps from CoH1, a well balanced map and a favourite of many Company of Heroes veterans. Though originally a fantastic map a small list of changes had to be made when porting it over to CoH2. All outdated models have been updated, slight changes have been made to the atmoshpere, the territories have had a large overhaul to fit CoH2's capture system and resource changes. The rest of the map I have tried to keep as original as possible so as not to tarnish its originality. Though I am welcome to all suggestions for improvements.

The layout itself remains the same as the original, though I have made minor changes to the amount of territories and the locations of resources. The fuel points are pushed to the exterior corners of the map and the munitions have been placed near the central VP to allow for some good tactical maneuvers. Flanking is a big thing on Duclair as it is almost impossible to hold such a wide frontline, even between two players there is a lot of territory to cover.
Workshop Link:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=377719922
Special thanks goes out to the creator of Duclair our beloved OnkelSam, and also to Janne, MonolithicBacon, VonKluge, Sarantini, StephennJF, WiFiDi, pigsoup and Srinidhalaya for helping with playtesting and helping this project get off the ground.

Happy Gaming,